After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1013: His little girl will grow up eventually

   Chapter 1013 His little girl will eventually grow up

  It is not like dodder that only attaches to a lover.

   She wanted to be a poplar that could survive even in the desert.

   will be delighted with the watering and care of her lover, however, when her lover is not by her side, she can still let herself flourish.

  Tang Li did not tell Song Boyan exactly what he had done.

   is not deliberately concealing.

   She just wanted to mention it in an understatement in front of Song Boyan on the day it was completed, such as 'I also asked some people to help', 'Having money can make a ghost run the mill'.

   Then, she might be able to see an unexpected but clear smile on Song Boyan's face.

   These plans in Tang Li's mind are actually not difficult to guess.

  Everyone has gone from green to prudent. Tang Li's current psychological process has never been seen by Song Boyan ten years ago.

   - not to mention 'rebellious'.

   Entering this society for the first time, it is inevitable to hold back a lot of ambition.

   Always be ready to seize the opportunity to prove yourself and gain the approval of the elders around you.

  Want to see them surprised and hear their compliments of themselves.

   The more important point is to let them know that Ta has become an independent individual who can deal with his own life calmly.

   Tang Li like this has grown up all the way.

   From the beginning of asking adults for advice, and slowly starting to make up her own mind, in the end, she doesn’t need anyone else to guide her.

   Song Boyan had foreseen this.

   His little girl will finally grow up one day.

   is only a matter of time.

  Tang Li paused slightly and turned his head: "I just need to know that no matter what I do, Your Excellency is always on my side."

   The sound of 'Your Excellency' has a pleasing meaning.

   It seems that as long as she calls out like this, those things she has done can be gently uncovered.

  Song Boyan didn't dismantle her flattery, and then spoke again, but showed a little touch: "You have grown up and have your own opinions, you should think that adults are too lenient."

  "..." Tang Li couldn't help but refute: "I was originally an adult." Only you are treating me like a child all the time.

   The second half of the sentence was swallowed by her again.

  Once she said it, she would only confirm her image of a child in Song Boyan's eyes.

  Because only children can speak so fast.

   Seeing that Tang Li's words were not finished, Song Boyan added: "If you continue to hold on to it, it will indeed be disgusting."

   "...that's not what I said." Tang Li defended himself.

   also felt that such a sentence was not convincing, and she continued: "You are still in your seventies and eighties, and you are in your prime. Why do I dislike you."

   "In other words, in forty years, I should be considered old."


   This stalk is a no-brainer.

  Tang Li thought in his heart and denied it: "How dare you be a little commoner."

   "I don't dare, it doesn't mean I won't." Song Boyan covered the smile in his eyes, and then said, "I have this idea now, and in the future I won't have to pay someone to drive me down the road."

  Tang Li angrily: "What am I doing to drive you to the road when I have nothing to do?"

   Remembering how she dealt with Li Wenyan, she stopped talking.

  The husband and wife have been together for a long time, and they are definitely not as glued as they were at the beginning.

  When she was living in southern Yunnan, she also saw couples quarreling, fighting with all kinds of martial arts, and the woman using an old-fashioned TV to beat her husband violently.

   Decades after marriage, who can say well.

  People change with age.

   At sixty years old, she might be a pungent little old lady with perm and curly hair.

   After a quarrel between the old couple and the old couple, she got angry and might really drive Song Boyan out of the house.

  What she couldn't guarantee herself, she simply said vaguely: "You have a pension, and you are a senior retired cadre. Are you afraid that you won't be able to rely on you when you get old?"

   I was afraid that as soon as she kicked people out with her front feet, her rear feet would be picked up by other old ladies and brought home.

  The old man with a pension is all delicious.

  When the time comes, she will have to grab her wife by pulling her hair with other old ladies.

  Thinking like this, Tang Li felt that he couldn't drive people to the main road.

   If there is a real fight, she should be on the road.

  ——put on a nice new outfit, drove her pink Beetle, and even if she broke down halfway, there were other old men to help her fix the car.

   As for Song Boyan, he should stay at home and worry about her leaving.

   I was worried that she would not be able to eat well outside, and then I was worried that she would get cold in less clothes.

   Mental torture is the most deadly.

   Therefore, Tang Li turned around and said, "No matter how many years later, Your Excellency is the person I love the most."

The final sound of    fell, and she used the right hand that lost the empty cup to check her heart.

  The thumb and the index finger are intertwined, and the last three fingers are folded together, and with a sincere expression, it is indeed confusing.

Song Boyan had a faint smile on his face, just like his usual gentleness and suaveness. However, he did not respond to Tang Li's confession and only let go of her left hand, "There are many mosquitoes in the park at night, so I'd better go back to the studio earlier. Stay in an air-conditioned room."

  Tang Li didn't answer.

   She looked at her right hand, and the 'heart' was still there.

   This gesture was newly created in the past two years.

   It's not surprising that a little older can't read it.

  Tang Li succeeded in persuading herself, so she didn't bother anymore. As soon as she stood up with Song Boyan, she grabbed Song Boyan's shirt with both hands, causing Song Boyan to turn his head.

   "I can't seem to see my eyes!"

  Song Boyan: "..."

   Looking at those clear and agile eyes, Song Boyan stretched out his right hand and shook it in front of Tang Li, "What is this?"

Before answering, Tang Li looked at him: "Five?"


  May 1st Labor Day, put a small welfare.

  【Song Family Infatuated Species】

  Song Jingtian met the love of his life when he was nine years old.

   For this love, he decided to give up his nationality and his grand ideal of becoming the next president of the S country, and was even willing to put in the door.

  When he took his storage jar to find the love of his life, Little Button was lying on the toffee chair in the master bedroom of Tan Palace, teasing the big head. [Oh, the big head is the orange cat raised by his eldest brother]

   Hearing his courageous confession, Little Button blinked his beautiful eyes, "But Uncle, you are four years older than me!"

   Seeing that the relationship was about to die, Song Jingtian hurriedly coaxed: "You have to find someone older than you when you get married. Do you think my elder brother is older than your cousin?"

   That makes sense.

   But soon, a new question appeared: "Uncle, you are so short, our children will not be dwarfs too, right?"

  Song Jingtian: "..."

   "Uncle, you should be one meter five, right?"


  Goodbye my love, goodbye my past, goodbye my tears...

   (end of this chapter)

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