Chapter 1055 My son, he was taken away

   The next day, the group gathered to take the bus to the treasure hunt.

  Tang Li was the last to arrive with Song Jingtian.

   As for the reason—

  Song Jingtian wanted to yawn, but Tang Li covered his mouth first.

  【Are these two overslept? 】

  【+1! 】

  【+1! 】

  【+1! 】

  【Tang Li's favorite assistant: In order not to delay the shooting progress of "The Most Dazzling She", Tang Li studied the script until late at night, please forgive me! 】

  【Deceiving ghosts! 】

   The bright red and bold barrage appeared like a ghost——

  【Last night she was talking on the phone in the toilet, I could hear the sound of flushing water and talking! 】

  【Tang Li's favorite assistant: Are you poisonous? Don't sleep in the middle of the night, staring at people to go to the toilet! @My home Ningning Dumei No. 3]

【My pleasure! Tang Li's favorite little dog. 】

  【Tang Li's favorite assistant: ! ! ! 】

  Tang Li had just put Song Jingtian on the bus when a message sounded from his mobile phone, it was Yu Sui.

   Yu Sui took a few pictures, all of which were barrages from [My Ningning Dumei No. 3].

  【Yu Family Du Miao Miao】: "It must be blocked! Don't let her bring down the other 760,000 online viewers!"

   Originally, the number of viewers on Ali's side was not as high as that of Liang Jing and Du Wei. If they were disturbed by this mouse shit, they would really be at the bottom.

  Tang Li also noticed when he zoomed in on the screenshot, but one night, [My Ningning Dumei No. 3] has become a favorite fan in the live broadcast room.

   In terms of viewing time, I’m afraid I haven’t slept all night.

   Although there were cameras all around, Tang Li still walked out of the camera, found the assistant director who was in charge of following her, and proposed to block a viewer's IP address.

   "Black fans, right?" Without Tang Li's explanation, the assistant director had a look of understanding, "An IP, a trivial matter."

  Two minutes later—

   Tang Li just sat next to Song Jingtian when the assistant director sent a message.

  【Niuniu is the most well-behaved】: "[Kneeling and crying] Director Wang said he couldn't pull it."

  【Tang Li】: "???"

  【Niu Niu is the most well-behaved】: "This [My Ningning Dumei] voted 10 million last night, and is now the sponsor of our show, and the other party named him, and asked Mr. Tang to read the advertisement of her product."

   Is it really black to the depths of natural powder?

  Tang Li typed and asked, "What does her family sell?"

  【Niuniu is the most well-behaved】: "Anti-hair loss shampoo is the famous king."

  【Tang Li】: "..."

  【Tang Li】: "Can I refuse?"

   The little assistant sent a pitiful expression: "Mr. Tang, read the advertisement again, 200,000!"

  Tang Li replied: "Do I look like I'm short of money?"

   "Aren't you short of money?" Song Jingtian asked her with a bag of popcorn in his pocket.

  Tang Li turned his head to the side, and first met the camera lens.


   After half an hour, the bus arrived at the destination.

  Because they were late for the meeting in the morning, Tang Li's group did not have a map or a camel.

   After getting off the car, Jiang Yunxi looked for it: "Let's go together."

  This olive branch is stretched out under the camera.

  Tang Li hasn't responded yet, the sun protection clothes are pulled by Song Jingtian, the little guy is wearing sunglasses and wrapping her big silk scarf on his head, like a rich little old lady.

   He pulled Tang Li aside and whispered, "It's good to work with them."

   The program team is looking for a real outdoor desert.

  Looking around, the endless sandy land.

   Thinking the little guy was scared, Tang Li patted his head: "After a while, you can sit in a shady place, and I'll find something."

The implication of    is that he is not prepared to cooperate with others.

  Song Jingtian hooked her little finger again: "Then why don't you go find the spittoon first, and I'll come after you after I deceive their camels and map."

  Tang Li: "..."

   She was stupid.

   looked back at Jiang Yunxi and the mixed-race little girl who was clinging to her, even if Tang Li didn't want to see Jiang Yunxi, he never thought of attacking the 'orphans and widows'.

  Song Jingtian is a real villain.

   "How is it?" The little guy is always ready to do it.

  Tang Li saw that the photographer was about to take a picture, and also commented on Song Jingtian's plan: "It's good, when you are kicked by a camel and your ribs are broken, we don't have to look for a spittoon anymore, and we can retire directly."

  Song Jingtian: "..."

   The Gobi in this season is only 27 or 8 degrees during the day.

  Rao is so, Tang Li still prepared two pots of water.

  Let Song Jingtian wait where he was, and Tang Li returned to the car to get his backpack.

  The photographer also followed Tang Li into the car.

The little guy took out a red date from his pocket and was about to replenish his blood when the amateur female guest came over again, bent down, and spread out her fisted left hand: "This is what I brought back from country F, try it. "

  Song Jingtian glanced at it, and then he was attracted.

   It was a hard candy in the shape of a little tiger.

  Jiang Yunxi asked: "Don't you like strawberry flavor?"

   "..." Song Jingtian stretched out his hand and took the candy as soon as these words came out.

   Seeing the little guy peeling off the candy wrapper, Jiang Yunxi smiled: "This is a candy I made for my son. He is a tiger and his favorite fruit is strawberries."

   "That's the same as me." Song Jingtian finally opened his mouth with tiger candy in his mouth: "I am also a tiger." Then he asked, "Then why don't you bring your son to the show?"

  Jiang Yunxi stood up slowly, and then replied: "My son, he was taken away."

  Song Jingtian raised his eyes, but did not speak again.

Jiang Yunxi didn't need his questioning, and continued to say: "I gave birth to my son many years ago, and before I had time to look at him, he became someone else's child, and I, too, was forced to leave S country, alone wandering in a foreign land."

Good night!



   (end of this chapter)

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