Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Liu Long asked the old man: "What do you need to explain? If there is no, the time is almost the same, it will be."

"Let's go!" He nodded.

The six elders have said the sentence: "Departure!" Head and the old man said a few of them left the high platform, and there was a aircraft on the square.

The second elders looked at the back of the worry, can't help but worry: "Forget this nature, I don't know if this travel will not surprised, I am worried about what to happen. If he has an accident, it is estimated that the old ancestors will take the whole Xianzong is not born up and down. "

The big elders are just the opposite, smile and shake their heads, "You can't think about it, even if you do something, he will not have something."

The second elders look at him, suddenly curious: "Listen to your breath, it seems to know a lot?"

The old elderly smiled, "No, I only know, that is, the closed disciple of the old ancestors is different, these you don't have to exercise."

The two elders listen to some nodded, very agreed.

Forgot to worry, as the team walked to the aircraft, on the aircraft, it was also looking for the position of the end of the brother, and did not have a speech with anyone. Others are basically, and the three five complexs are sitting together.

However, people also took the initiative to talk to him, a five-functional Peugeot, apricot girl, took the initiative to forget, sit down on him, sound soft: "Hello, my name is Wusiyuan, you call what?"

Forgetting the worried, I looked at her, and I looked at her. The light is also cold, and the person whispered is obviously not to enter.

Wu Siyuan is slight, but still smiles: "Is it born to you? Then I apologize to you first, but I still want to know you." After the face, I showed a smile again.

Forgot to hold the Mo Ge, still clear and indifferent, but whispered back, "forgetting worry."

It is also as his breath, and the cold is cold. However, the sound is like a clear spring, very good.

Wusiyuan suddenly opened, "I am very glad to meet you."

Forgetting the worry, there is no reply, just faintly light, but this has also shown that he did not reject it.

There are also other female disciples to look at it. It seems that I want to find someone to talk about it, but I don't have the courage.

The earliest look of Shen Huan, this will be a bit boring, this will, when Wu Siyuan is talking to the worry, my heart is uncomfortable, Wusi is a long time. Do you have anyone close to others? And still people who are not pleasing with that?

I got up and went to the past, and I would like to say goodbye: "Smeir, what are you talking to him? He is clear about you, why do you follow your own?"

Wu Siyuan looked at him, some unhappy: "How can you say this? Forgetting worry, no sin? Again, this is my business, I am happy, have you related to you?"

Shen Huan, please, "Don't, don't be angry, I am not just talking about it? You are happy."

Wu Siyuan didn't care about him. It seems like curious asked. "Why are you from the disciple? Why didn't I have seen you before?"

Forgot to have a touch of voice: "No."

Wu Siyuan was amazed: "You didn't pay it under the long stand?"


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