After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1059: It's that I can't speak, to make you unhappy

   Chapter 1059 is that I can't speak, making you unhappy

   "How can there be."

  Tang Li raised his hand subconsciously to straighten the clumps of hair that were messed up by the peaked cap.

   Fingers pierced through the hair, and inadvertently lifted his eyes, just in line with Song Boyan's eyes.

  Song Boyan seemed to be watching her all the time.

   That kind of eyes, it is judgement, but also gentle.

  Tang Li calmly moved his eyes away, but what he thought in his mind was—what 'big things' he did in the past two days.

   - as if not.

  Song Jingtian was stung by a scorpion on his butt, which was purely an accident.

   can't blame her.

   Or was it known that he was a black fan?

   In fact, this can also be cunningly explained.

   At that time, she was so angry that she was open-mouthed. On weekdays, who saw her cursing?

   So, in essence, she is still the thin and weak girl from a year ago, who needs Song Boyan's protection, and needs him to pay attention to herself at all times.

  Tang Li felt that he should do something to divert Song Boyan's attention.

   So I hit the idea on the bottle of perfume in my bag.

   "I bought a present for you in Ning City."

   As she said, she pulled over the chest bag that was slung across her back, took out the delicately packaged small box, and reached out to hand it over.

  Song Boyan took the box and sighed heavily.

   Looking at Tang Li's serious appearance, he couldn't help but feel amused.

   "A gift for me?"


  Tang Li nodded, "I've been picking them for a long time."

  Song Boyan opened the gift box, and there was a square glass bottle embedded in it. The label was 'TOM-FORD' and 'OUD-WOOD' was printed below.

   "TF's Zhenhua Ebony." Tang Li introduced: "I heard from the cabinet sister that men in their thirties like this fragrance, giving people a calm, clean feeling, and a bit of abstinence."

   She also knew that Song Boyan never used perfume, so she raised her hand and ordered a perfume bottle: "This black bottle is very beautiful, simple and solemn yet gorgeous, even if it is placed on the washstand to look at it every day."

  Song Boyan said: "Spending hundreds of thousands to buy perfume, just for a bottle?"

   "...Isn't it possible?" These words were not convincing enough, and she had to continue: "Don't look at it as a container for perfume, and it is also from an internationally renowned designer."

   Speaking of which, I couldn't even blow it myself.

   simply lied down and laughed: "I have lost all the invoices, and I can't refund them anyway."

   "If you don't like it, return it to me."

   However, Song Boyan did not put the perfume back in her palm.

  Closed the gift box: "There's no reason to go back with the things you sent."

  Tang Li's heart was a little overwhelmed, but he didn't give in: "You definitely don't like it, otherwise, why would you say bad things."

   After all, there is still some childishness.

  Song Boyan laughed and said with kindness: "It's because I can't speak, I'll make you unhappy."

   This time, I have all the face.

  Tang Li clasped his hands behind his back, and slowly smoothed out: "That's not really unhappy, and I'm not that careful."

   Putting the gift box on the round table, Song Boyan looked at someone whose belly was bigger than a pinhole: "Is the program recording in Ning City going smoothly?"

  A busy person like Song Boyan certainly doesn't have time to watch variety shows live.

   What is circulating on the Internet today is only part of the program clips.

   As for the 120-minute edited version of the first issue of "Our Little Bear Boy", it will take two days before it can be launched on the video platform.

   When it comes to recording programs, I have to talk about Jiang Yunxi.

  Tang Li didn't say it directly, but took a detour: "That Jiang Yunxi seems to like Sedum very much."

   "Sedum was stung by a scorpion. She was more nervous than anyone else, and often came to our house to deliver snacks to Song Jingtian."

  The mother-son relationship between Song Jingtian and Jiang Yunxi, Tang Li knew from Han Jifeng.

   But she was somewhat aware that the Song family had covered up Song Jingtian's true background, so now, she probably doesn't want Jiang Yunxi to recognize Song Jingtian.

   Besides, Xiao Minglan has never treated Song Jingtian's 'little son' harshly.

   Jiang Yunxi's actions in Ning City released a danger signal——

  If she still can't see what Jiang Yunxi is thinking, then her previous life would be a waste.

  Once Song Jingtian knew that his parents were someone else, some past events would inevitably be brought up again. Even if the entire Song family did not fall apart because of this, it would still cast a haze.

   Therefore, Jiang Yunxi's return is not something to be happy about.

   Not to mention, Jiang Yunxi will do other 'good' things in the future.

  Song Boyan listened to her bewildering complaint, with a smile on his face: "Do you want to say that there is nothing to be diligent about?"

   "Isn't it?" Tang Li didn't deny it.

   also felt that these were just petty troubles, and could not cause a precise blow to Jiang Yunxi. Tang Li said, "She worked as an interpreter for the president in country F, and now she came back suddenly, who knows if she is working underground."

   This pot can be buttoned big or small.

  Tang Li did not wrong anyone's self-consciousness at all: "Sedum is Your Excellency's younger brother. She is so close to Sedum. I have every reason to suspect that she is trying to corrupt our cadres' families with sugar-coated cannonballs!"

After   , she looked at Song Boyan.

   A pair of deer eyes are bright, and the one on the end is called a sonorous force.

  Song Boyan held a thermos cup in his hand, nodded and said, "Returned overseas Chinese like this, especially those who are related to senior cadres, should really focus on monitoring."

  Tang Li: "..."

   Of course she could hear the teasing in Song Boyan's words, her cheeks bulged slightly, and she didn't speak anymore, just stared straight at him.

   seems to be ready to attack with his eyes.

Good night.



   (end of this chapter)

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