After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 104: Take you to find my big brother

   Chapter 104 Take you to find my big brother

   Knowing that he would not be sent away, Song Jingtian was instantly satisfied.

  Tang Li looked at the phone again and found that she had hung up.

  The 7-year-old child has long been able to wash his face and hands by himself, but it is still difficult to wash his hair by himself in the shower. He was afraid that the child would fall again, so Tang Li had to stay and help him take a bath.

When    was washing her hair, Song Jingtian grabbed her sweater with both hands, obviously afraid of falling again.

   Also after taking off his clothes, Tang Li found that he had a lot of bruises on his body.

   As an adult, being beaten like this might make him grin in pain.

   However, Song Jingtian did not cry out in pain in front of her.

   Thinking like this, Tang Li helped him brush his hair lightly.

In her last life, although Tang Li had no children, she took care of Qin Yueru for many years. Qin Yueru was in the worst condition and could not move for three months. She was responsible for Qin Yueru's food, drink, and lasagna. Now, give the child a bath and treat her It's not difficult to say.

   helped Song Jingtian wash off the foam, Tang Li took a dry hair towel, wiped the water droplets from his hair and face, and then took a shower to help him take a shower.

   The little guy is rarely shy and refuses to take off his pants.

  Tang Li did not force him.

   Halfway through, she went to get a new pair of **** that she had never worn.

  I thought that Song Jingtian would dislike it, but the little guy changed it himself without saying a word.

  Tang Li plugged in the hair dryer and was just about to blow his hair. Song Jingtian raised his round head and grabbed the towel wrapped around her with his small hands and asked, "Will you be unhappy if I stay here?"

   "Am I not happy to be useful?"

   Her rhetorical question was exchanged for Song Jingtian's hum.

   After a long while, the little guy suddenly said, "Today is actually my birthday."

In the hum of the hair dryer, Tang Li heard his words clearly, looked up at the mirror on the wall, Song Jingtian pursed his lips: "My sister and brother-in-law are very busy, I live in his house, and no one accompanies me. Let's eat together, my nephew has to go to school just like you, my birthday was given to me by my eldest brother, but this year he will have a very important meeting."

   "Your mother doesn't give you a birthday?" Tang Li asked.

  Song Jingtian sighed: "My mother is old, and she doesn't even have a birthday. It's normal for her to forget me. Only my eldest brother buys me cakes and gifts on time every year."

   "You and your elder brother have a good relationship."

   "That's because I haven't had a father since I was a child." Song Jingtian added: "My father was gone when I was born. My elder brother is just like my father. My kindergarten graduation ceremony was also my elder brother taking time to go to."

   Looking at the child's proud face, Tang Li couldn't help feeling touched.

   She has a father, but his father does not want her.

  Tang Li remembered that at Song Jingtian's age, he was actually happy because his mother was always with her.

   Even if she is not wealthy, she often has to help her mother with work, but she will not feel lonely, nor will she have that kind of confusion at the crossroads.

   After blowing her hair, Song Jingtian ran out with her slippers.

   The next day, the driver came to pick up Song Jingtian early.

   Tang Li did not forget to buy him breakfast.

   After class in the evening, she saw him again at the gate of Wentan Garden.

The little guy was sitting beside the flower bed with a blue Mickey bag on his back. When he saw Tang Li and Wu Xuehan coming back, he immediately ran over and said to Tang Li arrogantly, "I'm going to the commercial port to meet my eldest brother for his birthday. In view of your good performance yesterday, I'm going to take you with me."

   Four shifts are over, good night~



   (end of this chapter)

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