Chapter 1025 The house is broken, the eve

"Dad, you have to feel your conscience, because of your affair with Classmate A Li, Mom had a miscarriage. Not only did you not comfort her, but you also listened to rumors that came from nowhere, thinking that Mom had a relationship with those uncles in the company. ..." Seemingly finding it difficult to speak, Li Shengxia stopped talking.

   Then, she said again: "In the past, our family was warm and harmonious. When did it start, the house became a mess, not to mention the relationship between Dad, you and Mom, even grandma was sent away."

   In a few words, Li Shengxia made his mother a victim.

   And because of Jiang Yining, Li Wenyan's betrayal of his wife is a fact, no matter how he argues, it is not reasonable, Li Shengxia mentioned this extramarital affair, just to arouse his "guilt".

The emotion of    guilty conscience is the easiest to take advantage of.

  Tang Li, as a bystander, has long seen through Li Shengxia's intentions.

   Hearing the name Jiang Yining, Li Wenyan lost his previous aggressiveness.

   Li Shengxia obviously knew this father too.

   She identified Ouyang Qian's derailment as a "rumor" as soon as she opened her mouth, and later mentioned Jiang Yining and Mrs. Li.

  Whether Li Wenyan cheated on Jiang Yining, or Mrs. Li was sent to the south, these two incidents are related to Tang Li.

   is also the same way of deducting the feces. Li Shengxia's technique is much better than Ouyang Qian's.

   She did not directly say that the culprit was Tang Li.

   Just in words, he secretly pointed the finger at Tang Li.

   Even if Li Wenyan finally decided that Tang Li was talking, it had nothing to do with her, because in her words, Tang Li was not mentioned from the beginning to the end.

   However, when Li Shengxia's voice fell, Tang Li answered quietly, "The chaos in our family started when you planned the abduction case, eldest sister."

  Li Shengxia: "..."

"Speaking of Yining and Dad." Tang Li paused, and then added: "If it wasn't for the big trouble for you, eldest sister, and Aunt Qian was too busy wiping your **** to take care of your family, how could she give those who have ulterior motives a chance? Taking advantage of it? And I always believed that Dad just made a mistake that every man in the world would make in this matter."

   What a mistake all men in the world make!

  Ouyang Qian's complexion was blue and white.

   Not to mention, he also explained the derailment in such a refreshing and refined way.

   is simply skinless and faceless to the extreme!

However, the little **** surnamed Tang continued: "As for grandma, because of the eldest sister, she scolds at home all day long, either scolding you for being rude, or scolding the state public prosecutor's law for not sending grandma away, how could Dad be like this? MP?"

When Tang Li said this, his eyes were fixed on Li Shengxia's gauze face: "Eldest sister, you only know how to blame Dad, have you ever thought about it for Dad? As the head of the family, how much pressure did he endure, if it wasn't for Dad to bring the media Escort you to the nursing home, at this moment, eldest sister, you may be undergoing reform through labor, instead of being in a wheelchair and pointing fingers at Dad."

   What is this called?

   Backhand a **** pot and buckle it back?

   That heart-wrenching tone is as disgusting as the person is!

   Even Li Yuan'er could hear that Tang Li jumped up and down like this, seemingly defending Dad everywhere, but in fact he just wanted to make Dad and their mother and daughter separate!

   "Tang, you!" She was about to expose the sinister intentions of this illegitimate daughter, but her arm was firmly pulled by the elder sister.


   Without waiting for Li Yuaner to speak again, Li Shengxia first admitted his mistake: "A Li is right, I was obsessed for a while, just because our sisters were a little bit arrogant, I got into the way of some people, and also affected the family."

Saying that, she looked at Li Wenyan again: "Dad, I know that Yuan'er and I have let you down, but please think about it, from childhood to adulthood, Yuaner and I have really always been together for so many years. Like this?"

   Li Wenyan sullen, but did not deny Li Shengxia's remarks.

   The two daughters were brought up by Ouyang Qian. Even though Li Yuaner was a little arrogant, she was not as messy as other second-generation X-generations. As for Li Shengxia, she was outstanding since she was a child, which has always been the pride of their husband and wife.

   Until one day, two daughters suddenly became legal coffees one after another.

   It can also be said that the future is ruined.

  Originally, Li Wenyan never thought about it, but at this moment, she realized that Li Yuaner quit the entertainment circle, and Li Shengxia was involved in the abduction and trafficking case.

  Ouyang Qian cheated, wasn't Tang Li also suing him?

   Li Shengxia's reminder undoubtedly made him realize that something was wrong with Tang Li.

  Having been in high office for more than ten years, the most intolerable thing about Li Wenyan is being fooled!

   Looking at the eyes of Li Wenyan, Tang Li's expression was as usual, without a trace of dodge.

In the next second, Li Wenyan said: "Ali, the family doesn't talk about two things, you come and tell you Aunt Qian, did you hear her chatting with your eldest sister outside the master bedroom, mentioning that she recently talked to Tianyi. A certain executive came very close?"

   Li Wenyan's remarks completely sold Tang Li.

   "It's really you!"

  Ouyang Qian stared at Tang Li, eager to eat his flesh and blood.

Afterwards, she laughed in anger and turned her head to Li Wenyan: "This is a good daughter who is with you! It's tiresome to sow discord! First Yuan'er, then Xia Xia, now it's my turn, next, Li Wen Yan, guess who it is?!"

   "Ali, why are you telling such a lie?"

   Li Shengxia followed.

The look in her eyes on Tang Li was filled with disappointment and regret: "I know, Li, you always think that we killed your mother, and it's understandable that you want revenge, but at least you understand the truth, not indiscriminately. , resenting everyone in this family."

   When it comes to fighting snakes, Li Shengxia is definitely one of the best.

as predicted--

   Li Wenyan's face became terrifying when he heard this.

However, before Li Shengxia could hit Li Wenyan's 'Seven Inch' again, Tang Li, who had never defended himself, suddenly raised his head: "Aunt Qian, you sneaked out of Xiaoliang's room in the middle of the night last Wednesday. , I was going to rot in my stomach, but you have wronged me like this, I have to say it!"

  Ouyang Qian: "..."

  Li Shengxia: "..."

  Li Wenyan: "..."

  Li Yuan'er: "???"

   "There are no Tianyi executives from the beginning to the end." Tang Li took a deep breath: "It's Xiaoliang, what makes Aunt Qian unbearable is always Xiaoliang!"

  Ouyang Qian: "!"

Tang Li's eyes were already over, and the circles of his eyes were slightly red: "Aunt Qian, my dad is old, but he has been married to you for decades. What do people think of him?"

   "Dad gave birth to two children with you. There is no credit or hard work. Even if you don't care about Dad, you have to think about eldest sister and Yuan'er. They can't be without a father and a home!"

  Li Wenyan: "!!!"

Good night!



   (end of this chapter)

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