After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 958 Re-enter the swamp forest

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The city is in a light road: "When you don't talk, it is a quiet beauty ..."

This will make Longfei night, "Haha! Is it? I also feel that I have always been a beautiful man!"

Li Lu is faintly glanced at him, "said not finished."

Longfei night suddenly stopped, "didn't finish it?"

The city also said: "But you can talk, it exposes the nature of your own scorpion."

"... haha!"

This is a few of the wind, and the mood of Blue Snow is nothing.

Blue Snow laughed: "The owner, you will really laugh."

Longfei night shouted, "The young master is clearly a romantic, Yushu is on the wind, I don't know how many beautiful women worship in the trousers of this young master!"

The city is laughing: "Is it? I haven't seen it."

Longfei night is light, "How can you see it? Your eyes are only Yun Hao, I will see the two big beautiful men in Li, you will see it?"

Li Lai is very unexpectedly cooperated, point it, "Well!"

Longfei night is too surprised, "Ha! You also agree? Is it! All the city! You look at Li Luo said it!"

The city smiled and laughed, took out a Dan medicine bottle to pay a night, "Help me hand it over to the Ye Yun of the Xinghai Maitin Group."

Night Lingyun is connected, "Okay." Looking at her and said: "Guaranteed!"

Feng Ling Yu is also busy: "Take care! You wait for us! We will definitely go to you!"

Blue Feng also said: "The master, be careful on the road."

The city nodded, "Okay! I am waiting. Go!"

Longfei night also waved with them, "I hope I can see it next time!"

Li Luoyi nodded with them and looked up with the city.

Blue Snow yelled behind: "Master! I will go to you! You have to wait for me!"

The city looked back at her, "Good!"

A group disappeared at the entrance of the forest, and the four people also took the Warcraft car, and the Warcraft, the Warcraft, which also drove.

After giving a road, Longfei night couldn't help but said: "Do we simply take the Warcraft?"

The city is shallow, "No, it will be in the past, anyway, no time."

Longfei night feels that this is very funny.

The city shook his head, "that nor, I haven't entered the last, if it is calculated, according to normal speed, how long does it take?"

"If you add pickup, find spirit, the latest tomorrow evening." Li Luqing said directly.

The city turned around and looked at him.

Li Yaizhen looked at a touch of lips, "guess."

Longfei night suddenly, looked to Yun Yu, asked: "How do I think you have a lot of things to the city? Basic a group?"

The city also looked at him. "Do you know how much?"

Li Luqing directly replied: "Observe." When you finish, you will look at it.

The city is not trustworthy, "Is this?"

She expressed doubts about the words of Li Lai, I always think that they should know, just ... who will it?

Li Luyu lip hook slightly, "" Interested in you, so observation. "

"Wow !! Li Luzhou! Do you want to live? You said this if you are afraid of the vinegar to turn over?" Longfei night exclaimed, and it was worried.


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