Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "What is your position in the door?" Asked the city.

Chapter Chapter, feels more hot in the lower abdomen, even bloating, it is uncomfortable to get rid of it, he is uncomfortable, saying: "I ... I am ... I will not tell you!"

"You said, I will make you feel painful, if you don't say it, you can only get this to you!" The city is cold and cold looks at the eyes.

At this time, the chapter chapter is like a twisted caterpillar, the swelling of the lower abdomen makes him unable to vent, the upper and lower, and can only rub on the ground.

"The owner is fed with a mighty medicine?" Huangmu looked at it.

The fall of the city: "No."

"Isn't it? Does this are?" Greenmone is a bit confused. Jane next to it seemed to be like 'mimeha, but feel somewhat different.

Longfei night smiles: "What is it just mentioned?"

Lightning in the city, two words: "Viagra."

"Ha? What is Viagra?" Longfei night is a face solve.

Zhang Chapters are uncomfortable and painful, angry, "you ... you are very poisonous! You ... poisonous woman!"

The city smile deepends: "Is it poison? Compared with your companion? Who is more poisonous?"

Zhang Chap Chapter did not speak, put the head in the side, and smiled in the city: "'Viagra' a kind of helpful medicine, just I have improved him, the drug is more fierce. This is specifically targeted by the man. The man of the medicine, the problem is not resolved, the final end will only be seven-hit bleeding, the explosion is dead. "

Longfei night understands, it turns out. "The name of this medicine is very special, hey, I still heard it first."

The city once again looks to Zhang Dynasty: "Are you still not going to say?"

"You ... you are shameless!" Zhang Dynasty roared again.

The city is laughing, "It seems that you still don't know what you call, or if you say, I will give you a drug, how?"

Chapter I want to think about it, there is nothing wrong with a name. At this moment, it is difficult to resist, "Zhang Dynasty."

The city is okay, "I obsembled, yes."

Run your hand and wavy, and the water in the air condense into a water ball, one waved, ...

Zhang Chapcha is a bit of cool, and the body's thermal expansion is mitigated.

The city also said: "This is right! Honestly, you don't have to suffer. What? Do you want to say?"

"Hey! Wink!" Zhang Chap Chapter turned hard while still is close to the eyes.

During the city, I have doubtful. "You are listening to Jia Ming, so I don't dare to see my eyes?"

Zhang Dynasty is in the heart, busy: "Do you want to use a demon?"

The city kneeling down, smiling: "What do you say? My restaurant also needs to greet, I haven't dinked it yet! I can fill you with you, I can only use special means. "

Zhang Chaphe is close to the buddy, do not look at the city.

The city is eyebrows, as for this?

"Green wood, pick him, don't let him lie. Ling Feng, you can catch the caterpillar."

Others can't help but curious, what is going to play again?

Just just, the wind is coming back, holding the horses in the hand, watching the chapter of the chapter: "Are you afraid?"

No chapter, what you said, "I think you should be not afraid, let you come to a close contact? Ling Feng put his mouth."

Zhang Dynasty was shocked, suddenly felt so nausea, closed his eyes and shook his head, "Go away! Go!"


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