After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3384 You can call this Dad

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "Urgent? This seat has a secret thing to tell you, just worried that the wall is ear, this is not worried, but it is not necessarily for you."

"What is the meaning of this words?"

"It means literally meaning." The other party answered.

Several coming back, Palace Pengyu feels that you are talking to the air, so that you are now recognized by most people in the devil.

Even if you come to people, what is better than him? But his identity is still that.

Suddenly, some unpleasant frowns, "Dare to ask, if there is something, can you appear? This is also the minimum respect?"

"Oh, it is really embarrassing."

Suddenly, he flashed a black shadow in front of him, a man in a black robes, and a bit messy, a white-haired is a bit of a young man.

But after the other party lifted his head, the skin on the face was smooth, and the five senses were three-dimensional, it was a handsome young man.

Seeing the opponent's appearance, the palace Pengyu's brain sea constantly recalled, but I wanted to go, I didn't seem to have seen this person's impression, and the other party is not a bloody.

"The emperor seems to have never seen you, so thinking, we should be the first time."

"If you don't guess, you should not be a person in my devil, I don't know who is the name of the surname? Perhaps the emperor has heard."

The white hair was not immediately answered, and he walked down to his opposite chair, he fell a cup of tea, and then looked faintly to Palace Pengyu.

The tone is cold and cold, "You still don't know the identity of this seat."

The palace Pengyu is tight, and the hand takes the cup is tight, but it is in the opponent's strength, it is not good, and the face is revealed.

"This ... this emperor is just that you are, you don't seem to be inelegal."

The man's mouth hooks slightly hook, saying faintly: "Yes, you can call this Dad."


How can I have this styling when I have a face?

Although I don't know why 'Dad' is called, I don't know why, he doesn't look at the other's look.

But it seems to be my own, and then smiled slightly. I asked: "In this case, this emperor doesn't ask."

"I don't know what Dad suddenly visited the Emperor, what?"

When the man heard this, his mouth couldn't help but pulled back to the tone: "Naturally there is something to find you, as for what is purely unexpected."

Said, the men's mouth hooks, and the eyes are deeply seen in Pengyu.

The other party's meaning is very obvious, and the Palace Pengyu can't help but.

But did not wait for him to say anything, the man opened again, "But you can rest assured that this seat does not like to get a long way."

"Moreover, this seat is also something to find you, of course, don't want you to have any accidents."

Palace Pengyu is still skeptical. After all, the other party is unidentified, how can he say it is a letter?

"What letter does this letter? However, even if you know, since the emperor dares to be called with Xuan Ming, it will not be afraid of him at all."

"You are trying to be very strong, but I want to kill me, it is not so easy."

Palace Pengyu said, the right palm is faintly bright, and it seems to be prepared to summon.

The man did not think that it is no, slightly picking the eyebrows, calmly: "Do you don't want to give the son to find the most expensive, the most powerful woman is doing a daughter-in-law?"


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