After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3385 looks like your appearance is not very satisfied?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! In this way, the palace Pengyu suddenly shined in an instant, and the light of the palm disappeared.

The face also emerged as a clear eagerness, but it is still inadvertently asking: "How do you say this?"

"Then you are letter now, or is it a letter?" The man asked calmly, and played back to him.

Qiang Pengyu hesitated, suddenly smiled: "Since Dad said so, the emperor can doubt again?"

That is said on the face, but he still maintains certain doubts, after all, the opposite is unclear, and the purpose is unknown.

When he heard him, the man suddenly laughed, this time, it is not just a hook, but laughs directly.

Suddenly let the opposite palace Pengyu is ignored, this person is strange ...

"Dad?" Qiang Pengyu couldn't help but shouted, "I don't know ..."

I haven't waited for him, and the expression on the men's face has also replaced it into a cold face. "This seat is just a happy trust of the new magic."

Miye Pengyu is a smile, "It turns out."

The man immediately said: "The previous queen is almost almost, but her soul is not shattered, and now it has been born."

Speaking of this, his eyes looked at the other party's reaction.

"Dad means ... The woman who just said is the quater after rebirth?"

Miye Peng Yu suddenly dared to believe, the Queen of the Shenjie!

Although he had this thought, he said, even if the Queen is not dead, he does not think that the Queen will look at the palace ...

After all, I am very happy with my life, don't say his son, is Xuan Ming, that is, it can't find it in this world.

"How? Look at your look, it doesn't seem to be very satisfied?" The man didn't know when he had a small bottle, and his mouth slowly drunk.

Yu Guang is paying attention to the gods of the palace Pengyu.

Palace Pengyu is busy singing, "No, no." That is the Queen of the Shenjie, will he be dissatisfied?

He is afraid that the Queen can't see his own son!

"This ... this is not a problem that this emperor is dissatisfied."

"But ..." Already finished, I can't help but let go, "good fragrance ..."

Then I took a force, smelling an abnormal aroma, and this fragrance can let him be comfortable, special spirit.

When the double-star suddenly looked at a few points, the jar of the face of the face was locked in the direction of the taste.

"Hey? This smell seems to be a little different. I don't know what Qiong jade is drinking."

The man looked at the bottle in his hand and shook it.

The other party who said while watching, pretending to see the desire of each other.

Self-reseint: "The spirit is in this seat, the cultivator can be used to help repair, and it is also a rare demonstration."

"The magician equivalent to the devil is a truth. Of course, the spirit is the same as the magician, and it is also a grade."

After listening, Miyongyu couldn't help but move, so, the spirit of the other party is not equivalent to the fast-moving Dan medicine?

He is the highest level of alchemy in the devil, which is an understanding of the things of refining drugs.

Although he is a cultivation of cultivation, this aura drink is nothing to do with his cultivation, but this rich fragrance still let him want to taste a bite, even if it is a good.

Suddenly, he thought of a question, the other party just said that he is unique to him?

And it is supplemented with aura ...

It has been obvious that he is indeed a devil world, but if it is a human body, this powerful repair is not possible.

It is even more impossible to the text, then the most hope is ... God.


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