Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! I heard the voice came from behind, and the eyebrows under the mask can not help but.

I didn't expect to the city, and this forest is so young?

Wu Siyuan has some other teams of people, and some people have other people in addition to forgetting worries, and they also face their faces. They can't help but weird.

Forgot to turn around and see them, there is no emotion in the eye.

Wu Siyuan didn't look more in the city. They saw that they were so angry. He is happy, and the speed is accelerated. "It's too clever. I really didn't expect you to be here."

Forgot to worry just a light look, "Well." Is a response. I look at the city, I don't consciously, "Do you want this?"

The city is slightly shaken, "If you need it, give you." He said that it couldn't say clearly. This person gave him the feeling, actually had a kind of cindest.

I heard the city and talking, I forgot to have a smile on my face, and my mouth was slightly rising, "Okay."

Everyone is curious. The curious thing is to be indifferent to people. They are in the madness of indifferent tone, and will be gentle?

Wu Siyuan stunned, this is seriously taking the men and women next to it, although it is a mask, but the two people have a temperament, which is unable to ignore, and the two people are not simple, especially The inner movement of this forest is not simple.

When you look at the city, Wusiyuan will stay in a while, and the doubts are praised, and they have seen the dust of the eye, and it has become a chance.

Forgot to worry about a tool and start digging Mandala.

Some disciples saw the lambition next to the scene, Suddenly surprise: "Wow! It is Mandala! This can be the eight-level spirit!"

Among those disciples, someone asked: "But how is there only one?"

Wu Siyuan looked at the traces of just digging on the ground, and then looked at the small hoes who had not collected in the house.

I asked in front of the city smile: "Can you ask, just a girl excavated Mandalo?"

The city is looking at her, a touch of reply: "Yes."

Forgot to take Mandala, look at Wusiyuan.

Those disciples listened, there was a jagged on the face. Wu Siyuan smiled, first, I did an identification: "This is the case, we are the disciple of Zongmen, come here to experience the assessment, the task is to collect the lapse, I have seen a few traces that have been dug on this place, I want to come to the girl already I took a few strains in advance ... "

What do you know what she wants to express?

The mouth is slightly evoked, "So ... you want to ask me?"

Wusiyuan suddenly was sorry, quickly said: "If the girl is reluctant, it doesn't matter."

Yao Yujing immediately walked forward, I didn't agree with her: "Smeir!" Tied to the city: "Girl, we are also because of the experience of the Zongmen, since you dig all the plants, Let us give us some? "

The disciples of other teams behind, also immediately said: "Yes! Just divide us? We have dug a few people, at least we have some!"

Yao Yuyi asked again: "How?"

I am not very happy to forget the face, and my heart does not want these people to bully the girl.

I didn't wait for him to talk, the city directly replied: "If I don't want it?"


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