After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3333 Is it that the hit is too big, which makes his temperament?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Qian Hui is not stopped, but also supports. "Master, let's go with you! Don't let Yan Jie trying to know the emperor? We are young, beautiful, more than the palace But there is more lively. "

"Why do you also follow it?" Changliang straight.

Although it is very fierce, money is just a smile: "This is so hard to meet the opportunity of the Devil Emperor, if you miss it, you may have to touch it again."

"Again, you also know the temper, don't let her try it will be dead, you don't know if we don't know if we don't know if you have forgotten Korean Korean to see Emperor, sneak into the demon, and finally lost his life? "

Speaking of Han Zi smoked, Han Chengjun's god change, with silk hesitation.

Seeing that his look is no longer as good as just now, Qian Hui's mouth rose, followed by continuing: "Master, you don't think about things, if you have no achievements, you will give her a lesson. Good. Look at the situation today, the most refused, it is hard to kill her? Just n't I don't have anything? "

"Okay, okay, rest assured! Let's go back and wait for the news."

Chang Liang looks at money Hui, still hesitating, "But ..."

"Don't, listen to the funist, let's go!" Qian Huizhen smiled and slept, no matter what he was not happy, pulled it directly to the usual.

Finally, Chang Liang looked at the direction of the crowd in the end, but also shook his head helpless, and he hoped this ...

Although this comfort is still a bit uneasy, this kind of restlessness is not coming, it is not that the team is not in the team, but after the things that have just happened, the feeling of his heart has gone. And not only didn't leave with the Devil's team.

Now it is more intense, at this moment, I can only find myself, hope is my own illusion.

"Hey, how do we do now?" Han Ru smoke saw the team, hurriedly asked.

Han Chengjun's wicked doubt, it seems to think about what.

"Hey? What are you thinking?"

See Han Chengjun did not respond, Han Xi smoke once again.

"Walk, go to the next section." Han Chengjun did not say that it took Han Xi to smoke.

Although I don't know why I suddenly, but the decision of Han Chengjun is also in touch with her.

However, Han Xi's smoke did not pay attention to Han Chengjun's face at this time.

"Do home owner? We ..." A guard of Li Jiayu asked Li Ziqi.

Li Zizhan has always looked at the direction of the devil's disappearance, but there is no reaction.

An old man standing around and then opened again. "The owner is thinking, this is a little abnormally today?"

"Well." Li Zi was only a slice reaction, just a more downside.

"Although it is nothing to do with the devil, it is very rare, but it is still so sudden."

"Uncle, I have just noticed that the emperor's eyes of the man named Hu Linger?" Li Zi said, look to the elderly.

Li Wei, "If you really do what you do, you will look at the man, but the old man wants unknown. If you have always been cold and not a good man, how can you suddenly have an ordinary strange man? Is it too big to hit the year, make him change? "

Li Zi was suddenly revealing a smile, and then he was whispering around him.

The hand is immediately illustrated, and turn it away.


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