After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3350, ask the emperor to let the emperor! 2

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "Yan'er! You give the father and quiet!" Changyu is severely lowered, "It is not your impulse!"

"Plug Miss's mouth and tie it." Then, the rare is a bit helpless.

The hand is immediately in the hand, and it does not give the opportunity to make the constant pleasure.

"This person is not small, so I am not afraid of being killed directly." Li Jia said that the young girl is calming, and the eyebrows are picked up, and the eyes of the brown men have a contempt.

Li Jia's master, Li Zi, Yan Jing, "It seems that someone has to fall down the altar today."

"Do you want this? What is the meaning ...?" Others others looked at Li Zi, revealing the horror.

"This home is the same as what you think." Li Zi Yan did not directly click.

However, the meaning in his words, other Li Jia people believe that the fall of the emperor is the emperor.

How do you think that Li Zi is not explained.

At this time, some people also have a good idea when the brown man is "brave" to say their own ideas.

Some people have hesitible for a while, and finally reveal a firm look, and shouted: "If the Magic Empress is not doing the owner of the world, please return to let the Xian!"

"If you feel unobstructed, please return it!" It's followed by another person.

Such a sound is slowly more.

Palace Pengyu is very unexpected. I didn't expect things to develop to this point.

"It's really not afraid of death." The Palace launched the next eyebrow.

The palace couldn't help but angry, "he died! He dared to talk so to His Majesty! We must help you, you can think about it. If you let this person continues to incite, those people will definitely rebel ! "

After the Palace Pengyu received his eyes, it was in a low breath, and his eyes were hesitated, and some entangled.

Waiting for the meeting, I didn't wait until the Palace Pengyu's answer. The palace was so rushed to see, and he found that he didn't know what to think.

"Hey? What happened to you? Daughter said to you, have you heard it?" The Palace was pushed him, and it was anxious.

Palace Pengyu immediately went to look, "Nothing, heard it."

The palace is rushing to say: "Then we ..."

"Okay." Qiang Pengyu raised his hand to show her mouth, followed by: "This is not a child, not your child can understand, I will happen to happen, now I am listening, I will go in. "

The Palace is tied, let her return to the government at this time? How is this?

"No! The daughter can't go!"

"Come, bring the lady back to the house. Without the order of this master, no one is approaching," Palace Pengyu did not help but say, directly ordered people to take the palace to take away the palace.

Miyong Yi Ling is not true, now things have not happened, why didn't he let him here?

Moreover, even if it occurs, her strength will not be deal with.

Why do you suddenly want to put her in the house?

"Head!" The Palace still wants to fight, but just the words just exported, the palace Pengyu took her.

"Liu De, brought Miss to the house, let people look good." Qiang Pengyu went, gave people to the old tube home. "

Liu Detou took someone turned and returned to the government.

The situation here is not noticed, but the Yun Yuyue is light.

After those who came out of the people, Yun Hao had no angry, but it was very calm, and the tone also calmly: "Not bad, very good."

The brown man raised his hand and quickly changed again.


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