Chapter 1007

  Chen Guangxi is still speaking to Amy: "Anyone with discernment can see that Tang Li's ability to get a high-ranking search this time is due to our family's Yang Ning's Dongfeng. In terms of national popularity, the two cannot be compared in any case."

"It doesn't matter if you tell me this." About ten minutes later, Amy replied: "The relevant index of Yunhe Shang artists, in the past six months, Tang Li's topic and search popularity are not low, especially in May, Tang Li's overall public opinion even surpassed that of Yang Ning."

  Amy's reply, Yang Ning heard clearly next to him.

   In May, in addition to the exposure of Tang Li's relationship, there was also a bungee jumping incident with Li Yuaner and her assistant. At that time, he almost appeared on a legal program, and the social attention can be imagined.

   However, when has this kind of scandal of intrigue in the entertainment industry become an indicator of an artist's attention? !

  Yang Ning took Chen Guangxi's mobile phone and was about to ask Amy[Del] the criteria for choosing a spokesperson. Amy sent a link first.

   I opened it at one point and found that it was an article published by the News Associates.

   "The new way to open the Qing puppet drama is not necessarily only Xiaoqing Xiaoai. 》

   When Yang Ning saw the words 'the most dazzling she' in the first line of the article, she couldn't help but squeeze her phone tightly.

   If the "Capital Times" is the print media with the largest private circulation, then the New Associated Press represents the official state of S country.

   Moreover, it is also a worldwide communication medium.

   This article praising "The Most Dazzling She" has a purpose and depth. When the New Associated Press publishes it on Twitter, it will also be synchronized to major world-renowned social platforms in real time.

   "Kevin means, although Tang is still a newcomer, she is obviously very popular with the official of S country."

   Above the phone, is Amy's new message.

   "Del has always regarded S country as the most important consumer market for its products. It is indispensable to deal with relevant departments of S country. A spokesperson who has national attention and is officially recognized, brings Del, not only sales."

   Yang Ning never knew that luxury brands have to consider this factor when choosing spokespersons!

   And, looking at Amy's meaning, Del seems to like Tang Li.

   After all, she was unwilling, and she personally replied to a message: "Choose an artist who will only attract popularity, I hope Del will not regret it."

   Throwing the phone on the seat next to him, Yang Ning couldn't bear the emotion, swiped with his left hand, the wine bottle on the small table topped over and fell to the ground, and the wine-red liquid spilled on the pad.

   Chen Guangxi wanted to persuade, but he didn't know how.

   Only one step away, really one step away, they won the international luxury endorsement!

  But what is it now?

  Dare they pay 600,000 yuan to send Tang Li to the hot search? !

   In the end, even high-luxury endorsements were given away!

  Yang Ning opened Wechat on his mobile phone, clicked into [Infinite Challenge Temporary Group], edited a long paragraph, and was about to @tang Li again, but couldn't find [Tang Li] in [choose who to remind].

   - Obviously, Tang Li just quit the group.

   Yang Ning, who didn't catch up with a hundred-character essay: "..."

  Because there was still a shooting announcement in the afternoon, Tang Li went directly to the crew from the high-speed rail station.

   At this time, it was time for the crew to put their meals.

   She didn't disturb others to eat, and took Yu Sui to the dressing room first.

   While waiting for Yu Sui to sort out her cosmetics, Tang Li watched the live replay of Tan Gong Guan Bo.

  The background two minutes before the live broadcast was the sofa area of ​​the president's office. Song Jingtian's head suddenly popped out of the camera, and then the little guy picked up his notebook and ran away.

  Tang Li: "..."

   It’s too tiring to run around today, I’ll give you the number of words tomorrow~ Good night!



   (end of this chapter)

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