After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1057: Your Excellency said: meet at the airport

   Chapter 1057 Your Excellency said: See you at the airport

   Because Song Jingtian was injured, Tang Li's group's treasure hunt had to be suspended.

   Back at the residence, Tang Li got a basin of soapy water and washed the little guy's stung ass.

   The camera in the corner is covered again.

  The live broadcast room was full of curses again.

  Song Jingtian was lying on the kang, his shorts were half faded, and he was holding the tiger's whip on his head.

   "..." Tang Li pulled the corners of his lips, the drama was real.

  I had nothing to do in the afternoon, and the two of them slept in the pit cave in a kennel.

   In the evening, after receiving a notice from the program team, Tang Li took the little guy to the village entrance compound.

  ——The treasure hunt is over, and it’s time for the prize presentation.

   A few hours later, the redness and swelling on Song Jingtian's **** subsided a lot.

   However, when it came time to go out, the little guy limped.

  The photographer came over with the camera, and happened to see Song Jingtian dragging one leg and being disabled, and he couldn't bear it: "Mr. Tang, I'm afraid the child can't walk like this."

  Tang Li pulled the corners of his mouth: "Then why don't you carry him?"

   "Don't bother uncle photographer." Song Jingtian refused.

  In the blink of an eye, Song Jingtian pulled out a wooden stick from an unknown corner. At this moment, he was leaning on the wooden stick in both hands.

  The photographer was moved by the child's sensibleness and gave a close-up.

   So, there was another wave of gifts in the live broadcast room.

  【Another day moved by Xiao Hanamaru, come on, good boy! 】

  【It's too good to cry! Good boy, my sister is proud of you! 】

  【Xiaohuamaru, Auntie knows your **** hurts, we are not afraid, Auntie will give you a Ferrari! 】

  From Room 6 to the entrance of the village, it was originally a five-minute walk, but because of Song Jingtian's due diligence performance, he walked for ten minutes.

   When he arrived at the compound at the entrance of the village, the little guy didn't lose his stick.

  Jiang Yunxi saw Song Jingtian and completely focused on this side.

   However, the little guy looked around, never looking at her from beginning to end.

   On the contrary, it was Tang Li, who noticed her gaze, stretched his right hand forward, and took Song Jingtian directly to his side.

The first place in the    treasure hunt is the mother and son of the actress Du Wei.

  The top three will have corresponding prizes.

  Tang Li's group, there is no suspense at the bottom.

   The spittoon they were in charge of looking for was brought back by the program team for them.

   At this moment, he was also placed in front of them.

  Three groups of guests went up to receive the prizes, all the cameras gathered, and the little guy said sourly: "If you don't have the latest IpadPro, I'll ask the eldest sister to buy it for me when I go back."

   "You can't eat grapes and say the grapes are sour." Tang Li ruthlessly exposed it.

  Song Jingtian: "..."

   The little guy turned his head sideways: "Will I care?"

   Before he finished speaking, the host on the stage suddenly called him.

"I heard that a child was bitten by a scorpion during a treasure hunt, but she didn't cry or make trouble, and she comforted the mother intern. To cause trouble to the staff, I was stunned to walk 590 meters with crutches!"

  Tang Li: "..."

   The host held the microphone and continued to spit: "She is our little Hanamaru! A ten-year-old who is unremarkable but has a steely will!"

   For a while, the camera focused on Song Jingtian's face.

   The little guy is wearing a face mask, a mask and sunglasses, so he is not afraid of any close-ups.

   Then, the little guy was invited up.

   When Song Jingtian came to power, Tang Li noticed that his legs seemed to be more lame.

   When the host handed over the microphone, Song Jingtian did not forget to say thank you, earning enough goodwill from the other party, and only then did his performance begin.

  The child's tender voice spreads to every corner through the loudspeaker.

   "I have always had a wish to have an IpadPro that can draw."

   Du Wei's son who is holding a brand new tablet: "..."

"Although we were the last, I was very happy for other children to get the IpadPro, because our friendship is the most precious thing compared to the ranking of the game! If I won the first place, if there are other children who want to If I want an IpadPro, I will give it up without hesitation."

  Tang Li: "..."

   Little Bear, he wants to teach Du Wei's son 'Kong Rong makes pears'.

  Tang Li couldn't help but look sideways at Du Wei.

--as predicted.

   When the camera swept over, Du Wei smiled.

For the sake of   , if she doesn't show any more, she will inevitably be detained as a stingy title.

   So, he immediately bowed his head to discuss with his son, and asked his son to give the tablet to Xiaohuamaru.

   Seven or eight-year-old children are still in the stage of 'food protection'.

  When Du Wei's son heard that the prize in his hand was about to fly away, not only did he not let it out, but he held the tablet even tighter. This scene was also captured by the camera.

   "This child." Du Wei looked embarrassed.

   An IpadPro plus accessories is just 10,000 yuan.

Tang Li was about to take the stage to take away the culprit, when the little guy held the microphone again and said, "Auntie Du, even if Liangliang is willing to give me the tablet, I won't want it. There are rules in the game, and I can't be crippled because of my treasure hunt. Just take extra care of me, the last one is not eligible for an IpadPro."

   "Who said you were not qualified!"

   The host returned to Song Jingtian and took away the microphone: "I propose that the program team set up a special encouragement award for Xiaohuamaru. As for the prize, I am willing to buy an IpadPro out of my own pocket as a gift to Xiaohuamaru!"

  Tang Li: "..."

   It turned out that the small size was her.

   "I paid half of the money to buy the IpadPro." Jiang Yunxi suddenly said.

  Du Wei followed: "Then I'll come out with the other half."

   Then, several cameras turned towards Tang Li at the same time.

   Tang Li, who was forced to steal the spotlight at C position: "..."

   The host took the opportunity and said, "As Xiaohuamaru's intern mother, Teacher Tang, what do you want to say to Xiaohuamaru?"

   "Everyone has said what should be said." Tang Li was thick-skinned.

   Host: "Hehe."

   Seeing that the camera hadn't moved away, Tang Li had no choice but to say, "In order to thank everyone for their love for Xiaohuamaru, or let Xiaohuamaru perform a big boulder on the chest for everyone."

  Song Jingtian: "..."


   Jiang Yunxi: "..."

  Du Wei and other four people: "..."

   Amid the scolding in the live broadcast room, Tang Li was full and took Song Jingtian back to Room 6.

   Lying crookedly on the kang, the little guy sighed: "It's a pity it wasn't the IpadPro you bought for me, otherwise I would be happier."

   That night, when Song Jingtian fell asleep, Tang Li took his mobile phone and went outside.

   She sent a message to the assistant director.

  【Tang Li】: "Bring it."

  【Niu Niu is the most well-behaved】: "???"

  【Tang Li】: "Advertising words."

   The next day, Song Jingtian woke up and found Tang Li outside the house yawning.

   Seeing Tang Li bending over to wash his hair with the washbasin, he immediately ran over, "Why, wash your hair early in the morning!"

  Tang Li straightened up, wiped his wet hair with a towel, ignored the camera shot by the photographer, and took the bottle of shampoo on the stool: "After using Wangba, the hair loss ends here."

   "Nonsense." The little guy pierced: "This basin of water is full of your hair falling out."

  Tang Li: "..."

  The traces of advertising are too obvious, and the live broadcast room was abused and screened.

  Fortunately, the recording of the first episode also ended.

  When Tang Li was packing, Jiang Yunxi came to Room 6 again.

  Song Jingtian is saying goodbye to the big white goose in the backyard.

  Jiang Yunxi held a box of candy in her hand and softly called 'Little Flower Pills'. When Song Jingtian turned her head, she smiled softly and squatted down beside the child: "These tiger candies are for you."

   She could tell that the little guy liked this custom candy.

   However, unlike yesterday, Song Jingtian didn't reach out for it this time.

   "Don't want it?" Jiang Yunxi shook the candy box.

   "Tang Li will buy it for me."

   Song Jingtian didn't care about the candy box in her hand, and turned his head back: "I can eat it next time I record the show."

  "..." Jiang Yunxi clenched the candy box, still smiling: "This is custom candy, you can't buy it in China, even if you are abroad, you have to order it a month in advance."

   These words successfully shook the little guy.

   Seeing Song Jingtian coming over, Jiang Yunxi smiled: "I still have a few boxes there. If you like it, I'll bring it to you next time."

   "Then you sell it to Tang Li."

   The little guy said, "You sell it to Tang Li, and I can eat it."

   Jiang Yunxi: "..."

  Tang Li returned to the capital by plane.

  When you buy a plane ticket, also buy the little guy's.

  Arrived at the airport and went through the security check, and was about to turn the phone into airplane mode, when a phone call came in.

   Seeing the caller ID, Tang Li deliberately lowered the volume.

After    was connected, Song Boyan's mellow voice came, asking her what time the plane landed.

   "About one-thirty in the afternoon."

   After Tang Li finished answering, he heard His Excellency the President say: "Two days later, I have an impromptu meeting in Geneva. Since it's a coincidence, why don't we meet at the airport."


  Tang Xiaoli: Coincidentally? I do not believe.

   More words today, good night!



   (end of this chapter)

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