Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! One listened to the second elders and reprimanded, those who discuss it immediately, positive and standing, looking at the stage.

The two elders are satisfied: "Well, very good."

Next to the big old old, the front step is the opening: "This year, will usher in the entrance disciple qualifying of this paradise, everyone knows that there will be an outward experience before each qualifying season, this experience will also Calculate the contribution, the best before, and the top three will be eligible to enter the challenge. "

The following disciples listened, some are bright, the waist is quite, and the face is suddenly revealing a confident look. Some are some faint worried, and it is not confident.

At that point, it is a man who is forgotten, and the look is proud, and I am self-confident: "The first, the first, the uncle is set!"

He has no chance to shoot the gardit, very a dog leg. "Shen Ge said, here your repair is a well-deserved first! If you don't take the first, that is really no It's awkward! "

Shen Huan is very useful, and the mouth has a dedication. "Well, you will talk."

These two people completely desperate ideas, self-discussed, and there is a man who directly casts disdain.

The old man is also said: "Before departure, the exquisite experience in previous years is carried out in the wettle forest in West Turnde. This year, it changed a place."

The disciples listen, change the place?

Surprised to see the old and old, waiting for him to say. Only listened to him: "This year's experience is in the swamp forest in the East Continent."

This disciple is not surprised, but it is wrong.

I have been standing on the side, there is no forgetting about any emotional fluctuations, but when I heard the East Continent, I finally had fluctuations.

His arms are also a little excited, and the voice is given to him. "The master is going to the East Mainland!"

Forgot to be light, it will respond.

The old man will introduce some of the issues, "this trip will be personally brought by the six elders, and there are all three brothers sisters."

I walked out of the stage, looking at the old people who have been around for sixty years, but absolutely more than. In addition, go up from three young people from one side under the stage.

At the bottom of the disciple, I saw the three people and suddenly boiled. Some men and disciples are excited, "is a hundred sisters in the top of the twelfth, and finally see the real people! It's really beautiful!"

Also, I can't help but scream. "There is still a ninth brother who is helpless, and the tenth Qin Chu!"

At this moment, many people looked at them, and their eyes were worship, admire, even love. It is estimated that the most no response of the audience is to forget, he just has a touch of attention, and there is not much interest.

The cold whistle is slightly sweeping below, seeing the forgotten perspective of the side of the eyes, just holding the arms of the arms, see this, lightly eyebrows, and recovert the sight.

The old man is old, and the six elders have begun to speaking: "I just said that I have heard it. I have heard it in advance. Exercise is a cultivation. I hope that I have a great opportunity. I wish you all. It can be gains. This trip is six days, and if there is any accident in the middle, the consequences are at your own risk. "

The old man expressed his agreement: "The six long words are correct, if you have any accidents in the middle, the consequences are at your own risk, so please go all out, don't have a lucky heart."


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