Chapter 1082 Wedding Dress

  My son, urinating is his pride.

  Have you ever been despised by others? !

   Besides, it’s not okay to be rejected on the bed.

   This is enough for an adult male to attack!

   Mother Cheng never imagined that the little girl who used to circle around her son all day would now speak ill of her son.

   In just one second, Mother Cheng found the reason.

   She pointed at Tang Li and questioned Yu Sui: "Suisui, tell the truth to Auntie, are you having an improper relationship with this female star?!"

  Tang Li: "???"

   This brain hole is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

   Yu Sui immediately retorted: "Auntie, don't talk nonsense, A Liqing and I are innocent!"

   "Innocent? If you are innocent, will you escape marriage with her that night?"

  Mother Cheng has recognized Tang Li.

   is not the culprit who provoked the feelings of the Feibai couple that night!

"I'll tell you how your personality has changed so much in the past six months." Mother Cheng held her handbag, and the more she recalled, the more she felt that it was like this: "I stopped reading good books, and went to the brokerage company and said that I wanted to be an assistant. It's rare to come here. When you go home, keep your mouth open and shut your mouth, don't leave this female star, and even sleep in the same room on a business trip, in your eyes, I think it's gone for a long time!"

   "..." Tang Li.

  Tang Li felt compelled to remind the brain tonic master: "Auntie, people in their forties and fifties, it is very dangerous to have such unhealthy thoughts."

   "Why, you still want to kill me?!"

  Mother Cheng was shocked to realize that she had dug out the tip of the iceberg, and was angry that she had become the victim's family: "You little three who ruined the marriage, what qualifications do you have to point fingers at me!"

  Tang Li: "..."

   Yu Sui couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "Auntie, if you do this again, I'm going to be angry!"

"Angry? I'm more angry than you!" Mother Cheng pressed her right hand with her jade ring on her chest and stared at Yu Sui with disappointment: "I thought you really like Fei Bai, so even if you are old, you still pull down your face and ask for help. You, you're better, are you right to fly white?"

   Yu Sui clenched two small fists.

   It was clear that she was the one who was abandoned, but now she was beaten down.

   These days, Cheng Feibai didn't send her a single message.

   Mother Cheng knew that her pregnancy was an oolong, how could Cheng Feibai not know?

   Her parents have always liked Cheng Feibai and wanted them to get back together.

   Cheng’s parents are also the same.

   But she still had a fresh memory of what Cheng Feibai said. He thought she was not smart enough, and he thought she would take her out.

  Yes, she can only get 29 marks in the math test, but she is not really brainless.

   Even if Cheng Feibai obeyed the family's arrangement and married her, she would still look down on her. Cheng's mother is not a living Bodhisattva. In the future, her father will retire, and she will not be scolded to death in the Cheng family.

   At this point, why not let the Cheng family give up completely!

   "That's right!" Yu Sui looked determined.

   She looked at Mother Cheng again, "I like Tang Li, I just want to be with her, Cheng Feibai can't even match her finger!"

  Tang Li: "..."

  Before carrying the pot, did you ask her?

   Cheng's mother was angry: "I think you have no shame!"

   At such a time, of course, the next powerful medicine is needed.

  Yu Sui looked at Tang Li who was not far away, and flew towards him. Tang Li was someone with a family after all, and he was all too familiar with this 'hungry wolf rushing for food'.

   Before she could react, it was dark before her eyes, and a tall and thin figure blocked her.

   In order to get rid of Mother Cheng, Yu Sui is ready to fight!

   However, it is one thing to plan in your heart, and quite another to put it into action.

   As she was about to hug Tang Li, she closed her eyes.

  Thinking that stretching his head and shrinking his head is a knife, two feet tiptoe slightly, mouth pouted, and go straight to kiss.

  Tang Li: "..."

  Mother Cheng: "..."

   Yuan Qin: "…………"

   "Simply shameless!"

   Mother Cheng left the stage angrily.

   There were only three people left in the aisle.

   Yu Sui slowly opened his eyes, and what he met was not Tang Li's pair of deer eyes. At this moment, the touch on his lips became clearer.

   The person she was holding seemed to have a flat chest.

   In terms of feel, it’s not bad.

  's close gaze also made Yu Sui's brain dull.

   Then, the other party reached out and pushed her away.

   As an eyewitness, Tang Li said in a timely manner, "Are you alright?"

   Of course it wasn't someone Yu who asked.

   Yuan Qin turned his head, nodded at Tang Li, handed her the stewed beaker in his hand, and left the studio, without saying a word or looking at Yu Sui.

   When Yuan Qin's figure disappeared, Tang Li looked at the hungry wolf.

   Yu Sui was also looking at her.

   Big eyes and small eyes, the two of them looked at each other.

   In the end, Tang Li was defeated first.

   "Back to the dressing room!"

   As soon as the door was opened, the sour hot air rushed in.

   "Yeah, my snail powder!" Yu Sui hurriedly pushed Tang Lixian away.

  Unfortunately, it was already swollen.

  Tang Li looked at the small half bowl of snail noodles, and then at Yu Sui's mouth - so Yuan Qin really saved her.

   As for the thermal insulation bucket, it is the sand ice sent by Tan Gong.

  It is said that it was made by Song Jingtian himself.

  Tang Li just took a bite of the smoothie, and the phone screen also lit up.

   is a message.

   is from Jiang Yining, who has not been seen for a long time.

   Jiang Yining came to ask her for money.

   As if afraid that Tang Li would not agree, Jiang Yining sent another photo.

  Tang Li clicked on it and found that it was a pregnancy test report.

   It says six weeks pregnant.

   In the report, it was indeed Jiang Yining's name.

   Six weeks ago, Jiang Yining was still hooking up with Li Wenyan.

  Jiang Yining didn't turn a right angle, and asked for 20,000 yuan when he opened his mouth, stating that it was the nutrition fee for raising a baby, and proposed that Tang Li would transfer 20,000 yuan to her every month until she gave birth to a child.

  Tang Li answered three question marks.

  【Jiang Yining】: "Unless you don't want this brother anymore!"

  【Tang Li】: "Oh, destroy it."

   Jiang Yining: "..."

   found that coercion would not work, Jiang Yining quickly changed his strategy.

   Tang Li just took the third bite of the smoothie when the phone vibrated again.

[Jiang Yining]: "I saw the divorce statement in the newspaper. Your aunt hated me for a long time. For the safety of the fetus in my womb, I can't go to your uncle for the time being, Li, the only person I can ask for help is you. already."

   What Jiang Yining is planning is not difficult to guess.

   is nothing more than thinking that the mother is more expensive than the child.

   Hiding now is not to hide from Ouyang Qian.

   She was afraid that Li Wenyan would not want the child.

   These days, I guess I'm still hesitating whether to have an abortion or give birth.

  Ouyang Qian's divorce statement obviously gave Jiang Yining hope again.

   Jiang Yining sent another message——

   "This child has only one sister, Li, I will let him honor you in the future."

  Tang Li transferred 5,000 yuan to her.

  【Tang Li】: "Abortion fee and nutrition fee are collected."

  【Jiang Yining】: "..."

  【Jiang Yining】: "Ali, do you have to be so cold-blooded and ruthless?"

  【Tang Li】: "You don't need five thousand yuan, return it to me."

system information--

  【Jiang Yining】has confirmed to receive the money.

   After receiving the money, Jiang Yining replied with a message——

   "One day, Li, you will regret today's decision."

   Similar mom's declaration, Tang Li has not seen it before, and replied to Jiang Yining's last message: "I hope you will not regret today's decision in the future."

After   , no new news came in.

  Tang Li saw that——

   Jiang Yining was determined to have this child.

   As for fortune and misfortune, she is no longer able to intervene.

   The filming of "The Most Dazzling She" is coming to an end. For the next two days, Tang Li concentrated on the crew.

   On the afternoon of the third day, she received a call from Song Ru.

  Tang Li went to Tan Palace after the play.

   As soon as she stepped into the living room on the second floor, she saw the wedding sample booklet on the coffee table. Song Ru was sitting on the sofa, discussing related matters with the manager of the wedding company.

   On the phone, Song Ru had already told Tang Li that Jiang Yunxi's marriage was set.

  Wedding in mid-September.

   This time seems a bit rushed.

  Song Ru’s explanation is—

   Mr. Meng's health is not very good, and he wants to take advantage of this marriage to be happy.

   On the woman's side, the Song family is responsible for the preparation.

   Xiao Minglan gave the stall to her daughter.

  Song Ru asked Tang Li to come over to prepare a dress for her, "The wedding is not open to the public, and there will not be many invited guests. When that time comes, if you follow me, others will not be confused."

   In this way, Tang Li's identity is equivalent to a bridesmaid.

  Song Ru chose a long pink dress for her.

  Tang Li was about to try it on when two staff members came in with a box.

  The suitcase is opened, and inside is a set of Chinese wedding dresses.

   At first sight, it reminds people of Feng Guanxia.

  Golden silk red clothes, full of elegance and luxury.

  The retro small stand-up collar, the three-quarter sleeves surrounded by embroidered beads, and the hand-embroidered Phoenix Yufei, which circles the shoulders and chest, and the three-dimensional trim waist tailoring make the whole set of Xiuhe suits full of exquisite beauty.

   "This is this year's new style." The manager introduced: "The matching headwear is also from a well-known domestic designer."

  Song Ru stared at the Xiuhe suit for a while, then raised her head suddenly, her eyes with a smile fell on Tang Li: "Since the bride is not here, let Ali help you try it on."

Good night!



   (end of this chapter)

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