Chapter 1038 Do you still want to act?

   She just pulled the mask off after going through the security check.

   Even though their trip was very low-key, the scars on Li Shengxia's face were too eye-catching. The staff who handled her security check gave her two more glances when he handed her the ID card.

  Once the police intervened, they would inevitably find her on the head.

   Li Shengxia was not afraid of police investigation.

   That Pingxiang woman is six points similar to her. She bought the ticket with the other party's ID card.

   In her bag, there is also the diagnosis certificate of the other party's facial injury at the beginning of the month.

   As long as you get on the plane, everything is a foregone conclusion!

   Seeing that his mother was a little uneasy, Li Shengxia stretched out his hand and covered the back of Ouyang Qian's hand: "It's just a child looking for his mother, and it has nothing to do with us."

   "It's not." Li Yuan'er didn't look at her phone anymore, and raised her head: "What kind of tricks can a little kid bring a dog to toss."

   Ever since she was played by Song Jingtian, she hated the bear child from the bottom of her heart.

   Especially this kind of little **** who walks the dog all day long.

   The little **** likes Tang Li, the illegitimate daughter, but it's just like gathering things together!

   is not a good thing!

  Thinking like this, Li Yuaner picked up the phone again.

  Li Shengxia saw that she was playing with her mobile phone all the time, as if she was reading a post, and couldn't help but ask: "What news is there on the Internet?"

   "It's not yet Tang, and was scolded by Yang Ning's fans on the hot search."

In Li Yuan'er's words, she took schadenfreude: "She didn't reveal Yang Ning's constipation, and she wronged Yang Ning for having AIDS; just now, Yang Ning issued a blood test report from a top-three hospital to prove that she was not infected with HIV. Those iron fans slaughtered the personal topic of the surname Tang!"

  Li Shengxia leaned back on the sofa and hit the key: "That is to say, A Li's marketing fee for the hot search now depends on your opponents?"

  Li Yuan'er: "..."

   Li Shengxia made another cut: "You paid the bill before, but now it's Yang Ning."

  Li Yuan'er quickly reacted, and she was inevitably a little angry: "I just said that she was scolded every day for how she still won Del's endorsement. It was intentional to dare!"

   was about to send a message to Yang Ning to ask the other party to withdraw from the hot search, and a notification popped up on the top of the phone.

   Five seconds ago, Tang Li posted a message.

   That's right, she secretly followed Tang Li with her trumpet!

  Tang Li retweeted Yang Ning's post from a station sister who satirized her fans' love of drinking green tea——

  【Tang Li V】: "You understand again. @My FamilyNingning Dumei."

[My Ningning Dumei] As expected of the organization manager of the Yangning Support Station, he replied almost in seconds: "Green tea and white lotus are not tasteful enough for you! I can't show any actual results, I only know how to hype it up with others. If I were you, I would be all over the New Year. I don't have the face to give fragrance to my parents!"

   In less than a minute, Tang Li replied.

  【Tang Li V】: "Why should I incense them, isn't there a dutiful son like you?"

  [My Ningning Dumei]: "...Are you sick? @tangliV"

   Then, she found herself blocked.

  【My family is Ningning Dubei】: "..."

   Thirty seconds later, [My Ningning Dubei] posted a provocative post on Tang Li's personal topic: "Some female stars really can't afford to lose, their hearts are the same as needle buttocks. In terms of atmosphere and dedication, it belongs to my family Ningning!"

   This time, Tang Li ignored her.

  Li Yuaner liked this comment.

   As a result, she turned [thumbs up] into red, and [my family Ningning Dumei] posted a new post: "@tangliv: If you have the ability, you can answer me, if you don't answer me, you will be a coward!"

  Li Yuan'er: "..."

   A bunch of neurotics!

  ——I've seen someone who is looking for a scold, but I've never seen someone so rushing!

   Just as she was about to cancel the like, several figures appeared at the door of the VIP room.

  The child sandwiched between the two airport security guards, although wearing a mask, taught Li Yuaner a sense of familiarity with just one glance.

  Then the child turned to look at them.

   Recognized Song Jingtian, but it was only a pair of eyes.

   The two of them stared at each other, and the one who looked away first was Li Yuan'er.

  Inexplicably, she felt that it was not good.

   Before the staff came over, Li Yuaner whispered to her mother and eldest sister: "That child is Song Jingtian!"

  Who is Song Jingtian, both Ouyang Qian and Li Shengxia know.

   If Song Jingtian was looking for his mother, this would mean something strange.

   Li Shengxia preempted and instructed Ouyang Qian: "Mom, accompany me to the bathroom."

   She just got up when a 'mother' sounded in the VIP room.

   Immediately afterwards, a small figure ran over and happened to stand in front of her!

  In an instant, Ouyang Qian's mother and daughter became the focus of attention.

  Li Shengxia clenched her mother's wrist, but she spoke softly: "Little friend, you have mistaken the person, I'm not married, how can I have a child as old as you!"

   Song Jingtian tilted his head, looked at Li Shengxia, and then went to look at Li Yuaner.

   stared at Li Yuan'er for ten seconds.

   Then, he retracted his gaze and said again: "My aunt beats and scolds me every day, and I recognize her when she turns to ashes. You are with her, who else could it be if it wasn't my mother?"

  Li Yuan'er: "..."

   A cauldron of child abuse is just buckled down!

  MD little bastard! Hooligans!

Li Yuaner's mentality collapsed, and she almost fired on the spot, but Li Shengxia took the lead: "Liar, it's not a good habit, don't say I don't know you at all, even if we met before, you shouldn't mistake your mother, so It will cause trouble for people, you know?"

   As soon as these words came out, some people believed that the child had mistaken the mother.

   After all, how can a woman who has abandoned her family be so peaceful after being caught?

   However, Li Shengxia's voice just fell, and a quiet female voice came from the door of the VIP room: "Sister-in-law, it's time for you, do you still want to act?"

  Li Shengxia: "..."

   (end of this chapter)

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