Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! There is also a male disciple to say: "Forgetting worry, with us, let you do the captain!"

Some people are excited: "Take us! Follow us! There is wood attribute in our team!"

Forgot to look at them, the last tone said softly: "I am sorry." That is turned away.

Everyone who is rejected is unfortunately, "It's a pity, the strength is so strong."

"Just! Have him not worried about Warcraft at all."

"However, do you say that he will follow?"

The crowded, could not help but wonder.

Yao Xijing, see the chance, immediately said: "Smeir, you will go! You don't go, forgetting is being found by other female disciples!"

Wu Siyuan saw him left the group of people, and went over, and quickly walked over, shouted with him: "Forget the worry!"

Forgot to turn, I saw her, didn't talk.

Wu Siyuan smiled and walked over, but it was a bit of nervous with him: "That ... I think, want to invite a group with us, can you?" Looking at his eyes also hopes.

"Sorry." After the words, I walked directly to the six elders.

Wu Siyuan didn't expect that he didn't want to reject it, and then picked up again. "Forgetting worry, are you still angry for last night? I apologize to you, I really didn't think of things will become of."

Forgot to talk, the footsteps have not stopped, and this is not related to him.

Wu Siyuan is dark red, like some crying, "You don't do this, do you say a saying?"

Forgot to stop, the side seems to look at the woman, and there has not been a wave of waves, and the tone said softly: "You don't have to apologize."

Wusiyuan's face is more obvious, and it is a long way: "Why is you, don't talk to me?"

Without any hesitation, forgetting the worry directly, "We are not familiar."

Wu Siyuan suddenly stunned, looked at the back of him, pinching the dress with his hands, tight, and it is unwilling.

I thought about it, chasing it again: "Forgetting, I am a refining teacher, you are in this forest, you want to complete the task is difficult. If we combine, we will be very smooth."

Forgot to hear her, but didn't respond, still faintly back: "No, it." The pace is accelerated. The figure flashed a few times and went to the six elders.

Wu Siyuan looked at it, and a lookout is multi-color.

Some people are naturally seen, some people have smiled next to: "Hey, I thought Wusiyuan and I was very familiar!"

"Yes! When she shouted him every time, it was a special intimate look, it turned out to be self-satisfied."

There is a man: "I feel that I have forgotten the feelings, a big beauty of a Chu Chu, take the initiative, and don't understand the pity?"

"She is an alchemist, will it be rejected?"

Some women talk to a sore: "If you feel distressed, you will not be combined with them?"

Men's repayment: "I want to go, but I don't see it!"

What people say, Wusiyuan did not hear it, just think they looked at their eyes and was not very good, and my heart rose a strange mood again.

Yao Yao is still running behind, "Smeir? Is it forgotten?"


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