After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1081: Are you worried that I will be implicated?

   Chapter 1081 Are you worried that I will be implicated?

   Divorce declaration, with only a few words.

Ouyang Qian first said that her relationship with Li Wenyan had broken down. The husband and wife had recently separated, and they were in the process of suing for divorce. In the second half of the statement, she mentioned Tianyi's management rights. Ouyang Qian said that she would hire a professional manager to be in charge of the group's management. In operation, the board of directors unanimously opposed the practice of 'foreign relatives interfering in politics'.

  Tang Li read the statement and read Ouyang Qian's true intentions.

   should be to use this to draw a clear line with Li Wenyan - not to let Li Wenyan get involved in Tianyi.

   For this reason, Ouyang Qian did not hesitate to cut off her arm.

   She herself gave up management rights, what qualifications does Li Wenyan have to fight?

  Tang Li remembered the old case that the Inspectorate was investigating, so he couldn't help turning his head, holding the newspaper and looking at Song Boyan.

  Song Boyan raised his head and his voice was gentle: "What's wrong?"

   "My father's case, for so many years, the evidence is not easy to collect." As far as the witnesses she knew, only Ren Zhengxiong.

   As for the so-called 'witnesses' on the Internet, Tang Li never counted on them.

  Those are just tool people found by Han Jifeng.

  Talk about the matter-

   Even if Ren Zhengxiong came forward to testify, it could only prove that Li Wenyan violated discipline when performing his mission, but he could not be convicted of intentionally shooting Tang Shen.

   Even if Li Wenyan took the Tang family's private property, this charge is not enough to sentence him to life.

   What's more, Li Wenyan had planned to throw the blame on Ouyang Qian for a long time.

   "I'm afraid that after the investigation, there is still no way to file a case."

   Moreover, she herself is involved here.

   Keep checking, I am afraid that sooner or later, Tang Yin will be found, and she will be brought out.

  Song Boyan may suppress the evidence related to her, but there is no wall in this world, and the disclosure of her life experience is not a good thing.

  If she wasn't with Song Boyan, of course she didn't care.

  The Tang family did something wrong, and she never wanted to excuse her.

   However, when it comes to Song Boyan, she can't help but be concerned.

   "Actually now, if I can't become a member of parliament, and I'm being investigated by the superiors, I've been devastated all day long. That's enough for my father."

  Song Boyan stopped reading the newspaper, his eyes fell on Tang Li's face, with tolerance: "The inspector's bureau has not yet come up with results, are you ready to retreat?"

"Of course not." Tang Li paused for a moment, then met Song Boyan's eyes again: "I just think that if there are some problems, if you can't get an optimal result after the root, then it's not necessarily a bad thing to let it stop at a certain stage. ."

   "Are you worried that I will be implicated?"

  Tang Li did not deny it.

   Looking at Song Boyan's right hand pinching the newspaper, Tang Li's hand also stretched out.

   She put her hand on the back of Song Boyan's hand.

   "It's not easy to have a family again, I hope we can always be fine."

  This is her wish.

   is the goal she strives to achieve in this life.

   Song Boyan let go of the newspaper with his right hand, flipped it over and clasped her hand.

  The five fingers of a man are different from the softness of a girl, they are firm like steel bars, and the palm of your hand is as warm as when she was holding her waist last night.

   seems to be a random hold, silent, but full of strength, an invisible sense of security.

   At this moment, Tang Li felt that he had changed back to that eleven-year-old girl.

   also seems to return to that remote small village in southern Yunnan.

   There is carefree, there are people she loves, and there are people who love her.

   She folded her knuckles, and Song Boyan's warm and dry hands formed a gesture of clasping her fingers together.

   Then, the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up.

  If Tang Yin is still alive, you can hear her say——

  ‘Look at Mom, other girls have it, and I have it too. ’

  ‘Even, mine is better than theirs. ’

  Song Boyan's warm voice came: "What are you laughing at?"

   In words, it is hard to hide the love.

  Tang Li shook his head gently, and then raised his eyes: "I will finish the project soon, and I will not join the group for the time being. When you have time, we can go out for a walk." It was like a honeymoon.

  Song Boyan followed her meaning: "Then it will be in late September?"

  Tang Li nodded like smashing garlic.

  Song Boyan smiled, seeing Tang Li's satisfied face, and also Haiqing Heyan in his heart.

   At this moment, voices came from outside.

   Before the others came in, Tang Li took out his hand.

   held the chair and moved to the side.

   The little face looks serious, but instead, there is a sense of sight that there is no silver 300 taels here.

  Song Jingtian was the first to smell something was wrong.

Entering the restaurant with Aunt Min and the others, the little guy just happened to see the elder brother's right hand on the dining table retracted. After watching TV dramas a lot, he almost guessed at once that the eldest brother and Tang Li must have been secretly in the same room just now. handle.

   No, I found myself here, and immediately returned to everyone.

  Thinking of this, the little guy felt sour.

  Tang Li heard the sound of the chair beside him being pulled, and turned his head to meet Song Jingtian's grape eyes.

   "Why?!" The little guy's face was wrapped in a white cloth strip, from bottom to top, the cloth strip was tied with a bow on the top of his head, and he was also wearing a nightgown, just like a sick patient.

   Aunt Min saw her confusion and explained: "Second Master pulled a tooth yesterday."

   said, and also brought a glass of milk to Tang Li: "Our second master is a little man, and he cooperated with the doctor throughout the whole process without shedding a single tear."

   "That's not it." Song Jingtian sat down next to Tang Li, "Our old Song family has no cowards, the elder brother doesn't cry when he gets bullets, how can I cry when I pull a tooth."

  Tang Li looked at him carefully: "You didn't cry, why are your eyes swollen?"

  Song Jingtian: "..."

   At the critical moment, fortunately, his mother and elder brother rescued him.

  Song Boyan said, "Eat breakfast first", which brought the topic of tooth extraction to the past.

  Tang Li had breakfast at Tan Palace and went to the studio to catch up.

   After the play at noon, Yu Sui rarely stayed by the side. When she returned to the dressing room, she saw Yu Sui in the aisle and a middle-aged beautiful woman standing opposite Yu Sui.

   Even if he had only met once, Tang Li recognized him at a glance.

   is that Mrs. Cheng.

  —— Yu Sui's former mother-in-law.

"Since it's a misunderstanding, there's nothing to say." Facing Yu Sui again, Mother Cheng had long since returned to her former kindness: "You're a fool too, you didn't know to buy a pregnancy test stick before the news was announced. , If you test it first, how could there be such an oolong that night."

   Yu Sui buried her head and didn't take care of Mother Cheng.

"That night Feibai was also talking angrily." Mother Cheng said again: "He likes you too much, so he can't accept that you are pregnant with another man's child. Auntie came here today to tell you, Suisui, although that Auntie Wan and your mother had an unpleasant quarrel, but you are still the daughter-in-law of our Cheng family, and both auntie and your Uncle Cheng recognize you in their entire lives."

   As soon as he finished speaking, another female voice interjected: "Does your son have no legs or a long mouth, and he doesn't come by himself, so he has to rely on his parents to come forward, or does your family have a ghost marriage?"

  Mother Cheng: "!!!"

   Without waiting for Mother Cheng and Tang Li to confront each other, Yu Sui said, "Auntie, go back, I won't marry Fei Bai again."

   "Sui Sui..." Mother Cheng also wanted to save this prospective daughter-in-law.

  Yu Sui interrupted her: "Fei Bai thinks I have no culture, I don't have any culture, but at least I know that **** is really bad."

   "And, with my family's conditions, I won't really be wanted by anyone."

Yu Sui took a deep breath when she saw Shang Cheng's mother's disbelief: "I've been watching the news for the past two days, and I heard that boys who gain weight during adolescence are like toothpicks. Although Feibai has lost weight now, I don't want to take the rest of my life. Sex is a joke, my husband must not have only three minutes in the future!"

  Mother Cheng: "..."

   Yuan Qin, who just came to deliver something: "..."

Good night.



   (end of this chapter)

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