Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Zhang Dynasty, I saw the black Dan medicine in her hand, I didn't know anything, "Hey!" The mouth is closed, it is not Zhang.

Longfei night is bright, immediately make up, "I gave me, this is the most hand!"

The city will give him the medicine, and then let some, Longfei night pinned the corner of Dan medicine with a bad laugh, and chapter chapter: "Are you not breed? Is it very hard? Hey!"

Said, lifting the legs toward him is a foot, suddenly shocking: "Ah !!!"

Watch the time, Longfei night will shoot the medicinal medicine, shoot in his mouth.

Zhang Chap Chapter suddenly was smashed, and the body was shrunk into shrimp, and the painful cold sweat didn't live. "You !! Hello !!"

Longfei night faintly looked at it, "Is it? Compared to your kind of people who don't take seriously, this beauty is already very good!"

Zhang Chapters glared in the city, "What do you give me?"

The city is cold, I heard him asking, just acknowledging: "This is also asked, nature is a poison that lets you obey."

This is also solved, and I'm coming over, "the owner, all."

"Well, it is very good." The city looked at it, there was no dead body there, only two stars, there were several ground cracks.

Zhang dynasty suddenly felt that his lower abdomen was hot, and suddenly found some unsatisfactory, "What is you given me?"

The completion of the city is close, saying is very casual, "This thing you like, now I ask you, it is best to respond quickly, if you say, I can give you a happy, if you don't say, You will experience yourself. "

Zhang Dynasty angered: "You ... are you still a woman! You are just ..."

"Who said that I am a woman?" The city turned a big white eye.

Longfei night suddenly stunned, with green wood them, "What do you say?"

Zhang Dynasty is also inexplicable, "Are you not a woman?" Is this impossible?

Li Lu Qing looked at the mouth of the box with shallow smile, and there was a favorite in the eye.

The city is obliged to fly, "Thanks to the flowers, I am not a woman is a girl! This lady has not been a friend! Even the is not arriving! What woman is a woman?"

Zhang Dynasty suddenly spit blood and died, Long Fei Night immediately laughed: "Haha! That's sorry, I think more."

The green wood is relieved to the monster, really scared them.

The city recovered the line of sight, continued to ask: "Seeing that you seem to be quite high, more than one star is more than one star, which is more than one star, so it seems that you are inner gate?"

Zhang Dynasty is slightly shocked, "How do you know cold Yanling?" This time they came to this, there is a purpose to find missing cold Yanling. Looking at the corner of the woman's mouth, if there is a laugh, the brain flashes: "You! Is it not killed by you?"

The city did not hesitate, nodded directly, "Yes! He is the first immortal of the first fairy, but also from him, why you have always chased my mother."

"Sure enough is you! Jaming said yes, you are not waste materials, you hide strength!" Zhang Chap Chapter suddenly surprised, this woman will cause a lot of obstacles to the host.

The city nodded again. "Well, you are right. Dealing with your despicable little people, have to be cautious."

The chapter is a black face and is ironically.


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