After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 957 Do you open a spaceship?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Liu Ning also immediately made a statement, and immediately said: "The whole collar will only be able to enforce the public, whether it is improving the law, it will be unpreposed!"

Li Junliang wants to attack, but how can Li Jia can't work with the royal family, let alone the strength of the Blue family can't be dealt!

Deep sucking a breath, putting the fire in the heart, for Liu Ning said: "Liu Tong is in the heart, Li family will not make it, there is still something, then he will leave!"

"Wen Tao, let's go!" Said that Li Wentao took away.

Li Wentao walked in front of the scene, "For you!"

The protagonist left, the masses did not have any lively, and they started to break.

Lianzi's peasant is a ritual, respectful, respectful: "Thank you Liu Song leads in time, otherwise it will inevitably fight."

Liu Ning put his hand: "Even the son is polite, I am also sent by the emperor, all of which, Wang Hao has expected."

Lianzi laughed Xiao: "It is still a powerful."

Over the countryside

The East arrogant is very good at this moment. He just walked in the gate. "Snow came over and looked at us."

Mei Xiangxue smiled and walked toward him, laughing and said: "Do you have a good thing, what is good?"

The East is open in a pile of things on the table, "I have a look, this is the city's hand."

Mei Xiangxue walks into a look, is a variety of exquisite pastries, "good fragrance!"

"You have tried it, I have tried it, very delicious!" Dongfang arrogantly pulled her with him, picking up a piece of pineapple to feed her.

Mei Xiangxue bites a bit, "delicious. Well, it is better than yesterday."

The East said: "You have a few altars, there is a few juices with the spirits! Haha! I am so happy!"

Mei Xiangxue smiled: "Okay, you are happy!"

The East proud of the mouth is proud of it, "Of course, this is a daughter-in-law filial piety."

Seeing that this is a happy, Mei Xiangxue is somewhat, and immediately sighs: "Hey ... I have gone all, and I will quiet in the latter."

The East is proud of her, and there will be said: "Nothing, they will come back, then, the city is not to send us spacecraft? If you think of them, you will go to see them."

Mei Xiangxue has a little hesitated to see him, asked, "A proud brother, will you open a spaceship?"

When the East arrogant, he didn't think about this problem?

Some said: "Will not ..."

The two sigh at the same time ... "Hey!"


Near the entrance of the swamp forest, the two Warcraft cars parked next to the road.

The city looked at the gods of four people, laughed, "Not to live and die? What did you do?"

Blue Snow This: "The master, people are reluctant to be ..." said that they said, they turned into the red.

In the city, I didn't comfort it. However, some crying, "You, I will feel that I have done what is hurting."

Longfei night couldn't help but laugh, "Can you do what is hurt? You look at you, a good giant beauty is crying."

The city is white, and the tone is light: "Longfei night, you know?"

Longfei night suddenly confused: "Do you know?"


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