Chapter 102 Ready to wash and sleep

  Song Jingtian said it as a matter of course, but Tang Li did not dare to be careless.

   This kind of thing will cause misunderstanding if you are not careful.

  Tang Li gave Song Jingtian his mobile phone and asked him to call home immediately. Song Jingtian was a little reluctant, but under her pressure, he honestly dialed the landline number of the house.

   But no one answered.

   The little guy secretly smugly pouted, pursed his lips, raised his eyebrows, and looked at Tang Li: "I said that there is no one in my family, did I lie to you?"

   "Your mother is not at home?" Tang Li asked him.

  Song Jingtian kept his eyes on the cartoon, and answered her casually: "My mother and Aunt Min went out to play two days ago, and the driver and housekeeper are on vacation."

   Tang Li had already been deceived by him, and he dared not believe his words 100%.

   "Then you are at home by yourself these few days?"

   "I live at my sister's house."

   "Did you run away by yourself?"

The little guy finally turned his attention to her, and moved his **** on the chair: "My sister-in-law and I have a relatively large generation gap, and living together reluctantly can easily lead to conflicts, so I thought about it for two days and thought it would be better to go back to Songlin Garden. it is good."


   That's right, I just ran out by myself!

   Wu Xuehan was so frightened that she turned her head and glanced at Tang Li.

   If parents find out that their child is missing and go to the police, they will not be able to tell the truth at that time. Maybe Tang Li will be charged with "child trafficking", which is really a bad thing with good intentions.

   "Then call your sister." Tang Li opened his mouth and ordered Song Jingtian: "She must be in a hurry when you come out like this."

  Song Jingtian said, "I told her to go to Big Brother's place today, and she asked the driver to take me there. Now she must think I am at Yunqi Villa."

Afraid that Tang Li would drive him away, he hesitated for a while, but still explained his plan: "But my elder brother is very busy, he has been out for meetings these days, and the driver took me to the gate of the villa, so I let him go back first, Then I went down the mountain again, and after a short walk, I saw a taxi and stopped one."

   Wu Xuehan said in Tang Li's ear, "Children today are really scary..."

   When they were young, how dare they go out alone at night.

  A child walking on the road is likely to be abducted.

  Tang Li took back his phone and went to the balcony.

   Seeing her leaving, Song Jingtian let go of the "tiger whip" in his arms, turned his head and asked Wu Xuehan, "Are you using a gas water heater?"

On the balcony, Tang Li hesitated for a moment and dialed Song Boyan's private number.

   The phone took a long time to get through.

   Hearing Song Boyan's familiar low voice, Tang Li did not forget that Song Jingtian said he was in a meeting outside the city.

Recently, an international economic summit was held in a commercial port, and there were relevant reports on major online platforms. Even if she didn't pay much attention to the news, she had heard of it. So now, for fear of delaying Song Boyan's work, she didn't beat around the bush, and briefly explained the cause and effect. Tell him that Song Jingtian was brought to school by her.

  Song Boyan only let Song Jingtian answer the phone.

  Tang Li returned to the dormitory with her mobile phone, but when she pushed open the balcony door, she saw Song Jingtian holding Wu Xuehan's small washbasin in one hand, a new towel in the other, and as for her feet... wearing her pair of lady's slippers.

   A posture of "ready to wash and sleep".


   Knowing that it was Song Boyan calling, Song Jingtian hurriedly put down the things in his hand.

He took the phone, put his two hands to his ears, and instantly became obedient and sensible. I don't know what Song Boyan said, the little guy glanced at Tang Li and replied, "You don't have to worry about me, I'll go home tomorrow. ."

   A certain child: "Hey, I really want to see my big brother, why don't we go to the commercial port to play!"



   (end of this chapter)

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