After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1021: Red powder to send beauty [two more]

   Chapter 1021 Red Pink Sends the Beauty [Second Update]

   "This flower is pretty nice." Ji Ming looked at it.

   "No." Tang Li's mouth curved, his hands behind his back again: "The sword is given to the strong man, and the pink is given to the beautiful woman."

  Ji Ming: "..."

Mr.    has been in the army for many years, but he finally won the title of "beautiful woman".

   In the entertainment industry, it seems to be called clay sculpture.


  Miss Tang, who was corrupted by the clay sculpture culture, still attacked her husband.

   Watching Ji Ming get in the car and leave, Tang Li didn't forget to wave his little hand, then paced with his hands behind his back, and entered the gate of Li's house unhurriedly.

   As soon as he went up to the second floor, Tang Li saw Li Shengxia in front of the cloister window.

   That window was facing the gate.

  Li Shengxia is sitting in a wheelchair, her waist-length curly hair has been cut short, and the right half of her face is covered with gauze.

   Hearing footsteps, Li Shengxia also turned his head.

   Catching Tang Li's gaze, she curled her lips lightly: "I heard that Ali promised a good marriage, and now it seems that Ali and Your Excellency get along really well."

"Eldest sister speaks clearly, and it doesn't seem to be mentally abnormal." Tang Li stared at Li Shengxia, and his mouth curled up: "It seems that the eldest sister still has active treatment in the nursing home, I believe that it will not take long for the police to be able to See a healthy big sister."

   Li Shengxia's hands resting on the handle of the wheelchair tightened quietly.

   She has fallen to where she is today, thanks to Tang Li.

   If she leaves the nursing home, what awaits her is five or more years of imprisonment.

  Tang Li was about to go back to his room, when Li Shengxia's voice came again: "I think your Excellency really likes you, otherwise, just because your grandfather is Tang Shen, it's hard for you to be a good family, Li."

   "But luckily my dad will help you cover it up." Li Shengxia smiled again: "Compared to me and Yuan'er, now Li, you are my dad's heart."

  Tang Li turned his attention to Li Shengxia again, and his eyes met: "Excellent people are always easy to be favored. When the eldest sister and Yuaner are as good as me, maybe I can understand Dad's love for me."



   Cheeky is almost the same!

Thinking of what Tang Li had done these days from his mother's mouth, Li Shengxia didn't show his true emotions, only locked Tang Li's little deer eyes and slightly hooked his lips: "If I remember correctly, Li Shengxia should be 20 years old, I hope One day, I can see your wedding with Your Excellency."

   "Big sister's words remind me of something."

  Tang Li followed with a smile: "As a family sharing weal and woe, at my wedding, there must be two places for Aunt Qian and Yuan'er."

   Li Shengxia's eyes twitched slightly.

   Before she could answer, Tang Li went back to the room.

  Ouyang Qian came out of the younger daughter's bedroom and found that the eldest daughter was not looking right, "What's wrong?"

   "Tang Li is back." Li Shengxia informed.

   "She will come back as soon as she returns. Is it possible that we should go to the door to meet her?"

   Mentioning Tang Li, Ouyang Qian's face suddenly turned cold.

   Li Shengxia was pushed back to the room, and he also asked, "Isn't the information on the shareholding change registered at the Industry and Commerce Bureau?"

   "It's not just in time for the weekend." Ouyang Qian pushed the wheelchair to the bedside: "Lawyer Zeng went to urge him in the afternoon. It's probably just a few days."

   Once the formalities are completed, it is also the day when the mother and daughter leave the country.

   "It doesn't mean that the newly moved neighbor is the director of the Capital Administration of Industry and Commerce. Would you like to say hello?"

   "Don't mention it." Ouyang Qian sighed softly: "Last time, your sister had a little argument with her husband, but when she went out and saw it again, she didn't even say hello to us."

   said, she remembered another important thing: "That Pingxiang woman has arrived in the capital."

   "I arranged for her to stay in a hotel, and let her come to the house the day before returning to the nursing home. By then, the wound on her face should have scabbed over."

  Li Shengxia said, "Let her come over tomorrow."

   "Tomorrow?" Ouyang Qian hesitated: "Is it too urgent?"

  Ouyang Qian does not agree with letting the other party live at home: "The Li family has a lot of eyes and can't guarantee that if your father sees that woman, he won't think too much."

   "I suddenly felt uneasy in my heart." Li Shengxia always believed in his intuition.

   She raised her eyes and looked at Ouyang Qian, "Tomorrow morning, you will call the nursing home and ask them to send a car to pick them up. After they leave, we will go to the airport."

  Ouyang Qian understood her daughter's meaning, but it was too hasty to do so.

   In her plan, next week is the set time.

Seeing that his mother was still hesitating, Li Shengxia added: "In fact, tomorrow is the most suitable day. Dad is busy running for election, and I am afraid that he will not care about other things. As for the change of equity, the signature has been signed. It can be entrusted to lawyer Zeng, and he can send the documents to Vancouver afterwards.”

   "The longer you drag on, the more mishaps there will be."

   Li Shengxia couldn't help but explain: "You refused to help Dad fill in the 100 million hole. With Dad's suspicious personality, you turned around and freed up your hands. It is very likely to check the family's accounts."

   At that time, the matter of the equity transfer cannot be concealed.

   Ouyang Qian's face paled, knowing that her daughter was not alarmist.

   If Li Wenyan finds out something, all plans will be in vain.

   Released her daughter's cool hands, Ouyang Qian stood up: "I'll go back to my room now to change the ticket."


  Tang Li was standing in front of the washstand in the bathroom, with what Li Shengxia said in his mind.

  Li Shengxia mentioned the wedding, of course, not to bless her.

   was also Li Shengxia's words, which made Tang Li suddenly realize that she didn't care about Ouyang Qian and Li Yuaner's mother and daughter, but they didn't necessarily let her go.

  Once the relationship between Ouyang Qian and Li Wenyan is dissolved, it means that there will be no common interests.

   No longer involves self-interest, and Ouyang Qian will no longer keep silent as in the past.

  When the cold water rushed over the back of his hand, Tang Li also made a decision.

   Li Wenyan and Ouyang Qian, the loving couple, are better off not getting a divorce.

   Now her aunt Qian is going to go abroad with her father behind her back. In order to keep this marriage alive, she can no longer be a cold-blooded bystander.

   Li Wenyan went home tonight because of Song Boyan's phone call.

  The big boss pointed out that he came to Li's house to get the 100 million yuan, maybe the other party just set the address casually, but he couldn't say to Qiao, 'You can ask your chief guard to come to the hospital'.

   As soon as Ji Ming left, Li Wenyan also prepared to continue to live in his hospital.

   As a result, he just got in the car and received a call from Tang Li.

   "Dad, you have to be optimistic about my Aunt Qian recently."

Li Wenyan didn't understand the last sentence, when Tang Li's voice came again: "I just passed the master bedroom and heard Aunt Qian and the eldest sister chatting." After a two-second pause, Tang Li continued: "Dad You have to be mentally prepared, recently a Tianyi executive was chasing Aunt Qian and threatened to take Aunt Qian to the United States to build a love nest together!"

Good night! There will be no update in the early morning. I will go to the hospital tomorrow afternoon, so the update will be in the evening, so I will report it to you first.



   (end of this chapter)

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