After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1037: Are we not allowed to warm each other?

   Chapter 1037 We are not allowed to keep each other warm?

  Twenty minutes later, Tang Li received a multimedia message from Ji Ming.

   However, there are only two photos.

   are the ticket purchase records of Ouyang Qian and Li Yuaner respectively.

  Tang Li saw that both mother and daughter bought a flight to Hong Kong City at 3:10 pm, and became more and more certain of her previous guess, but she had not waited for Li Shengxia's ticket purchase record.

   can find someone to pretend to be himself and go back to the sanatorium, indicating that Li Shengxia has a plan to 'escape'.

  Li Shengxia has a case of abduction and trafficking on her back. In the past five years, at least in country S, she has not been able to swagger in the public eye.

   For her, the best way out is immigration.

   If you can't be reborn, then change the environment in which you live.

   - to a place where no one knows her.

   Now that her mother and sister are going abroad, how could Li Shengxia miss this opportunity?

  Tang Li then remembered several passports he had seen in Li Wenyan's study. Since Li Shengxia didn't use his ID to buy tickets, he could only use a fake identity.

  If she calls the police, she must have some evidence on hand.

   But Ouyang Qian and Li Yuaner are not criminals, they have the right to enter and exit freely.

  The police did not look for Li Shengxia when they turned around, that is, they called the false police, and the person who called the police would be punished by public security management.

   Besides, even if Li Shengxia was at the airport, the police might not be able to find her.

   It's 1:17pm, two hours to 3:10.

   It only takes 50 minutes from Li's house to the airport.

  Today, Tang Li's several plays are scheduled after 5 o'clock in the evening. It is too late to go to and from the airport. She locked the screen of her mobile phone, raised her head and instructed Yuan Qin: "Go to the Capital International Airport."

   "Huh?" Yu Sui was eating her lunch in the passenger seat, when she heard this, she turned to the side: "Are you not going to film in the afternoon?"

   "Go to the airport and arrest someone first."

   Tang Li said, his eyes locked on Yu Sui's hands.

   Yu Sui: "..."

   She pursed her mouth, which was covered in minced garlic, and hid the packing box behind her, pretending to be inadvertent.

  Tang Li just asked Yuan Qin, "Don't you feel that you can't breathe?"

   In particular, Yu Sui was less than a punch away from him.

   Then, Tang Li got a rhetorical question from the depths of Yuan Qin's soul: "I said she couldn't breathe, so she would go down?"

   At this moment, the sun is scorching hot outside.

  Tang Li took his eyes back from the car window and nodded: "You still have foresight."

   Yuan Qin: "..."

   At 2:10 pm, the nanny van was parked outside the gate of the airport.

  Tang Li put on a mask and a peaked cap, opened the car door, and Yu Sui in front was busy wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, while saying, "Wait for me, I'll help you, I'll definitely get more with less!"

  Tang Li has reservations about this: "In the tone that you have eaten garlic?"


   Watching Tang Li cross the road, Yu Sui snorted.

   When he turned around, he found that Yuan Qin had put on a mask.

   Seeing the other party take out his sunglasses again, she couldn't help but ask, "What are you doing?"

   "Avoid poisonous gas." Yuan Qin said concisely.

   Yu Sui: "..."

   It can be said that the lethality is not large and the insult is extremely strong!


   After Tang Li entered the airport hall, he went straight to change his boarding pass.

   On the way here, she bought herself a CA6503 economy class ticket.

  Ouyang Qian's mother and daughter took this flight.

   Domestic flights like this are rarely full before departure.

   Changed the boarding pass, Tang Li did not delay, queued up for security check and entered the terminal.

   In front of the boarding gate of the corresponding flight, passengers in twos and threes did not see Ouyang Qian's mother and daughter. Tang Li took out her mobile phone and dialed Ouyang Qian's number.

  The phone is connected, but no bell rings around.

   It was about time to check in, so Ouyang Qian and her three daughters should not have gone through the security check yet.

  Tang Li put away his mobile phone and chose a remote corner, ready to come and wait for the rabbit.

   However, the check-in was almost over, and Ouyang Qian and her daughter did not show up.

   She looked around, but did not find any familiar figures.

  The news that Ji Ming gave her would not be fake, it could only be that Ouyang Qian and her daughter temporarily changed their flight, or that their mother and daughter played tricks, in fact, all three of them used fake identities.

   After coming out of the terminal, Tang Li pulled out a photo of Li Shengxia on his phone.

   was about to go to the security checkpoint for questioning, when her thigh was lightly poked.

   Tang Li lowered his head and saw Song Jingtian.

   The little guy was wearing a black mask, almost covering his entire face. In his right hand, he was holding a dog leash. The tiger whip followed him. He was so hot that he was sticking out his tongue.

   "If you don't film well in the crew, what are you doing here?"

   Make sure that you are not mistaken, the little guy will immediately see that his eyes are not his nose or his nose.

   "Does the airport allow pets now?" Tang Li asked without answering.

  Song Jingtian rolled his eyes from choking.

  Tang Li noticed that someone was following Song Jingtian from a distance, "What about you? Why did you come to the airport when it was such a hot day that you didn't stay in Tan Palace?"

  The little guy gave her a serious look: "My nephew has returned from a global trip, can't I pick him up? We are both fallen from the end of the world, so we are not allowed to warm each other?"

   "...As long as you are happy." Tang Li smiled politely.

After   , she walked towards the security checkpoint.

  Song Jingtian followed suit: "Are you here to pick up people too?"

  Tang Li froze and looked at Song Jingtian again: "If I want to ask you a favor, you will definitely not refuse, right?"

  Song Jingtian: "...?"

   Airport lounge.

  Ouyang Qian bought three glasses of juice and returned, and Li Shengxia also opened her eyes.

When    took the drink, she asked, "Xiao Liang went back?"

   "Go back." Ouyang Qian sat with her young daughter: "I have already told him that he will come over when we settle down in Vancouver."

   said, Ouyang Qian turned her head off: "Thanks to Xiaoliang just now, if he hadn't seen Tang Li calling me at the security checkpoint, we might have run into that little **** right now."

  Although I don't know why Tang Li appeared at the airport, it is undoubtedly the most correct to avoid her.

  Rebooked flight at 4:30 pm.

  Ouyang Qian looked at her watch, it had been less than an hour.

   Just then, a passenger sat down on the sofa next door.

  Ouyang Qian was about to drink some orange juice, but she heard the conversation of the other party——

   "The child is really pitiful. He said that his father was paralyzed at home, and the mother was going to leave their father and son to go abroad, so he took a dog and took a taxi to the airport."

"Who said it wasn't." Another middle-aged woman answered: "This mother is also cruel, she doesn't want her children to find her, and she changed her name, but fortunately there are photos, the airport staff didn't say they wanted to help him find someone. ?"

   "The child said that his mother has a scar on the right side of his face, which is an important clue."

  Ouyang Qian: "..."

   "Xia Xia." Ouyang Qian looked at her daughter opposite.

  Ouyang Qian thought of it, and Li Shengxia naturally also realized it.

   Whether it's a coincidence or not, to her, it just means unprovoked trouble.


   The college entrance examination is going to take place tomorrow. If there is a little cutie who is chasing articles, you must do your best!

   (end of this chapter)

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