After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1066: Mr. Song asked: Want to see the aurora?

   Chapter 1066 Mr. Song asked: Want to see the aurora?

   Twenty-year-old single mother, really has a lot of ideas.

  Tang Li turned his attention to Yu Sui again, "Have you thought it through?"

   "Yeah." Yu Sui nodded solemnly, put his hands on his lower abdomen, with forbearance in his eyes: "No matter what, the child is innocent, and it has the right to come into this world."

   "Then can you be sure that the child is happy to come into this world?"

   Yu Sui: "..."

Tang Li added: "It is difficult for a child in a single-parent family to have a sound personality, even if you can give it a good living condition, it cannot stop the influence of school and social factors on the child; moreover, with a child, you can Are you planning to marry again?"

   Yu Sui couldn't answer again.

   These issues are too far-reaching, and she has not considered them.

   "The most important point." Tang Li's tone became more serious: "You don't even know who the father of the child is."

   "What if he's an addict? Or a ruffian doing nothing?"

   Yu Sui's face turned white.

The assumption that    comes from Tang Li's mouth is really too terrifying.

   "Or, he himself has no problems, but the family has a genetic mental illness."

   Yu Sui clenched the belly of the dress.

   Even if she is not very smart, she knows the consequences of giving birth to a mentally handicapped child.

  At that time, it will not only harm her and her parents, but also a kind of suffering for the children.

   Full of 'ambitious ambition', it vanished in an instant.

   For a time, it was like losing the backbone.

   "Then what should I do now?" Yu Sui was saddened when he asked.

  Cheng Feibai doesn't want her anymore.

   With so much trouble tonight, her reputation is completely ruined.


   Being a monk is her final destination.

   But she heard that a master's degree or above is required to be a nun now.

  Isn’t a scumbag not fit to become a monk?

   "It's not easy to delay anyway." Tang Li said, turning his head and meeting Yu Sui's tearful eyes, but he didn't soften his heart: "Go to the hospital for an examination first. If there is, make an appointment for surgery, and then go to the city bureau."

   Yu Sui was puzzled and asked in a choked voice, "Why are you going to the city bureau?"

   "You don't plan to pursue the person who slept with you that night?"

   In Tang Li's opinion, if a girl is drunk to do something bad to her, that's a strong girl.

  Things have happened, and the only thing that can be done is to make those who do evil fall under the law.

   "Are you going to the hospital now?" Yuan Qin asked.

  Tang Li nodded, and after thinking about it, he said, "Just go to the maternity insurance."

   In the emergency department of the Capital Women’s Health Hospital, there are obstetricians and gynecologists on duty.

after an hour.

  The middle-aged female doctor glanced at the blood test list, and then looked at the patient with an unlovable face, "Do you think you are pregnant?"

"It's not." Yu Sui sat on the stool with her head resting on Tang Li's lower abdomen, because a tube of blood had been drawn, and now, she became weaker and weaker when speaking: "I've been getting more and more morning sickness recently, and I still feel like eating I'm not full, just this week, I've gained two pounds."

   "Then have you been to the gastroenterology department?"

  Tang Li: "..."

   "What do you mean, she's not pregnant?" Tang Li understood the doctor's voice.

   Yu Sui raised his head and cast a confused look.

   "At least the HCG value on the list is within the normal range." The female doctor said, putting down the blood test list, "I heard her description, it's more like gastroenteritis."

  Tang Li: "..."

   Yu Sui suspected that he was misdiagnosed: "But I haven't had my period this month."

   It's already the end of the month.

   She frowned firmly: "I think I must be pregnant."

  The female doctor picked up Yu Sui's medical insurance card and reinserted it into the card slot of the machine: "Then do the six tests of personality hormones."

   Another hour later.

   Emergency Building, on aisle seats.

   Yu Sui leaned her head against the wall, her tears had dried up and her heart had turned to ashes.

When Tang Li came back with the medicine, she saw her despairing salty fish appearance. She no longer treated her with the same care as when she came, and threw a bag of medicine into her arms: "For amenorrhea, constipation, and flatulence. The medicines are all in it, three meals a day are taken after meals.”

   "You said, my life is so hard."

   Yu Sui choked out.

  Because of this oolong, her doll failed.

   Wiped the dry corners of his eyes again with a ball of tissue, and couldn't help but howl: "I'm only twenty years old, and I have amenorrhea..."

   Just then, Tang Li's cell phone rang.

   is from Song Boyan.

  Tang Li walked to the side, and as soon as he was connected, he heard Song Boyan ask: "Accompanying the school in the hospital?"

  Song Boyan will know where she is, naturally through Yuan Qin.

   "That's right." Tang Li briefly explained the matter: "Yu Sui is not feeling well, so I did a few checks with her. There is no major problem. I will be ready to go back in a while."

   She paused for a while and then asked, "Aren't you busy this afternoon?"

   It's past four o'clock in the afternoon in Geneva.

   "There are always times to sneak in." In the receiver, it was Song Boyan's answer.

  Tang Li bent the corners of his mouth lightly, and then said: "Look at the online post, there is a chocolate shop in Lucerne that has been passed down for a hundred years, and it's delicious."

   Lucerne is part of Switzerland with Geneva.

  Song Boyan's voice came: "You mean Bachmann?"

  Tang Li didn't expect Song Boyan to know.

   "It seems to be his home." Tang Li replied unsure, "If I remember correctly."

   said, she changed the subject: "Is there an aurora in Geneva?"

   "You have to go to Norway to see the aurora." Song Boyan asked again, "Want to see the aurora?"

   Tang Li hummed, "It is said to be beautiful."

   Before he finished speaking, he was stabbed in the back.

   turned around and met Yu Suihua's little face with her makeup off.

  Tang Li had to put a stop sign on the call: "I have something to do here, hang up first."

   On the other end of the phone, Song Boyan said yes.

   was just a word, but it made her cheeks warm.

  Tang Li put away the phone, and just turned around, Yu Sui suddenly said quietly: "Your Excellency graduated from Huangyan Military Academy, a proper scholar, you are often despised when you are with Your Excellency?"

  Tang-School Scum-Li: "..."

   "It is said that this is called the chain of academic contempt." Yu Sui sighed.

  Tang Lit made a statement: "We are different, thank you."

   This time, everyone is really betrayed!

   Being stared at by Yu Sui with a 'dog, you've changed' eyes, Tang Li couldn't help but tell himself: "At least I won't take the recurring period as my first time."

   Yu Sui: "..."

   Thinking of the gynecological examination the doctor had just done for herself, she was so sad again that she couldn't help herself.

   The doctor's diagnosis told her that nothing happened at the hotel that night.

  The doctor also said that she thought too much!

  Tang Li took the person out of the emergency building. Just after getting into the car, Yuan Qin in front turned around and said, "What did the doctor say?"

  Yu Sui didn't say a word, wrapped her head with a silk scarf and touched the back seat.

   Yuan Qin turned to see Tang Li.

   "Are you going to have surgery?"

   "No." Tang Li replied, "The doctor prescribes medicine, just go to the toilet a few more times."

   Yuan Qin: "...Will this be too cruel?"

  Tang Li: "?"

Good night!



   (end of this chapter)

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