Chapter 1019 Why do we work so hard? !

  Song Boyan was interested in the relatives of the Li family. The news spread in the upper circles on a small scale. The previous speaker, Shen Liang, had inquired about it when he was on the phone with him.

   Let Tang Li go to the Senate, Li Wenyan naturally has his own plans.

   However, Tang Li refused righteously, but almost sent him away on the spot.

   "Because of the antiques, Your Excellency has already made a lot of criticism. Dad, you are canvassing for yourself under the name of Your Excellency, aren't you trying to drag me down?!"

   "..." Li Wenyan's temple swelled.

  This is all a jerk!

   How can there be a little bit of being a child? !

   Before he could question him, Tang Li's voice came from the receiver: "There's another 100 million, Dad, do you have it all together?"

  Li Wenyan: "..."

   No matter how tough a guy is, he has to kneel before 100 million.

"I called your Excellency yesterday, and Your Excellency asked you about it." Tang Li added, "Although Your Excellency didn't take the initiative to mention the antiques, but after so many days, Dad, you still didn't say anything. How can you trust you? Think you can continue to serve yourself as a Senator?"

The seat of    Senator, Li Wenyan is determined to win.

Now, he could hear a meaning from Tang Li's words - the senatorial election will be voted tomorrow, and the final elected place will not come out until the next morning. If he does not hand in 100 million in time, even if he wins the vote, will Song Boyan intervene in him? cull?

   This was not the result he wanted to see.

   hung up the phone, Li Wenyan turned his head and asked Jiang Yuan the amount he had collected so far.

   "A total of 36.7 million."

   The distance is 100 million, not even a tiny bit.

   He is not a money printing machine, he can make more than 60 million in one day!

   Jiang Yuandao: "Would you like to mention it to your wife again?"

  Ouyang Qian, as the chairman of Tianyi, really wants to get 60 to 70 million yuan is not difficult.

  Jiang Yuan understood the truth, Li Wenyan didn't understand.

   But now Ouyang Qian is so sticky and sticky, she just doesn't want to pay the money.

  Otherwise, he wouldn't just send Jiang Yuan five million in the morning.

  The wife who once swore to stay with her, now watches him in a daze...

   Just then, the phone rang in the ward.

   is Jiang Yuan's mobile phone.

  When Jiang Yuan answered the phone, Li Wenyan thought of countless ways to borrow money, but none of them were exhaustive.

   He could open his mouth to those chaebols, but he would drop the handle because of it.

   If he can go further in the future, he will surely be restrained everywhere.

   was hesitating whether to speak to Ouyang Qian again, but Jiang Yuan had hung up the phone, "Member, it's Mr. Xiong from Master Shu. I heard that you are in the hospital and want to visit."

   "What's so good about Shu Shi?" Li Wenyan was thinking about something, and suddenly heard a company name that he had never heard of before. He thought it was just a relationship, so he couldn't help but confess to Jiang Yuan: "Ignore the phone calls of this kind of small company!"

  Jiang Yuan was sluggish for a few seconds and reminded: "It's Master Shu who started selling hemorrhoid cream, you really don't remember?"

  Li Wenyan: "..."

"It was five or six years ago. You and Mr. Xiong Fang ate at the same table." Jiang Yuan gave another reminder, trying to recall Li Wenyan's lost memory: "At the dinner, Mr. Xiong deliberately changed seats with others. By your side, after dinner, you must invite you for supper, and on the way home, you said that the man bear looks like a boiler, did you really forget?"


   How could Li Wenyan forget about the woman who wears a mink in March and is eight feet tall.

  I would recognize it if it was a beautiful woman, but—

Li Wenyan didn't want to pay attention to the nouveau riche from such a small place, but Jiang Yuan said again: "Listen to President Xiong, Master Hao Shu is preparing to go public. She happened to be in the capital these past few days and learned that you have been hospitalized recently, don't worry. No, so-"

   "Her company is going to go public?" Li Wenyan caught the point immediately.


   Jiang Yuan knew more about Hao Shu Shi than Li Wenyan.

   "At present, apart from Madelong, the best-selling hemorrhoid cream in China is Haoshu Shi."

  Jiang Yuan said, he also opened the browser on his mobile phone, found an advertisement of Hao Shu Shi and showed it to Li Wenyan: "I also invited a martial arts star to speak."

  Companies that meet the listing conditions must have a net profit of more than 30 million in the past three years.

   What's more, Haoshu has been selling hemorrhoid cream for decades.

   His wife is an entrepreneur, and Li Wenyan has a deep understanding of this aspect.

   "If you want to see Mr. Xiong, I will call her now to refuse her."

  Jiang Yuan had just switched the phone interface to dialing when Li Wenyan, who was sitting on the hospital bed, said, "You book a box in Fu Yuan, I'm going to entertain this President Xiong tonight."

   Hear the strings and know the meaning of elegance.

  Jiang Yuan instantly understood Li Wenyan's plan——

   Congressman is afraid that he wants to pluck each other's wool.

   I don't know if this big fat sheep, which is almost 200 catties, can really make 70 million.

   Tang Li received a call from Li Wenyan again, and it was already 9:30 pm.

   Knowing that she was still on the set, Li Wenyan only explained on the phone: "Ask your Excellency for me, and I will send him the money to see when he is free."

   Just one night.

  Li Wenyan collected 100 million.

The tone of    is no longer as gloomy as in the afternoon.

   must be really rich.

   Although he didn't know where the money came from, Tang Li still showed happiness: "That's great, Dad, if your Excellency knew that we worked so hard to collect the money, you would definitely be moved!"

  ——Why do we work so hard.

  Li Wenyan sat in the back row of the car, and after hearing Tang Li's shameless effort, his blood surged. If he hadn't taken care of his self-restraint, he wished he could crawl over the phone line and give Tang Li a ruthless look!

  When you want to raise money, you can find excuses for various excuses.

   For now, let’s sit back and enjoy the success.

   "Dad, don't you think so." Tang Li suggested: "I will keep the 100 million for you first. I will go to Tan Palace in just two days. When that time comes, I will hand it over directly to Your Excellency."

   answered her with a beeping busy tone.

  ——Li Wenyan pinched the phone.

  Tang Li did not call back, and instead texted another number.

  [My dad wants to donate 100 million yuan to a drug rehabilitation medical institution. He has prepared the money and is waiting for your call with his arms around the safe. ]

After the    period, she added a caution.

   (end of this chapter)

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