After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3327 how will this be a pleasant!

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The extent did not answer him, just looked at the horror of Yun Yu's eyes, his mouth Zhang Zhang was a word.

If the body is unconscious, if it is not pressed by the devil, it is afraid to be ran.

My goodness! How can it be this pleasant!

No, it is him!

I know that it is him, what do I still insist? I told him that everything is not, it will be the sin?

I think of myself in the demon palace to be given by a group of men ... bad.

Suddenly, the hearts of the proximity were grieved.

The blood magic saw the exquisite half of the way, directly to the way: "Bold! Who allows you to stare at the Devil's emperor, don't want it?"

He drinks such a drink, and the people around them are immediately reacted, and they are so hard to look hard.

At the same time, someone immediately shouted again, "My Emperor Weiwu!"

Outside the other people also shouted, and the departments finally returned to God.

I bowed down and shouted: "My emperor Ying Ming Shenwu! Yellow Rui wisdom!"

"Welfare God? Wisdom? This is your true heart?" Yun Yu said unfair, and his face has a deep smile, let the pro caused to hear a hair.

The departments of the departments are looking at the distance from the distance, but they have doubts.

Liu Zhengye asked: "Two young masters, how do you feel that this Mode is saying that the words are like words?"

"This is surprised, it is unexpected, it is difficult to see it before?"

The departments will nod, "Well."

At this time, he looks at this time. If you have a little deficiency, maybe the outside people don't understand what, but he wear a pants with his brother, he is a child, he will be unclear?

Even if it is collapsed, the departments will not be serious, let alone the brothers and deaths have long been in addition.

What else can you restart?

The approach heard the words of Yun Yun, but the next moment of tears, I looked at Yun Yun, my hands were lined with the chest.

It looks like a woman who is afraid of being infringed. The mouth is said with a cry of the cries. It is actually in the past. "

One meal, the process went to the debut: "However, this can not be full of people ... Who will make it clear that it can be clear, but it is like a person, but I am not only like this."

"What are he talking about?" The people of the side suddenly listened to the strange.

"I don't know, but I see this, it seems that he wants to tell the person, it seems to be another reason to be rude to him?"

Some people are inde sure, and the eyes of doubtful eyes look at the pro.

"However, he is not also said that the man claims to be our magic emperor?"

The words did not let Yun Wei eliminated the coolness, so that the opponent's colors sink a bit.

I saw this, I immediately went to Yun Yuyi, whispered a few words.

The coldness of Yun Wei is scattered. "You have had a vow to say that the emperor is the same, saying that someone will pretend to be the emperor, how is it for you, this is not a small thing, it is also related to the emperor."

"This matter is inconvenient to interrogate the audience, come and bring this person."

The departure of the exquisite is a breath, just right, just, it is not a bit, this feeling is coming to Xiaoyu, and look at his eyes.

Soon, the proceedings were taken behind the devil.

Yun Yuzhen sight and swept away from those people, saying faintly: "You are all right!"

"Xie Devil's emperor!" The people around him got up.

Some of the landscaping people and some of those family members have also been trying to make the best Endongzhuang, hoping to cause Yun Yu's attention, even if they stay in them.


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