After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1067: I'm not afraid that Song Boyan will kill me

   Chapter 1067 Don't be afraid of Song Boyan killing me

   "Although it's still an embryo, it's not very good to flush it directly down the drain."

   Yuan Qin said again.

   Pregnancy is just an oolong.

   Tang Li was about to explain, but someone took the lead: "That's it, so I'll go to the cemetery in two days, and make it a beautiful burial."

   "..." Tang Li turned his head to look at Yu Sui and asked silently.

   When someone puts a urn in the cemetery, is she going to put a spittoon in it?

   Yu Sui held the silk scarf in both hands and wrapped her head tightly. The sunglasses were already on the bridge of her nose. Facing Tang Li's questioning eyes, she shrank to the car window.

   - She didn't mean to tell this lie.

  ——She just wanted to keep her last bit of dignity!

   Pregnancy and miscarriage are better than being known by a man and accumulating a belly of shit.

   Does she want to lose face?

   Yuan Qin started the car and asked, "Recuperating after a miscarriage, these days, does Miss Tang need another assistant by her side?"

   Yu Sui: "!"

   Good guy.

   This is trying to dig her corner!

   Before Tang Li could reply, Yu Sui struggled to stand up and grabbed the front seat: "I don't need to rest! I can still stand up and continue to burn myself for Tang Li and IMG!"

  Tang Li: "..."

   Yuan Qin: "..."

   Jiang Yunxi left the hotel and went straight back to the Loft apartment she rented.

   "Are you back?" Meng Shu held the remote control in his hand and watched Jiang Yunxi bend down to change his slippers. He never felt uninvited and embarrassed: "I just coaxed Annie to sleep, did I go to have dinner with Aunt Liang?"

  Jiang Yunxi carried her bag to the stairs, and the corner of her eyes just swept to the picture on the TV.

  ——is the replay of the first issue of "Our Little Bear".

  Meng Shu pressed the pause button, Song Jingtian's face occupied the LCD screen.

   "You adopted Annie because of this child, but now this child is not close to you."

  Jiang Yunxi went to a variety show because she wanted to meet Tang Li for a while.

   It was purely an accident to see Song Jingtian.

   Thinking of the child's ignorance of him, but the appearance of Tang Li, Jiang Yunxi said in her heart that she didn't have any feelings.

  Especially, I just ate shriveled at Tang Li's place.

  Tang Li said that there is a big difference in age with her, but she was turning a corner and satirizing her old age.

   "If you want me to tell me, this child will be given to the Song family." Meng Shu put down the remote control: "Even if you grab him now, I'm afraid you won't be familiar with him."

   These words, in exchange for Jiang Yunxi's head.

Meng Shu stood up, not feeling that his words were inappropriate: "Staying in the Song family, he is the family member of the current president and the younger brother of the head of the Song family. In the future, Song Boyan will be old. If he is willing to work hard, he may not have the chance to seize power. Song family."

   Having said this, he looked at Jiang Yunxi again: "It's not impossible for you to return to the Song family."

  Jiang Yunxi ignored it and only said the first sentence after entering the door: "I thought, you still remember your bet with me."

   "Four days."

   Before Meng Shu's defense, she reminded: "You still have four days."

   Four days later, Song Boyan should return to China.

   She can hang on now, what about then?

not to mention.

  What Meng Shu wants to do must avoid Song Boyan, or else——

   Jiang Yunxi couldn't help curling her fingers.

  Success and failure, the price to pay is absolutely different.

   Meng Shu has a close relationship with the Song family's in-laws. If he is really allowed to do it, no matter how angry Song Boyan is, it is impossible for him to die.

   In the end, there is an unresolved result.

   As for Tang Li, it is naturally impossible to stay by Song Boyan's side.

   "The day after tomorrow will be the second recording of "Our Little Bear Boy"." Meng Shu said suddenly.

   Waiting for Jiang Yunxi to cast his gaze, he said again: "As the sponsor of the show, I will propose that each group of guests invite a man to participate in the recording of this episode."

  The other four female guests will definitely invite their husbands.

   But Tang Li couldn't have invited Song Boyan to the show.

   Besides, Song Boyan is still holding a summit of the Twelve Nations in Geneva.

   "In order to increase the visibility of the show, Tang Li will invite male artists who have worked with him to help."

   This male artist is most likely Guan Xiao.

  The two are not in a relationship, and of course they won't stick together 24 hours a day.

   Jiang Yunxi has understood Meng Shu's plan.

  Tang Li was in the crew all day because of the filming, so Meng Shu rarely had the chance to get close to her. If they recorded a variety show together, even if it was just one day and one night, it would create a lot of opportunities to be alone.

   However, thinking about the last time Meng Shu stumbled in Haozhou, Jiang Yunxi cast her eyes again, not completely convinced: "What if she still doesn't buy it?"

   "If you don't buy it, there are countermeasures to not buy it."

  Meng Shu walked up to Jiang Yunxi and lightly tapped her right hand carrying the bag with her fingertips: "You are really willing."

   "If you kidnap the First Lady, you won't be afraid that Song Boyan will kill me."

   The words fell, and his palm was empty.

  Jiang Yunxi's weak words also sounded in his ears: "I have nothing to give up, after the completion of the matter, I will promise you the conditions, and naturally I will do my best to facilitate it."

Because the live broadcast of the first episode of "Our Little Bear Boy" was very good, it also boosted the popularity of "The Most Dazzling Her". The second episode was recorded. Before Tang Li could inform the crew, Director Chen arranged the announcement for her. She took a day off.

   At the end of the day's shooting, Director Chen hid his left hand in the sunscreen suit and entered Tang Li's dressing room.

   "Bring this to Xiao Song for me."

   It was a small glass bottle.

  Tang Li saw the Indian woman attached to the bottle, how serious he looked at it: "What's inside?"

   "What else, sandalwood essential oil imported from India."

Good night!



   (end of this chapter)

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