Chapter 1036 This is not Li Shengxia

  Tang Li's words obviously didn't know that Li Yuan'er was going abroad.

   Realizing that he had missed the point, Yang Ning just hung up the phone.

  Tang Li listened to the busy tone, and was still thinking about Yang Ning's sentence, "She's gone."

  People are gone, indicating that people have left.

  Otherwise, it's time to say 'go away'.

  Tang Li dialed Mother Wu's number and asked if Ouyang Qian and her daughter were at home.

"It's upstairs." Mother Wu told the whereabouts of Ouyang Qian's mother and daughter: "Miss Yuan'er pushed her sister to go for a walk outside, because the sun was too hot, and she was wrapped in a headscarf and Wearing sunglasses, as a result, it didn't take long to come back."

   Tang Li said, "They didn't go out?"

   "I haven't been out for a while. I heard from Mrs. Liu that the car from the nursing home will pick up the older ones in a while."

   "Li Shengxia is going back to the nursing home today?"

   She thought that Li Shengxia would stay at home for at least three or five days.

   Given how much Ouyang Qian loves her daughter, she shouldn't send her away so quickly.


   responded to Yang Ning's words.

  Ouyang Qian is going to take Li Yuaner abroad today.

  Tang Li went back to the president's office. Feng Qi and Kevin were chatting about the shooting style of the commercial. She just sat down on the sofa when she received a sideways gaze from Yu Sui.

  Tang Li looked at her and asked silently.

   In the next second, Tang Li's phone vibrated.

   is the message in the #三花金花# group.

  【Yu's Unique Miao Miao】: "[Picture]"

  Tang Li clicked on the picture, which is an advertising banner for magnesium sulfate oral liquid.

  ——Don't panic if you are constipated, come with magnesium sulfate oral liquid to keep you safe!

  【Wu Fa Cai】: "Who is constipated?"

  Tang Li: "..."

  【Yu's Du Miao Miao】: "[Sorrow and anger.gif] I thought Yang Ning really had AIDS, so I specifically stood in front of you. @tangli"

  Tang Li comforted: "Touch your head, you are a good comrade who loves to show."

  【Yu's Dumiao Miao】: "Is this the point? [Crossing the Pyramid with Tears.gif]"

  【Tang Li】: "???"

  【Yu's Lone Miao Miao】: "Yang Ning doesn't have AIDS, it's so naive!"

  【Tang Li】: "..."

  【Yu's Du Miao Miao】: "But it doesn't matter, at least now the whole network knows that she has the old problem of constipation."

  Tang Li typed and asked, "Yang Ning admitted it?"

   Yu Sui took his eyes back leisurely, and buried his head in typing: "Isn't she the one with your stone hammer? Netizens believe it, does she admit it's important?"

  【Tang Li】: "[Exploding Face Black.gif]"

  【Yu Shi Du Miao Miao】: "@wufacai: Learn, what is full-grade green tea, even if you hammer someone to death, you can still look innocent!"

  【Wu Facai】: "Oh! Thank you Ali for teaching me. @tangli"

  【Tang Li】: "..."

  Lunch is served in Del canteen.

   Buffet style.

  Tang Li just put a piece of steamed bread into his plate when another call came in from his cell phone.

  The caller ID is Wu's mother.

   Putting down the plate, Tang Li went to the corner to answer.

   As soon as she put the phone to her ear, Mother Wu said, "About half an hour ago, Mrs. and Miss Yuan'er went out."

   Mother Wu only found out now that she was sent to the laundry room.

   "The one sent by Lao Liang?" Tang Li asked.

   "My wife drove her own car and said she was going to buy some autumn clothes."

   Mother Wu remembered something, and said again: "That Li Shengxia is still at home, it seems that the car in the nursing home has some problems on the highway, and will come to pick him up later."

  Tang Li hung up the phone, and Yu Sui came over with a dinner plate.

   "Do you want to eat scallops with garlic?"

   Seeing the pile of spiky scallops, Tang Li put away his phone: "I have to go home."

After    finished speaking, he went to inform Hui Feng Qi.

   Knowing that there was something wrong with her family, Feng Qi did not keep anyone.

   As soon as he got in the car, Tang Li turned his head to look at Yu Sui who was climbing up, or more precisely, the packing box in her hand, and warned in advance, "You are not allowed to eat minced garlic in the car."

   "..." Yu Sui.

   What if I want to bite a handkerchief!

  Do not eat minced garlic.

  Tang Li, this cruel woman!

   She leaned over and put the packing box in the passenger seat, not forgetting to tell someone: "No stealing!"

   Yuan Qin: "..."

  The nanny car drove up the overhead, Yu Sui just turned his head and asked, "Why did you come home suddenly? Didn't you say you went directly to the studio in the afternoon?"

   "Just wanted to confirm one thing."

  Since he was reborn, Tang Li believed in his own intuition.

   After seeing Li Shengxia last night, she felt a little vigilant in her heart.

   Li Shengxia came home suddenly. She always felt that it was not so simple, but she couldn't say it concretely. Maybe the answer was in Li's house today.

   It was forty minutes after returning to Li's house.

  Tang Li went upstairs as soon as he entered the door. Instead of going back to his room, he went to Li Yuan'er's bedroom, twisted the door, and the inside was as usual.

   On the big bed, there was still the nightdress that Li Yuaner wore last night.

  Tang Li opened the door of the cloakroom, but there was no loss of clothing, so he turned to the master bedroom, but he didn't notice anything unusual.

   It seems that she really thinks too much about everything.

   Passing Li Shengxia's room, Tang Li slowed down.

   At this time, Sister Liu also came upstairs.

   Seeing Tang Li, she specifically explained: "Miss's lunch is in the room. I'll bring her a cup of warm water so she can take her medicine."

  The door was pushed open, and Tang Li followed.

   On the bed, there is a raised thin quilt and half of the back of the head.

   Tang Li was about to look away when he heard a light cough, which came from the bed.

   Sister Liu put down the water glass and exited.

   Just wanted to close the door, but was blocked by a slender hand!

  Tang Li crossed Mrs. Liu into the house and stopped by the bed. Li Shengxia turned his back to the door as if he was asleep.

   Just looking at the back of this head, it is indeed Li Shengxia.

   The premise is that there is no cough.

  Tang Li didn't hesitate, he reached out and lifted the thin quilt!

   Accompanied by an exclamation, the woman on the bed instinctively covered her face with her hands, and when she lowered her head, she also exposed the gauze on the right half of her face.

   "What's the matter?" Sister Liu was startled and followed up.

  Tang Li only stared at the woman curled up on the bed, and slowly reminded: "Eldest sister, the gauze on your face fell off."

   The woman on the bed was unmoved.

   The next second, Simmons collapsed.

  The woman only felt her shoulders sink, her heart was flustered, and before she had time to struggle, the hands that were covering her face were forcibly pulled away.

   She met with a pair of good-looking deer eyes that were half-smile but not smiling: "I caught you."


   Sister Liu saw the woman's face and her expression changed suddenly: "This—"

   The one lying on the bed is not the eldest lady at all.

   but a stranger!

   should be the person Li Yuaner pushed Li Shengxia out for a walk.

  Tang Li let go of the woman and went straight downstairs to leave Li's house.

   After getting on the nanny car, she asked Yuan Qin, "Can you check someone's travel ticket record?"

   "I can't." Yuan Qin paused for a while before exposing himself: "But Ji Ming can."

   Ji Ming was packing things in his room when he received the call.

  The call ended and he went to the office.

   Knowing Tang Li's words 'help', Song Boyan just said a word, condoning the same: "But to get the ticket purchase information of family members, as long as she doesn't violate the law and discipline, let her go."

Good night!



   (end of this chapter)

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