Chapter 1054 Are you really bullied?

   The text message was sent, and a call came in.

   At night, Tang Li turned his cell phone to silent.

   So, when the screen shows an incoming call, there is no sound.

  Holding his phone, he lifted the thin quilt, got out of bed in the dark, and went to the bathroom with his slippers on.

   After entering the bathroom, he gently pulled the sliding door up and turned on the lights in the bathroom. He was afraid that he would be too close to the door to leak the sound, so he simply moved to the squatting pit, and then clicked the green button on the phone.

   The call was connected, but Song Boyan didn't speak right away.

   After a while, Song Boyan's gentle voice came from the receiver: "Go outside to answer the phone?"

   In just a few seconds, Song Boyan had already judged the situation on her side.

  Tang Li glanced at the squatting pit and answered vaguely, "Almost."

  Song Boyan: "What is similar."

  Tang Li: "..."

   "That's right, not in the room." Tang Li said.

  Fortunately, Song Boyan didn't delve further, and the topic changed: "Have you been bullied in the afternoon?"

  Tang Li held the phone and didn't want to say no, because Jiang Yunxi really had ulterior motives, even if this motive might just make her feel inferior.

   However, as a woman, Tang Li can also understand each other.

   The person you like is married, but the bride is not you, so don’t you allow others to be brave?

  ——People are tough and do not dismantle.

   She still understands this truth.

   As for inferiority complex, it certainly does not exist.

   As delicate as Jiang Yunxi, she couldn't stand beside Song Boyan.

   It was she who, in Jiang Yunxi's eyes, got this man, who wanted culture without culture, and wanted a family without a family.

This incidates that--

   Jiang Yunxi is not Song Boyan's style.

   It would be the worst decision if she looked at Jiang Yunxi.

   "Why didn't you speak?" Song Boyan spoke again.

"I'm thinking."

  Tang Li explained while holding the phone.

   As for what to think about, Tang Li only revealed: "Just a little bit of natural law."

   To put it bluntly, it is the competition of females.

   It's just that she and Jiang Yunxi are not fighting for territory or food, but Song Boyan.

  Women are intuitive creatures.

   In the village entrance compound, the moment Jiang Yunxi's eyes met, Tang Li only had one understanding left in his heart - this person is going to rob Song Boyan from himself.

   Being the adopted daughter of the Song family gives Jiang Yunxi a natural advantage.

  Tang Li didn't know what attitude the Song family, and Song Boyan, had towards Jiang Yunxi.

   But as a younger sister, Jiang Yunxi is naturally close to her elder brother.

   It doesn't seem like she can stop it.

   Push yourself and others.

   In Jiang Yunxi's eyes, she is the predator.

What    took away from him was Song Boyan's attention and Song Boyan's emotions, including the care and favor of his sister Jiang Yunxi.

   Therefore, Jiang Yunxi will try to reduce her dimensionality.

   It can be said that she is jealous of Jiang Yunxi, but she is not.

  Because she first read this emotion in Jiang Yunxi's eyes looking at her.

   And jealousy is often reserved for losers.

  Tang Li couldn't help but ask: "Jiang Yunxi is the adopted daughter of the Song family, will she live in Tan Palace in the future?"

   "Actually, it's not accurate to say that she is an adopted daughter." Song Boyan's answer came: "Her biological mother is still alive, and she married very well. In her heart, the Song family is just a place for foster care."

   Tang Li knew very little about Jiang Yunxi's life experience.

   She always thought that Jiang Yunxi was an orphan.

   Gao Wenlan only told her that Jiang Yunxi was the daughter of Song Mingzhang's deceased comrade-in-arms, but did not tell her that Jiang Yunxi's biological mother was still alive.

  Song Boyan's words "married very well" aroused Tang Li's curiosity.

   She was about to ask Jiang Yunxi's mother when Song Boyan added, "For the Song family, she is just a daughter from an old friend."

  Tang Li pursed the corners of his lips lightly, and his words changed: "These Song family members also include you?"

   In the phone, there seemed to be a faint sigh.

   Then, she heard Song Boyan answer yes.

   This result is undoubtedly satisfactory.

  The corners of Tang Li's mouth rose, and then he spoke again, his tone became more and more pleasant: "Okay, I have to get up early tomorrow, so I won't tell you!"

   After finishing speaking, click the hang up button first.

  Because I was in a good mood, I left the bathroom and did not forget to flush the squat pit.

  Tan Gong, Song Boyan who was hung up laughed, put down his phone and unbuttoned his shirt.

  The news of Jiang Yunxi's return to China was placed on his desk at noon.

   In the evening, I also received a text message from Jiang Yunxi.

   When the little guy called, Ji Ming was already at the Capital Airport and was going to Ning City to bring back the little guy in person.

   However, when he heard the little guy happily say that he was going to the desert with Tang Li to find treasures, after the call ended, he still called Ji Ming back.

  Song Boyan threw the two cufflinks into the wardrobe drawer.

   is also a lost parent and lost his life experience, but he is reluctant to intervene and look after another person.

   Even just one point.


   The past few days have been going to hospitals and law firms in other places, and the update is unstable.

   It will recover after that, compare your heart!

   (end of this chapter)

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