Chapter 1014

  "..." It turned out to be five.

   Song Boyan looked at the 'little blind man' in front of him, and also noticed the street lamp beside the wooden chair: "Dazzled by the street lamp?"

   At this moment, Tang Li's eyesight has returned to normal.

   Thinking of the fussing that I just made, I also feel a little hypocritical.

   Sansanly let go of the wrinkled shirt that she scratched at the corner, and couldn't help but nag: "The wattage of the street lamp is so high, those who don't know it will think it's a tower chandelier on the construction site."

   Before he finished speaking, his right hand was wrapped in a big palm.

  Tang Li lowered his head and saw the interlocking fingers of the two. No matter how many complaints, all of them vanished in an instant. Then, Song Boyan's warm words came in his ears: "Did you come before?"

   This is asking how she got to the park from the set.

  Although they all rely on two legs, it is more appropriate to use 'run', but Tang Li acquiesced to Song Boyan's 'walk'.

  Already married, Tang Li felt that he should be more dignified and reserved.

   Even if this kind of dignity is limited to Song Boyan.

   "Are you going back to Tan Palace?" she followed.

  Compared to a small actor like her, someone like Song Boyan is a really busy person. A problem like Braman Island cannot be completely solved overnight.

   "If you go back to Tan Palace, you can go first and leave me alone."

  Song Boyan said, "Let me go first, do you intend to continue watching the street lights here?"

  Tang Li: "..."

   If you do the stupid thing of staring at the street lamp once, it's really shameful to be brought to the table again!

   She kicked the weeds on the side of the road, and after a while, she said, "This is not to consider your busy work."

   No matter how busy you are, there is still time to give it away.

   You can be 'blind' while sitting under a street lamp, and you may stumble and fall when you walk on the road.

  Once you are uneasy, it will be hard not to worry about it later.

   Now Song Boyan is this kind of mentality.

  In the past, Yuan Qin was watching, but he saved him a lot of heart. The change of drivers these days was temporary after all, and it was inevitable that it was not satisfactory in all aspects.

   Going back to the studio is still used.

   Tang Li didn't want to walk, but she was not the one who made up her mind.

  Because it was a little late, the crowd of square dancers had dispersed.

   On the way, I didn’t meet a few people.

   There is still a short distance from the set, Song Boyan said: "Yuan Qin's rash has almost disappeared, let him come back in two days."

  It doesn't matter to Tang Li who is the driver for him.

   However, hearing Song Boyan say this, she couldn't help but want to sing the opposite: "I think Lao He is pretty good too."

   "Don't want Yuan Qin to come back?"

   "...That's not true." Afraid of self-defeating again, Tang Li left some leeway in his words: "I'll simply praise Lao He for his hard work."

Feeling that he confessed too quickly, he couldn't help but say: "Yu Sui is talking about Yuan Qin, saying that Yuan Qin borrowed her 30 yuan and won't pay it back; I keep letting Lao He drive, but I don't care, I'm afraid that Yu Sui's talking is wrong. ."

  Song Boyan smiled slightly: "Yuan Qin pleases your assistant."

   "Who doesn't like to talk less and work more."

"If you like it, then let him stay with you." Song Boyan added: "If you don't want to tell me what you want to do in the future, just go to Yuan Qin directly. Those three religions and nine sects outside, who have a lot of interpersonal contacts, are not suitable for you. A little girl who is not very deep in the world."

   went back and forth, and the topic went round again.

  Tang Li wanted to say that he was not a rookie, but he also knew that what he said was not very convincing.

   In terms of social experience, she was not rich in both her lifetimes.

In her last life, she married Han Jifeng right after graduating, and she has been taking care of Qin Yueru at home since then, and never went out to work for a day. During school, although she ran the production crew, she only did so once or twice. It can be said that she never really experienced society. 's beating.

   The lessons she took were mostly from Li Shengxia’s mother and daughter.

   And Li Shengxia's calculations are indeed teaching her to grow up.

   However, in the eyes of politicians like Song Boyan, no matter how vicious Li Shengxia's methods are, I'm afraid they can only be considered petty.

  Because the competition of men in politics is the real **** storm.


   often kills invisibly.

  If he hadn't known about the Xinxin bar in his previous life and had some knowledge of the bar owner, Tang Li would not have dared to rush to the door.

   She knew very well what Song Boyan said.

   The three religions and the nine streams are not all bad people, but they are also the most bad people.

   No one knows if there are just bad thoughts in the people she comes into contact with.

  It doesn’t need to be too much, as long as one encounters one, it is endless trouble.

  Tang Li also caught a detail in Song Boyan's words, and couldn't help but stop and look: "If I don't let Yuan Qin tell you, he really won't say it?"

  If I remember correctly, Yuan Qin always knew everything about Song Boyan and said everything.

Song Baiyan looked at the 'don't try to lie to me' written on her face, her expression was doting, but her tone was consultative, as if she placed the little girl in front of her in the same position as herself: "From now on In the future, Yuan Qin will only listen to you, and if you don't allow him to say, he will keep his mouth shut."

Tang Li did not believe in such a guarantee.

   It’s just that adults are too cunning.

   It's just like how they tricked children into drinking Huoxiangzhengqi water.

Before she could reply, Song Boyan raised his hand and stroked the top of her hair with a big palm, "It's good to be assertive, it means that you are growing up, and you may be able to be on your own in the near future, but before that, it's still a good thing. Need some grown-up protection."

   (end of this chapter)

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