After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3349, ask the emperor to let the emperor! 1

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The silver fox is somewhat uncomfortable, but just opened it, it is not only that, but even the body can not move.

Such a change made the silver fox in the heart of the silver fox, but it can not be sent, and it is only a pair of eyes to stand in Yun Yu.

Yun Wei completely ignored him, the line of sight through the door door.

At this time, I just sounded again, "Your Majesty! Today, I will only give a clear attitude, if you still choose a lonely sealed man, let the devil continue to depart, if this, the grass people, etc. Just ... "

The silver fox in the carriage is very angry, but at this time, he heard the outside, but it suddenly laughed. Although there is no sound, but a pair of eyes is a bad thing, and it is a smile.

Yun Wei did not pay attention to him, the thin lips were thrilled, and the sound of coolness was sounded.

"What can I only?"

Quiet, a simple voice with a unique momentum.

The Devil finally opened, and this calmly asked, but the surrounding people felt infinite pressure.

His surprise made everyone looked tense, and those people who were full of angry, they couldn't control the tremuli, and weapons hurried down.

Palace Pengyu looked at the reactions around the people, and the eyes were slightly squinted, and they rose a slap in their eyes.

The brown man took a deep breath, and he looked high after calming: "The Mozi just wants to make a king! If the Magic Emperor can't do it, then, only the power can be!"

His words came out, and surrounded by a stroke of the sound.

The gods of the devil team were also surprised.

Experience under the Open into O-shaped, completely shocked, "God! Does this person don't want to live?"

"What is the difference between this to make the palace?"

Even if many people have already agreed before, it is true that the Emperor is coming out, but the inner is still inhibiting nervousness and even scared.

When the brown man said, many people could not help but be white, nervously looked at the direction of the Warcraft, and the legs could not be trembled.

Almost all of the people of each vision and those who have almost exposed their mistakes, and it is incredible to watch the person.

Bloody and other people have covered a layer of cold cream, and the cold eyes are in the man.

The other party is not afraid, and the straight waist is straight to see them.

"Do you know what you are talking about?" Yun Yun's cold voice came again, followed by the door door.

When everyone suddenly didn't dare to breathe, the scene can be heard in the ground.

Then, the footsteps of the compartment sound, one step, two steps, three steps ...

Yun Wei once again appeared in front of everyone, and the invisible forced air is automatically spread.

Many people are not self-designed, and they don't dare to see their magic emperors.

And the brown man is tightly, and the hands are clarified, and they directly welcome the bicycles of Yun Yu.

The brown man's expression is determined: "Even if the Magic Empress is now going to immediately kill the grass people, the grass people must also say! If you can't do it, you can't do the hope of the magic people, please ask the Emperor to let it be!"

"... ..."

The surrounding sound is stunned, and it is also accompanied by a lot of the sound of the cold air.

"What? What do he say? I didn't listen to it? I just actually ... damn! Who is he? Mix ... ... ..."

Chang Ya is not a mouthful of nominalization, and it has brought the man roaring.

I saw that her mouth was forcibly lie, but she was still rebelling, trying to open her hands.


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