Chapter 103 Hang it up, ladies first

As if afraid of Tang Li's eavesdropping, he walked towards the kitchen again, and said vaguely to the other end of the phone: "I just went out for a walk, and then I ran into a bad guy. Fortunately, I met Tang Li, and I was safe with her. Big brother, just have a good meeting and don't be distracted by me."

   The dormitory is not big, no matter how softly Song Jingtian speaks, he can't avoid Tang Li and the others.

   Wu Xuehan sighed: "Suddenly I found that I was not even a child."

   In a short while, the little guy will come back.

   He handed the phone to Tang Li: "My eldest brother has something to tell you."

  Tang Li took over the phone, and Song Boyan's warm voice came from his ears: "Sedum is with you, did it cause you any trouble?"

"..." Tang Li raised his left hand, and subconsciously brushed the hair from his ear, his emotions were a bit indescribable, he turned his back, leaned against the table and said, "Fortunately, when I do my homework, he watches cartoons by himself. , the tiger whip is also very good."

   "Have a cold?" Song Boyan asked her.

   "No." Tang Li found that his throat was a little dry, so he cleared his throat, and then continued: "I'm just a little thirsty, just drink some water."

  Song Boyan said on the other end of the phone: "Sedum told me that he wanted to sleep in your school dormitory for one night, and there was no one in Songlinyuan for the past two days, and he didn't want to go to her sister's place.

   "My current dormitory is a double room, it should be no problem to live with a child."

   After the words came out, Tang Li realized that his promise was too abrupt.

   She added superfluously: "If he really wants to live, and the family is at ease, I can discuss it with my roommate. If she agrees, I will let my bed out for the child to sleep in."

   "Then ask your roommate's opinion first."

  Tang Li covered the microphone and turned to look at Wu Xuehan.

   Wu Xuehan is squatting on a chair to eat late night, the aroma of fried rice cakes with shredded pork and cabbage is overflowing.

   released the microphone, and Tang Li put the phone back to his ear: "She has no problem. If you don't worry, the child will live here tonight."

"I'll send you a number later." Song Boyan's voice sounded more stable in the middle of the night: "It's the contact information of Sister Sedum, just call her if you have anything. Tomorrow is Friday, I'll let you know at 7 am. The driver went to pick up Sedum to school."

   "Okay." Tang Li responded.

   Song Boyan added: "You can call me if you have any questions, but I'm out of town recently and may not be able to receive calls during the day."

   "I can handle it for one night. If there is nothing else, you can go to work first."

After    finished speaking, both sides of the phone fell silent.

  Tang Li didn't hang up first.

  Song Boyan's question came: "Why didn't you hang up?"

   "You hang up first." Tang Li replied.

   Then, he seemed to hear Song Boyan smile.

   The temperature on her face rose.

   In the receiver, Song Boyan's low and magnetic voice sounded again: "Hang up, ladies first."

Ms.    gave priority to four words, and made Tang Li slightly bend her lips.


   There was a sudden crash from the bathroom.

   In the dormitory, Song Jingtian was nowhere to be seen.

  Tang Li immediately went to the bathroom.

   As soon as he entered, he found Song Jingtian sitting in the shower.

The shower room was wet. Song Jingtian was wearing only a pair of cartoon shorts, as smooth as a small loach. His head was covered in white foam. Watch out for a fall.

   Wu Xuehan muttered at the door: "I didn't even know he slipped into the bathroom to take a shower."

  Tang Li has helped people up.

  Turn on the shower and adjust the water temperature before washing Song Jingtian's face.

   (end of this chapter)

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