Chapter 1024 Love House and Wu

   Is she stupid? Obviously the enemy is too cunning.

   Sure enough, **** is still old and spicy.

   In this case, only by pretending to be dead can you escape.

  Tang Li was about to hang up the phone, Song Boyan's steady voice was in the receiver: "I usually like to get to the bottom of things, why don't I ask who is next to me today."

   "Anyone?" Tang Li pursed his lips, "Why didn't I hear a voice."

   She found that sometimes, Song Boyan was also quite twisted.

   He is in his thirties, and he likes to do some childish actions.

  As a partner, you have to cooperate.

   As said on the Internet, no matter how old a man is, he is a little boy at heart.

Therefore, Tang Li could only coax: "It's getting late! I didn't talk on the phone before, so I won't talk about it now, I have to go to my dad's room to see, you rest early, don't stay up late to deal with it. official business."

   After saying this, she pressed the hang up button.

  Ji Ming did not expect Tang Li to hang up the phone so decisively.

   When he looked at his husband, he couldn't help but say, "Madame is going to watch the fun?"

  Song Boyan smiled.

  Ji Ming went to look at the bottle of Hu Zhitiao on the table, and just through the phone call between Song Boyan and Tang Li, he somewhat realized that the Hu Zhitiao was not a 'good thing', so he was ready to take it away.

   didn't think about it, he just stretched out his hand when he heard the master say, "Just let it go."

   "Will it be bad to put it here?"

   After all, it is the office of the President, and he often receives other dignitaries on weekdays.

  If the meaning of Hu Zhitiao is not good, it will inevitably be seen as a joke if it is placed on the desk.

   "How about I go to the garden to pick a few red lilies?"

  Jiming's suggestion was not adopted.

   Those beard branches were eventually placed on the edge of the desk.

  Coming out of the office, Ji Ming's heart is like a mirror.

   Don't look at the plant Hu Zhizhi, it seems that it doesn't catch the eyes of Mr., but just like the little orange cat, because it was given by Miss Tang, it was also left behind.

   In the end, love the house and Wu.

  Only Miss Tang can make the husband willing to play some tricks with him.

   Tang Li hung up the phone and went to the master bedroom.

   In the evening, Li Wenyan and Ouyang Qian had a quarrel, and they had already attracted sister Li Shengxia. At the entrance of the stairs, there were servants watching, who wanted to approach but did not dare.

  Li Yuan'er also noticed the servant who was poking his head, just assuming that the other party wanted to see the liveliness of the host's house, and reprimanded: "What are you looking at, don't go back to your own room!"

   "I want to go back." The servant said, lifting the dustpan and broom in his hand: "But today I am in charge of the upstairs hygiene. After the councillor and the chairman have finished arguing, I have to clean up."

  Li Yuan'er: "..."

   Before she could have a seizure, her arm was pulled by the elder sister.

   Li Shengxia was about to send the servants when another Qingyue female voice sounded first: "Sister Liu, go to rest first. If something breaks, I'll call you downstairs."

  Looking back at the sound, what he saw was Tang Li.

   Sister Liu responded with an 'hey' and went downstairs with a dustpan and broom.

   Where there is still hesitation.

  In the past, the domestic servants would not obey Tang Li's orders.

   Now, it was Yuaner, the serious second lady, who was questioned by the servant.

   Such a small detail fully reflects the change of Tang Li's status at home.

   In fact, it only takes a month or two.

  When he was not around, his mother and sister were obviously no match for Tang Li.

Li Shengxia remembered how Tang Li first came to Li's house. After all, they underestimated the enemy and mistook a dormant poisonous snake for a cowardly mouse. When they reacted, the poisonous snake had long since spit out letters and took over the house. own.

   As for Tang Li, he ignored Sister Li Shengxia and pushed open the hidden door.

  In the master bedroom, Ouyang Qian and Li Wenyan did not stop arguing.

Finding Tang Li at the door, Ouyang Qian looked at her husband again and smiled coldly: "Li Wenyan, instead of suspecting that I am hooking up with men outside, why don't you ask your good daughter now, how much fanfare has it fanned among us? How much fire!"

   "Don't think I don't know, it's her idea to let Yuan'er go to the acupoints for business performances!"

   This is ready for a face-to-face confrontation.

  Tang Lilai came to the master bedroom, of course not from casting a net.

After listening to Ouyang Qian's accusation, she bit her lip forbearance: "I know Aunt Qian, you don't like me, but you can't wrong me like this; Aunt Qian, you used to like to divide my relationship with my father, and now all the dirty water goes to me. Splashed on me, no matter what, I'm also my dad's daughter, with my dad's blood on my body."


  Ouyang Qian has read countless people, but her hands are still shaking with anger.

   Just because of the phrase 'Dad's blood is flowing on him'.

   Tang Li, this little bitch, knows exactly what she cares about, so she tried her best to sprinkle salt on her old scars!

   "Mom, you are easy to be provoked."

   Li Shengxia's voice came from behind Tang Li.

   "How many times have I told you to stop contacting Wu Ma." Li Shengxia was in a wheelchair and was pushed by Li Yuaner.

   Her appearance eased the tense atmosphere.

   "Wu Ma hates you for driving her back to the countryside for Ali, can you not slander Ali in front of you?"

   Li Shengxia's remarks pulled Ouyang Qian back from the brink of losing control of her emotions.

   Said, Li Shengxia looked at Li Wenyan again: "Dad, even if your mother is in trouble with you, you shouldn't speculate about your mother, it will be too hurtful."

   (end of this chapter)

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