Chapter 1008 Chapter 1015 I drove here without knowing it

  Song Jingtian stole the notebook back to the living room on the second floor.

   Along the way, the corridors and stairs inside the Tan Palace come into view one after another.

  Although the offices of government personnel who are not allowed to be visited in the live broadcast are still not exposed, the 100-meter red carpet from one end to the other has attracted 23 million netizens to watch online.

   As soon as the little guy entered the living room, he put the notebook on the coffee table, and then closed the door, not forgetting to bring a small bamboo basket in front of the camera.

   During the live broadcast, netizens can leave a message to interact with the anchor.

  Tang Li is watching the replay now, and he can also see the scrolling messages at the bottom right.

  ——Looks like a cat in the basket?

  ——This cat is so small, isn't it full moon yet?

  Song Jingtian also saw the netizen's message, and while holding the little milk cat, he introduced to the netizen that this is his elder brother's cat.

  ——Your Excellency actually likes cats!

--How can it be? ! A senior politician like your Excellency, even if he likes cats, it should be like tigers and lions. How can they be furry? !

   "Why is it impossible?" His words were questioned, and Song Jingtian was unhappy on the spot: "This cat is now the chief mouser of Tan Palace, the same level as Ji Ming."

  Tang Li: "..."

  If she remembered correctly, Ji Ming seems to be a lieutenant colonel now.

   But netizens really believed Song Jingtian's nonsense.

  ——Is it so awesome? !

  ——Birth is the end, life is not as good as the cat series. [pitful]

  ——If you don't catch a mouse, who wouldn't? I'll send an e-mail to Tan Gong in a while to ask if there is still a shortage of rat catchers? [cries]

   The screenshot that Guan Xiao sent to Tang Li was at 15:28 of the playback.

   is also exactly ten in the morning.

  Song Jingtian, who originally played cats, turned on the TV.

  Because the TV was behind the little guy, the TV content was also seen by netizens during the live broadcast.

  ——It turns out that the president's house also looks at the fruit stand.

  ——This picture... is replaying last night's "The Most Dazzling Her"?

  ——Actually, this show is pretty good, I'm following it.

   "It's not bad." Song Jingtian licked his cat and took the netizen's words: "I didn't watch the first half of the episode last night. Fortunately, it will be replayed this morning."

  —— at the fruit stand, right? I'm going to have a look too.

  ——Did Guan Xiao play it? I wanted to chase it last night, but as a result, Yang Ning's love affair exploded, so I went to the hot search.

  ——I saw the news that the other party is Meng Shu, the young owner of Liheng Mining, and the Meng family has a relationship with your family. Has the younger brother met Yang Ning?

In the    video, Song Jingtian tilted his head and asked, "Who is Yang Ning? I don't know."

  ——Yang Ning is Meng Shu's girlfriend, brother, you really don't know?

   "Meng Shu's girlfriend?" Song Jingtian teased the orange cat with mint, and did not snub netizens: "Meng Shucai doesn't have a girlfriend."

   The seven words of the little guy are fluttering, but for the millions of netizens who are watching the live broadcast, they are a stone that stirs up thousands of waves, and also subverts the real-time hot search list of major online platforms.

  Especially when the little guy said, "My eldest brother also watched it", the screen speed of netizens in the message area reached hundreds of messages per second.

   This live broadcast ended after the Dangong staff entered the living room.

   Xiao Minglan also appeared in the last few seconds of the video.

  The live broadcast is closed, but the message continues.

  ——Even if it is your own younger brother, he can't escape the ending of being picked up by the ear!

  ——‘First Brother’ online star chasing real hammer. [dog head]

   - It is strongly recommended that Dan Gong Guan Bo conduct a half-hour live broadcast every morning, and appoint the first younger brother as the spokesman for the internal affairs of Dan Gong, to reveal to us the secret of your nightly drama watching routine!

  ——Your Excellency is watching "The Most Dazzling Her", what reason do I have not to follow? !

   Tang Li hadn't finished flipping the message when a voice call came in.

  【The serious little man】 occupies the mobile phone screen.

  Because of makeup, Tang Li opened hands-free.

  The little guy didn't hear her voice, he said 'hello' to the microphone twice, and after receiving Tang Li's response, he put away his anxiousness, "I heard that some people have a new drama on the street."

  Tang Li went down and said, "It's a flutter, the kind of flutter that wants to cut a drama."

   This answer was beyond Song Jingtian's expectations.

   "You're not shooting this drama anymore?"

   "Maybe, the ratings are so poor that no one will watch if we continue to shoot."

   "Who said no one watched it." Song Jingtian retorted, with a somewhat awkward tone: "Yesterday afternoon, I notified all the staff of the Tan Palace to let them watch the live TV at ten o'clock, and my elder brother, who also watched the drama after he was busy."

   "Your acting is okay, but that Guan Xiao is too ugly."

   Hearing this distorted evaluation, Tang Li: "..."

   "Crooked (hello)?" Song Jingtian's voice came from the receiver: "Why don't you speak again?"

Tang Li didn't talk to the little guy any more, he only told him: "Next time, don't steal the staff's computer again." Afraid that he wouldn't take it seriously, he added: "Even if it's a child, if he keeps messing around, he will be pulled. Go to Congress for questioning."

   The little guy over there hummed: "Just go, I'm still afraid of those old men?"

   "Besides, my eldest brother hasn't said anything to me yet."

   The little guy said, and he turned his head: "Besides, who am I doing this for?"

  ——Not for you little goblin!

   "This day, why is it so uneasy?" The little guy sighed, another day when he was moved by his own infatuation.

  Tang Li: "..."

   After finishing the call with the little guy, Yu Sui also put on makeup for Tang Li.

After Tang Li got dressed and came out of the cubicle, Yu Sui held the tablet and raised his head, indescribably excited: "Ali, it's going to explode, it's going to explode! From 9:30 to 11:30, in just two hours, The total number of views of "The Most Dazzling She" on the three major video sites has increased by a full 100 million!"

  100 million in two hours, this data can be said to go against the sky.

  Tang Li's first reaction was to inject water and fake it.

  Yu Sui said again: "There is also the New Associated Press, which posted an article twenty minutes ago."

"It is said that "The Most Dazzling She" does not stick to the sweetness and superficiality of traditional sexual emotional dramas. It combines the personal ideals of the characters in the play with national honors, so that the theme of green puppets is higher than reality and close to reality. The upward spirit of the young generation to pursue their dreams, as well as the strong patriotic enthusiasm!"

  This article has more than 5,000 reprints.

  Yu Sui finished reading the content of the article and looked at Tang Li again, with a seriousness that he had never seen before: "Ali, I have a hunch that you will become popular because of "The Most Dazzling Her"!"

  Tang Li took the tablet and saw the 200 million pictures posted on the official blog of "The Most Dazzling Her". After thinking for a few seconds, he raised his eyes to meet Yu Sui's eager gaze: "Are you sure it's not the data that the filmmaker bought?"

   "..." Yu Sui.

   Even though Tang Li suspected that the data was fake, he still received a lot of 'congratulations' before shooting in the afternoon.

   Because there was a scene in the early morning, Tang Li didn't go back to Li's house in the evening.

   At 7:30 p.m., while reading the script in the dressing room, the phone on the table vibrated.

   She received a multimedia message.

   The photo is relatively clear, it is a clearing by the lake.

   To be more precise, it is a lakeside clearing for square dancing.

  Tang Li is no stranger to this place. He drives by every day, not far from the set. As for the sender, it is Ji Ming who has saved her number.

   Then came the text message.

  ——After dinner, Mr. wanted to take a walk, so he drove here unknowingly.

   I saw that there was a baby going to bed, so I didn't write until 12 o'clock.

   These two days, let me adjust the update earlier.



   (end of this chapter)

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