After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1020: Really begging for a fight [sweet]

   Chapter 1020 Really begging for a fight [Sweet]

   Before pressing 'send', she felt that her heart was too frivolous, and it didn't fit the 100 million topic atmosphere, so she replaced [heart] with a [grinning face].

   Not long after, I received a reply from Song Boyan.

   There are only four simple words.

  [Really begging for a fight. ]

  Tang Li: "..."

   Before she could defend herself, Song Boyan called.

   "One hundred million is not a small number."

  Tang Li held the phone, stood on the sofa against the wall, and from time to time put his back against the wall, "If the amount is small, it's not worth calling your Excellency in person."

  This flattery is so good, it can be said to be extremely coping.

  The man's magnetic voice also reached her ears: "Now it's more and more appealing."

   This education is full of favor.

   "This is called real-name reporting, righteous killing of relatives." Tang Li's answer was cunning: "But I can't complete this task independently, and I need the cooperation of the public servant of the people - Your Excellency."

   On the other end of the phone, Song Boyan seemed to smile.

When asked about the origin of the 100 million yuan, Tang Li did not mention the part that he fooled Li Wenyan, but said: "After that box of antiques entered the game, my father was in a panic, afraid that he would be found on his head and affect him as a member of parliament. , gathered 100 million yuan, and wanted to burn myself for the country's drug rehabilitation."

   If Li Wenyan really had such a high level of consciousness, he wouldn't have kept Tang Shen's property for 20 years.

   "My dad's intention is to connect this donation with Your Excellency in person."

   As for Tang Li, I don’t want Li Wenyan to go to Tan Palace.

   She asked Song Boyan to call Li Wenyan, just to ask Li Wenyan to transfer 100 million to herself.

   After all, it was something she planned.

   It is most appropriate for her to go through the donation procedures for this money.

   Therefore, Tang Li said again: "Your Excellency is already busy enough, our family can no longer burden the country and the government."

   Inside and outside the words, the end is righteous and awe-inspiring.

   However, until the end of the call, Tang Li didn't get a word of truth.

   It wasn't Song Boyan who played Tai Chi with her.

   Realizing that his performance was too 'eye-catching', causing the center of the topic to shift, Tang Li was about to call back to ask again, when a text message popped up on the phone screen.

   was sent by Song Boyan.

  [Tell Ji Ming to go to Li's house later, and let him bring back the 100 million yuan to Tan Palace. ]

  Tang Li replied: "It doesn't have to be so troublesome."

   She held the phone with her ten fingers, and quickly typed a paragraph, which was her arrangement for the 100 million.

   As long as Song Boyan says hello and the senatorial election is over tomorrow morning, she will ask Li Wenyan to go to the bank and transfer the money to her account first, and then she will donate it to relevant institutions in the afternoon.

   Just as he was about to send it, Song Boyan's text message came in again.

  [Antiques can be robbed, and a hundred million can also disappear. ]

   "I'll put the money on my card."

   As long as she doesn't withdraw cash, no one else will be able to take it away.

   Even if Tang Li didn't want to admit it, it was still a day when he was convinced by his own wisdom!

  Unfortunately, Song Boyan didn't give her a chance to be proud.

   Before Tang Li was complacent, a new text message appeared in the chat box.

  [If I were your father, I would have to teach you a lesson at the bank tomorrow. ]

  Tang Li: "???"

   Didn't understand the meaning of 'last lesson' for a while, Tang Li raised his head and looked at himself in the vanity mirror.

   At this moment, the door of the dressing room was slammed open.

   Yu Sui squeezed in sideways with two cups of boba milk tea.

  Tang Li moved in his heart and asked Yu Sui: "If you owe someone 100 million yuan, and one day you have the ability to repay the debt, but you want to lose the money, what will you do when you and the creditor get to the bank?"

  "..." Yu Sui took a sip of the milk tea, met Tang Li's eyes in the mirror, and was silent for three seconds: "Put a black silk on your head, grab 100 million from the bank and return it to him?"

  Tang Li: "..."

   is that she overestimated the average human IQ.

   "Otherwise." Yu Sui shook his head: "I can't conjure up 100 million out of thin air to pay off the debt."

  … Conjured out of thin air.

The four words    gave Tang Li the illusion of enlightenment.

   She guessed what class Song Boyan was talking about.

  If Li Wenyan did not agree to transfer money and only gave a check, who knows if he would collude with the bank manager and get a bad check of 100 million to fool her.

   Even if the official seal of the bank is stamped, one hundred million may not be redeemed.

   In the end, it became her to make up one hundred million.

  If Ji Ming took 100 million from Li Wenyan, Li Wenyan would not dare to cheat.

   The successor was replaced by her, and everything became unknown.

   She can calculate Li Wenyan, of course Li Wenyan can do the same.

   How could such a political old fox always follow her way?

   took the phone, Tang Li texted.

   It is said to be a text message, but in fact there is only a small red heart.

   A few minutes later, Song Boyan came back——

   obviously knew that it scared her, this time the content was much gentler.

  [Your father may not be able to think of this, even if he is deceived to 100 million, it is not a big event that cannot be won. ]

  Tang Li posted one.

   Then, she received a multimedia message worth fifty cents.

   is a pink pig in a dress.

   The little pig still had a smile on his face.

  Tang Li was not comforted by the pig at all. On the contrary, she suspected that the pig was laughing at her, but she had no evidence!

   After returning to Li's house after the play, Tang Li found a car parked in front of the gate.

  Because the license plate was written in red on a white background, she immediately thought of Song Boyan's text message.

   Then I remembered the sudden appearance of Song Boyan last time.

  Tang Li was in no hurry to enter the door. Thinking that she seemed to have seen Hu Zhitiao in the community two days ago, she turned back in the direction where the nanny's car was driving, and did not go very far, and indeed found a bush of Hu Zhizhi for her.

  Ji Ming said goodbye to Li Wenyan and left Li's house, and saw a beautiful figure hovering beside his car.

  The girl put her hands behind her back, as if she was hiding something behind her.

  White sneakers on the cement floor, light blue pinstriped shirt, hem tied in a denim skirt, slender waist, low ponytail, can not hide the beautiful neck and shoulder lines.

   The European-style street lamps projected on the ground are not just the touch of tenderness.

   The mottled dim light also covered the girl who was waiting quietly by the roadside.

   Almost at a glance, Ji Ming could see who Tang Li was waiting for.

  It is only for the people you like that you will show such patience.

  Tang Li walked to the front of the car, and as soon as he looked up, he saw Ji Ming, and there was no one else behind him.

  Although it was expected, I was still a little disappointed.

   When Ji Ming came over, Tang Li stretched out his hands and sent a bouquet of purple flowers.

   "Please pass it on to your Excellency for me."

   "This is?" Ji Ming took the bouquet, but didn't recognize the variety.

Tang Li thoughtfully explained: "This is Hu Zhizhang, the weather is hot recently, and it is easy to get angry. The root of Hu Zhizhang can be used to make herbal tea. Drinking it is the best way to clear heat and detoxify. When the flowers fade, you can ask the kitchen to cook a bowl for you. "


  Science Science Class:

  Hu Zhitiao, also known as Haji, Hu Zhizi, is a good product for pig feeding.

   One more chapter at night, compare your heart!

   (end of this chapter)

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