After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

What is the problem with the Hu Ling?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Li Wei looked at the eyes and didn't ask, and said directly: "This time, the debut of the Devils patrol is also an unexpected. If it is not in advance, it is a patrol, and I thought it was going to fight."

Said, Li Wei can't help but shook his head, still feel a little incredible.

The plum of the plum mouth is hidden, "Maybe it's really doing."

"Oh? What is the owner?" Li Yu suddenly curious.

Next to others, the face is also can't help but show a subtle, and they will look at Li Zi.

However, Li Zi Yan is a laughing, tone, tone: "I don't know this, maybe I only have a clear emperor, but I am very strange, this time he didn't say anything to us, after all It is also a closed door before, only in the past, but it didn't have a close time. "

Another Li Jia Middle-aged man, with a face of the face: "It's also a landlord to travel, but I have nothing to say, I have nothing to say to a few words to a few words, just have a face, I will leave. Oh, it is really his own style of the emperor, I am in my own, I want to come out, I have never touched it. "

He ridiculously, and others are naturally listened. Some Li family in the scene is not very good.

Li Zi Yan looked at the eye, smiles shallow smile, speed slowly: "It is not too much, people who can touch the emperor are still, just ... The man is in the world. man of."

Everyone heard the words, suddenly facing the face, the people of their monks said, they all know.

The man is the queen of the god, and the enemy of their devil, but also people who are discussing now.

Everyone also knows the same thing, although I have anger, but I have never been said.

Li Wei looked at the crowd that was already spread on the side. "Since the emperor has left, we will return!"

Li Zi Yan did not speak, turned to the direction of Li House.

Many people have followed the team of the Devil, and those who were originally at the forefront, some originally wanted to take this opportunity to pay attention, but now there is no chance, and it is not easy to think about the people. Chasing the Devil's Royal Royal Royal, eventually only choosing to go to the government.

"Emperor, is you really planning to pay for the magic?" Mo Yi couldn't help but look at the clouds of the tea in the car.

"You guess." Yun Wei felt, said that I got up a pastry.

Mo Wei immediately noted a few dishes in front of him, and that point is only to see who did it.

If you don't consciously scroll, you will flow under the water.

"It will not be. However, the emperor, this ... this is like it seems that it seems to be very delicious!"

Yun Wei faintly, pretending to hear, and did not see his desire to lightly sound, and then gone.

Mo Yi can't help but also: "Emperor, so much, have you finished eating? If you don't eat ..."

"Can." Yun Wei directly blocked the ink.

When the ink face, the expression suddenly snatched, and the mouth was twitched.

"This is done by the master, do you think the royal house is given to others?" He smiled.

Mo Wei turned over and turned over, "Of course, I know, I just ask."

Although Si Yan looked at the shape of the dessert very novel, I also want to taste it, but I still understand that their main spleen is not open.

"The emperor, what is the problem?" Siwu looked at Yun Yu.


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