Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! These people have changed their faces, and there are several women's brothers' faces.

Yao Yanjing is the most obvious, but it is said: "Girl, there is a business, we can also buy it, how?"

Li Liluti stood on the side and looked at the face of a group of people, and it was unhappy in the eye, slowly opened: "Let's go."

The city nodded, "Well! Let's go!"

Two people who have been drifting, they will turn away.

Those disciples suddenly stunned, "I am so gone?"

I haven't forgotten that there is no hesitation, and it will be more up.

Wusiyuan looked at it, there was a unique color on his face, and some people didn't do it.

Yao Xijing saw the city, I dared to honen it. When I was held in the big lady in my hand, when was treated like this?

When I watched Li Luqing, I didn't know why, I think this person seems to have been here, and this is not a general person. Even if you haven't seen it, it is a mysterious shape, and there is a clear voice that attracts a woman.

To stand the city next to him, I can't help but have a slap, but also the attack: "You stand! Ask you? Are you a deaf or dumb?"

Li Yaizhen is the same expression, while eyebrows, turning around and looked at Yao Xianjing, and it is not good.

In the city, there is a little accident, and forgetting is also coming, but she does not excludes, but it will feel close. Looking at the opposite woman, I'm in a quiet man: "Are you a deaf? I have already rejected you?"

At the same time, I feel that the two cold rays, Yao Yu is still unjust, but it is still calming, and the face appears angry: "Do you dare to marry me? Do you know who we are?"

Wu Siyuan immediately pulled Yao Yujing, apologize to the inquiry tone: "Sorry, quiet is the heart, she is not intentional, please ask the girl, don't care about her."

The faint hook lips, "The heart is faster?" The tone is not difficult to hear a taunt.

Wu Siyuan has a color, I want to talk again, Song Yizhao has already gone, and said to the city: "This girl, Yao Shi, although there is no hidden, but she is also for us to fight. Please don't worry about it. We really need, please ask the girl to let us. "

The people behind there have also said: "If you are not willing to let, we can also buy it with money!"

"To! You have a price, we buy!"

The city listened, the corner of the mouth, taking a touch, replied again: "Sorry, this is not the relationship of money, but this mandala I also need, can't give you."

Yao Yujing has changed again, and looked at it. I said to her, then said to her: "Can you let? Do you not sell? Do you have to give some forgotten? Let a straen is letting two plants, How can you not? "

Wu Siyuan once again pulled Yao Xiao Jing's hand, "Sentland, you said less, since this girl is not willing, don't force people. Maybe she is just a lot of unnecessary, forgetting."

Yao Yanjing looked at her, did not agree with: "Smeir! How do you feel so good?"

The city looked at the eyes, the lips were lighted, and did not speak, turned directly.

Seeing the city to go, Yao Yanjing said: "How do you want to give us?"


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