Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Wu Siyuan is disappointed noddling: "Implement is still angry for yesterday ..."

Yao Yanjing suddenly became uncomfortable, indignant: "How can he be so much? Is the man should be more inclusive?"

Wu Siyuan shook his head, "quiet, nothing."

How can I forget that I still refuse? Yao Xijing is also regrettable. After all, in the forest, more points of strength is more secure.

I nodded and comforted her: "Smeir, you don't feel unhappy for him, you have done it very well. Other people may not find us."

Wu Siyuan nodded, "Well, good!"

Sun Jiajia shouted in the distance: "Smeir!"

I heard the shouts there, turned around, I saw Sun Jiajia, standing with Song, who helped her talk yesterday.

Song's strength is still good, than Shen Huan is still higher, but he has no Shen Huan so arrogant.

After Yao Yanjing saw, his face showed joy, "It's Song, let's go!"

It immediately pulled her Wusiyuan to go, Wu Siyuan turned again, and finally looked at the people who had six old sayings.

Song Xiao smiled warmly, "Can I follow you?"

On the side of Yaoxi, I immediately showed the color of joy, very active: "Welcome! Of course, welcome! Do you think?"

Wu Siyuan has a smile to Song, showing a smile: "Welcome."

Sixth, one, forgetting, I forgot to take the initiative to find yourself, guess what he is for, and asking him: "But I don't want to team up with them?"

Forgot to go back: "Well, register!"

Sixth elders immediately nod, "Good, now I will give you a message," "" ignorant, forgetting a group of people. "

"Yes, elders." Lin Qiao Yan looked at the forget of the eyes, in fact, there were still some accidents, and there was no team with Wu Xiyuan.

Some of the cold whistle the clouds look at it, and they will return their sight.

Not much time, all combinations have been finalized.

Sixth elders have once again spoke: "If you get it in your hands, if you have anything, you will enter the spirit of Lingshi, you will have a brothers and sisters to save you, but as long as you use Lingshi Also explain that you have automatically abstains right. Are you listening? "

Everyone immediately replied: "Listen to it!"

"Well, start!" The six elders shouted. Everyone is dispersed from all walks of life.

Forgot to go, it is something like being walking. Compare others, almost all of them are aimed.

One of the teams, laughing while walking, "Haha! Fortunately, there are people in our team with wood attributes! This is quite a lot."

"Well! Yes!"

Those disciples who are not sensitive to herbs are sorry.

Wu Siyuan looked at the direction of forgetting worries, and the light flashed, "Let's take it over there?"

For her proposal, others have not questioned.

Yao Yan is headed: "Good! Those who we have followed you anyway!"

Song Xiao smiled: "Let's go!"

Forgot to look at the surrounding environment, it is closed again. If you pay attention, you will find that his whisper has a touch of green halo. After a few breathing, the eyes open, look at a direction, look at it. A doubt.

"It's a feeling ..." There is a doubt in my heart, and I will fly in that direction.


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