After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1056: I need someone to help me with drugs

   Chapter 1056 I need someone to help me take drugs

   "It sounds miserable." A thin female voice came.

   Jiang Yunxi: "..."

   turned his head and saw Tang Li carrying a backpack.

  Tang Li walked to Song Jingtian's side, touched the child's silk scarf head with one hand, and looked back at Jiang Yunxi: "Although I don't know about you, but most of the time, I can't do anything, just to excuse myself for evading responsibility, and—"

  Tang Li's eyes fell on Jiang Yunxi's sportswear: "I see that Miss Jiang is brightly dressed and her face is flushed, and the small days of wandering overseas are very nourishing."

   "That's right." Song Jingtian added: "The women on TV who have their children stolen are all skinny and don't wear makeup. They look for their children with pictures all day long, but they don't come to variety shows."

   Jiang Yunxi: "..."

   Waiting for Jiang Yunxi to leave, the little guy raised his head with a proud face: "Don't think I didn't see it, she just wanted to use me to create the character of a heroic mother and take the opportunity to stir up the heat."

  Tang Li: "..."

   is really a brain supplement master.

   Facing the child's eyes begging for approval, Tang Li praised him cooperatively: "As expected of you, Sherlock Holmes Song."

   The little guy was happy, and tugged at her hand: "I want to eat this tiger candy, buy me a pack."

  Tang Li took the candy wrapper, saw the F text on it, and regarded it as an imported snack: "Next time I record the show, I'll bring it to you."

   "It will take a long time." Song Jingtian pouted.

   "No matter how long it is, it will be next weekend."

  Because the camera was next to him, the little guy hummed and could only compromise.

   Not far away, Jiang Yunxi saw Song Jingtian and Tang Li holding hands, her mood was indescribably complicated, even if she never raised Song Jingtian for a day, this is still a child connected with her blood...

   Also, he is a smart kid.

   Meng Shu’s words reappeared in her mind——

  Song Jingtian likes Tang Li very much.

   "Mum?" Annie's call was in his ear.

   Jiang Yunxi regained her senses, only to realize that she was holding Annie's little hand.

  Although there was a lack of maps and camels, the treasure hunt began. Tang Li did not slack off. He chose a direction and took Song Jingtian to find the spittoon.

   Walking, Song Jingtian slowed down.

   Seeing that the sun was getting hotter and brighter, Tang Li didn't want to let the children follow him all the way.

   When she saw a red willow tree, she took out a water bottle from her bag, opened the parasol, and gave the two things to the little guy, telling him to sit under the tree and wait for her.

   Because there are staff nearby, Tang Li is not afraid of children getting lost in the desert.

  Song Jingtian didn't answer, and quietly said to Tang Li, "I have to go to the toilet."

   "Small?" Tang Li asked him.

   The little guy nodded.

  In the desert, there are no public toilets.

  Because the little guy was wearing a skirt and dressed as a girl, it was not easy for the photographer to see him peeing, so after letting the little guy go to the red willow tree, Tang Li called the photographer and walked away together.

  The photographer took a good look at the surrounding scenery and took out a bottle of Wangba Anti-hair loss shampoo from his bag.

   "..." Tang Li.

   "Teacher Tang, look-"

  Tang Li turned his head stubbornly: "I don't see it!"

  Photographer: “…………”

   At this moment, a scream came from behind the red willow tree.

  Tang Li didn't care about arguing with the photographer, and hurried towards the red willow tree.

   ran to the tree and saw a map first.


   The little guy is not honest when he urinates, and he is playing with water guns on the sand!

  Tang Li turned his head and found that Song Jingtian had fallen down beside a tree, his left buttock was swollen up, like a fermented steamed bun, and there were two tiny spots of blood oozing on it.

   "Could it be bitten by a snake?" The photographer also rushed over.

   When he saw Song Jingtian's swollen buttocks, he was shocked.

   You must know that the personal safety of the guests is directly related to the smooth recording of the program.

   And this accident also made the live broadcast room boil.

  Tang Li instantly became the target of public criticism.

  【There are already many insects, ants, snakes and scorpions in the desert, how can you let the children be alone? 】

  【Not a rattlesnake? ! 】

  【It's not surprising that your own child will be mindful! What intern mother, if this child dies, voluntarily withdraw from the circle! 】

  【This irresponsible female guest should be replaced! 】

   Under the accusation of the full screen, two bullet screens in big red and bold font floated past——

  【Change your mother! 】

  【I haven't seen enough of Tang Li's silly appearance, who would dare to replace her! 】

  The photographer has contacted the director team.

  Tang Li also carried the child on his lap.

  Song Jingtian's consciousness was clear except for his swollen buttocks. When Tang Li lowered his head and asked him, the little guy immediately groaned.

   "It shouldn't be a poisonous snake." Tang Li looked at the little guy's butt, rolled his eyelids, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

   After the words fell, the client said weakly: "It's a cobra, I saw it all."

  Tang Li: "..."

  Song Jingtian grabbed her sleeve: "Am I dying?"

   "I'm afraid it's a bit difficult." Tang Li poured cold water.

   "I must be dying." The little guy sighed and said to himself: "But I don't regret it, I'm really happy to be able to record this show with you."

  【Xiaohuamaru is really a warm baby, what should I do, I want to cry! [cry]】

  【Did the show team die? ! Don't send the child to the hospital! 】

  【Xiaohuamaru, elder sister should not laugh at you for being ugly, you are a kind and good boy, your elder sister must attend your memorial service. 】

  【+1, Xiaohuamaru, go all the way. 】

【farewell. 】

【farewell. 】

   There is only a bright red barrage, the world is sober.

  【People haven't breathed yet, what are you idiots giving away? 】


  【It seems to be a little early, everyone wait a while. 】

   Along with the chief director, Jiang Yunxi and the medical staff also came here by car.

   As soon as the jeep turned off, she was the first to get off.

   Witnessing Song Jingtian's dying breath' in Tang Li's arms, the blood on Jiang Yunxi's face faded, and when she was in front of the child, she stretched out her hand: "Give me the child!"

  Tang Li did not answer, and only explained to the medical staff: "The child may have been bitten by a poisonous insect."

   "What poisonous insects!" Jiang Yunxi interrupted her: "The child clearly said it himself, it's a cobra!"

  Tang Li: "..."

  The medical staff crouched down beside Song Jingtian and began to examine the wound.

   Jiang Yunxi looked nervous: "Doctor, how are you?"

   "It's definitely not good." Song Jingtian answered himself without changing his state of mind: "I'm poisoned, and I need someone to **** it out for me."

   Looking at the child's swollen ass, Jiang Yunxi didn't hesitate: "I'm coming!"

  I never thought, the little guy Baba went to see Tang Li.

The meaning of    is self-evident.

  Tang Li: "...You want to be beautiful."

  Song Jingtian: "..."

   "It's not a cobra." The medical staff spoke up at the right time and resolved the embarrassing situation: "It should be a scorpion. It's not poisonous. Go back and wash it with soapy water a few times, and take some loratadine tablets to reduce the swelling."

Good night!



   (end of this chapter)

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