After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1060: Mr. Song with a thermos cup

   Chapter 1060 Mr. Song with a thermos cup

  Song Boyan couldn't help but ask: "Do you have a big opinion on me by staring at me like that?"

   "No hippie smiles are allowed when you're talking about business."

  Tang Li raised his face and his tone was serious.

   As soon as these words came out, the smile on Song Boyan's face became more and more profound.

  Tang Li: "..."

   "Pay attention to your attitude." Tang Li emphasized.

  Song Boyan: "What's wrong with my attitude?"

   To say that there is a problem, this is not to listen to yourself.

   It’s okay to say it’s okay…

  Tang Li was not stupid, so he simply took the thermos cup and said: "It's too late to drink ice water on such a hot day. You suddenly turned around to get this thermos cup, or you think I'm annoying."

   "This is a sin that you want to add, so why worry about it." In Song Boyan's low voice, he didn't hide his pampering: "Are people drinking ice water or hot water now?"

  Tang Li: "..."

   How could he be so domineering as he said.

   And the key point of the topic, what water to drink?

  If I don't explain, I really think she manages so much...

   He clearly does not wear a red armband.

   Thinking like this, Tang Li subconsciously retorted: "It's not old and eighty, what kind of thermos cup is there?"

   "I said that I disliked you talking, but after hearing this, I don't know who dislikes who."

   "...It's not that you think I talk too much."

  Tang Li insisted on his own opinion.

   Song Boyan added: "I think I'm using a thermos now, and I won't make it worse in the future."

   The love between the old and the young in other people's homes is the old one who has to coax the young one constantly.

Why did    change to her?

   I don’t necessarily get too old, but I always like to feel the spring and autumn.

   After all, he is the head of a country, and he is also a man in his thirties. He has experienced a lot of bullets in the early years, but he didn't see it before. In his bones, there is still a little bit of tenderness hidden.

   "It's good to use a thermos."

  Tang Li slapped himself: "I'm not afraid to tell you, I also love to soak wolfberry in a thermos cup."

   These words sound flattering, but they are not burying people.

  Song Boyan smiled faintly, "One thing on the mouth, one thing in the heart, the ability is getting better and better."

  Tang Li took a step forward, and because there was no one else in the waiting room, he also took out his hand behind his back, so naturally, he wrapped it around Song Boyan's waist.

   She raised her little face and showed her kindness: "What can I do, in front of big people, I'm just an ordinary young man with aspirations."

  Song Boyan's hand holding the cup was attached to her back, and the other hand grabbed her hands that were clinging to his belt. As for the expression on his face, he was as indulgent as ever: "Young people with aspirations are a grand goal."

   "Of course." Tang Li said, "I will stand on the commendation stand in the Capitol in the future."

  Song Boyan: "..."

   Seeing that the topic was too far away, Tang Li said again: "I don't like Jiang Yunxi, so I think she has no intention of returning to China. Isn't she an immigrant? Send her back to country F."

  Tang Li didn't like Jiang Yunxi, Song Boyan had already noticed it.

   Therefore, it is not surprising to say it directly and clearly now.

   Sending people away directly is simple and rude.

   Song Boyan then thought of what happened during the recording of the variety show: "The two of you have trouble again in Ning City?"

   "Can't I be crazy with jealousy?"

  Tang Li said, grabbing Song Boyan's shirt: "Don't underestimate the jealousy of women, it's very scary for women to be jealous!"

  Song Boyan also agreed: "It's really scary, and they all want to drive people out of the country."

  Tang Li: "..."

   "Then can you let her go?"

  Jiang Yunxi used Song Jingtian to do it, and Tang Li boasted that he could do it, and he was even superior.

   She lightly tugged at the man's shirt collar and poured a soup of confusion: "Jealousy makes people ugly. I know that I must be ugly now, but for the people I love, I can be a despicable person who will do anything."

   As soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door outside.

   is a disguised time reminder.

   Of course Tang Li did not forget that Song Boyan was going to Geneva.

Even if Jiang Yunxi's matter is quite important, Song Boyan's schedule cannot be delayed. Tang Li just wanted to withdraw from Song Boyan's arms, but Song Boyan's right hand that was behind her was not taken back, so he hugged her like this and said, "Even if it is the president. , and people cannot be sent out of the country at will.”

   Tang Li knew this.

   She made this seemingly unreasonable request, but she wanted to warn Song Boyan to a certain extent.

   When you hear too much about someone's bad, over time, it is inevitable to pay more attention.

  So, Song Boyan said so, she was not disappointed.

   was about to take over, but got Song Boyan's promise: "Since you don't want to see her, let her go back to her hometown in Yuzhou."


   I haven't been feeling very well these past few days. It happened that the attending doctor was on a business trip and will not be back until the 2nd of next month.

  The update is not so timely, because it is really hard to sit still, everyone forgive me!

   (end of this chapter)

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