After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3328 really looks at the Lingling of Shangshi?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Yun Yuyu's sight, some people are excited to move on the face, and the eyes are squatting, and the hard work is not allowed to make themselves.

Some people can't help but nervously, the body is stretched straight, and the hands are tightly grasped on both sides, and the forehead can't help but sweat, and they don't dare to move the breathing.

"Brother, my brother ... The Magic Emperor is like it, it seems to be watching me ..." The Palace Yi Ling found that Yun Yu's eyes suddenly waken away a circle, suddenly returned to their palace's direction, and from From the perspective, still look at the orientation of her.

This makes the Palace Tieling, and the hand immediately took the palace next to it.

"My brother, the emperor is laughing!" The palace is tense with a hand, and the other hand pulled the pride.

Palace proud of course noticed that Yun Wei's gaze is to look at them, just, the Devil is really watching his sister?

Palace proudly turned to look at the Palace, and couldn't help but look at her.

God can not help but, who is this person?

Yun Wei hopes a look of a handsome man behind the palace, and the mouth is slightly evoked, but his eyes are cold.

Palace Pengyu also noticed that Yun Yu's view, the brow could not help but wrinkled.

Qian Hui said quietly: "The master, the emperor has been watching the palace house? Is it going to see the Shang Lingling?"

"It should not." Chang Liang's intuitive thinks that the eyes of their magic times are the eyes of women.

"It's impossible, the emperor will not be so beautiful." Chang Ya said that he had a bride, and his face suddenly became ugly.

She also noticed that the Devil has always stared at the palace family and laughed?

Don't you really look at the palace?


Although she is doubting, she is still comfortable: it is not, the Magic Emperor is impact to play with the palace family.

At this time, Yun Yun's eyes stayed in the orientation of the palace. It has been a for a while, and it is also a minute of modern times.

So long, but didn't talk, it is looking at it.

Others have also begun to pay attention, and they will guess.

"Why always look at the palace home?"

"I don't know, just look from this angle, it seems to be in the lake family?"

"It seems that you see that Miss Palace is shy."

"Hey, shouldn't it be a Miss of the Magic Emperor to see the Miss of the palace? Stared to see it for a while."

The discussion of the others, naturally, the Palace also heard some voices, which made her feel more about their own ideas.

The Emperor is really looking at yourself.

At this moment, the palace is not afraid that it is proud. She said! I haven't had the woman's position in my heart.

That woman is not lucky, it will take a tire, where is she worse than her?

Besides, she is just that I have encountered the emperor, if the Devil's first encounter is her palace, how can we have a wind?

The more I want to be confident, the more I am confident.

There were still some nervousness and Yun Wei, which was in the beginning, this will not be completely, even chest. The is tightly straight, showing the best smile and Yun Yu '.

Although Yun Hao did not pay attention to her, but the others thought that they were mutually condensed.

Let some women envy and embarrass, and just bite the darkness of the constant.


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