Chapter 1091 You should treat me badly

   She read the "Current Affairs Weekly" before and knew that the first half year of the new president's tenure was very heavy work pressure, and each president's work style was very different, and the schedule was also different.

   One night when she stayed at Tan Palace last month, Song Boyan held a conference call at ten o'clock at night.

   As a leader, the staff naturally have to stay up all night.

   However, Song Boyan didn't work too late most of the time when she spent the night in Tan Gong.

  Although he didn't say anything, Tang Li understood in his heart—

   is Song Boyan accommodating himself.

  Don't want to delay Song Boyan's work progress, Tang Li closed the door again, and didn't want to go back upstairs, so he simply waited outside.

   Late at night, Song Boyan closed the document at hand.

   went to the door of the office, turned off the lights, and opened the door.

   As soon as he went out, he saw a shadowy figure leaning against the wall beside the door.

   Tang Li was originally standing.

   Later, my legs were sore, so I squatted down.

   In the end, the jars were broken, and they sat on the ground.

   After sitting for some time, he leaned his head against the door frame and fell asleep in a daze.

When Tang Li came downstairs, his hair was only five minutes dry, because there was no air-conditioning in the aisle. At this moment, a thin layer of sweat broke out on his face, with a few strands of hair sticking to it, and even his neck was sweaty. .

   He heard a faint sound of closing the door, and Tang Li opened his eyes in a dream.

   One side of his head, as far as his eyes can see, are men's trousers.

   "Wake up?" was her familiar voice.

   Without Song Boyan reaching out to pull, Tang Li stood up by himself.

   leaned against the wall, his head still groggy.

  Song Boyan saw that she didn't wake up, and a smile appeared in his eyes, but his tone slowed down: "I'm so sleepy, why don't you stay in the room?"

   "I can't sleep, I'll go out for a walk." Tang Li put his hands behind his back, raised his eyes and looked back: "Are you done?"


   Song Boyan finished his words, and his eyes fell on Tang Li.

   When she saw the nightgown she was wearing, she couldn't help laughing: "I don't wear short-sleeved shorts in this weather. What do I do with my nightgown? It's not too hot."

  Tang Li said: "I just like to wear it like this."

   then asked back: "Can't you?"

   Song Boyan didn't say no, but the smile didn't fade away, and then asked her, "Can you go by yourself?"

  Standing for a while, Tang Li's legs were no longer numb.

   So, she nodded.

   "Then go upstairs." Song Boyan said.

  Tang Li followed suit, and was about to follow, Song Boyan stopped first, and when she saw that she was throwing her two long sleeves like a singer, she called someone to her side.

  Tang Li didn't know why, but Song Boyan took her hand and rolled up the cuffs for her.

  The left sleeve was rolled up and replaced with the right sleeve: "Such a little sloppy, it's a shame I didn't apply for the military academy, otherwise, I would cry every day."

  Tang Li didn't say anything, just stared at the man in front of him.

   When the right sleeve was about to be rolled up, she said, "You should be a little mean to me."

  Song Boyan raised his head and cast a doting gaze: "Well, you want me to abuse you?"

   "..." Tang Li was speechless.

   She wanted to tell Song Boyan that she was not a good woman.

  If he is a little bit more to himself, he can do anything with peace of mind.

   However, when the words came to his lips, it became difficult to speak.

   Back in the bedroom, Tang Li sat quietly beside the bed.

   She thought that Song Boyan was going to take a bath, but Song Boyan quickly came out of the bathroom with a twisted towel in his hand.

   As Song Boyan approached, Tang Li raised his head.

   The next second, the towel fell on her face.

  The beads of sweat on his forehead and cheeks were wiped off, and his facial features were instantly refreshed.

  Tang Li opened his eyes and heard Song Boyan say, "If it's really uncomfortable, go take a shower."


   The daily update will resume tomorrow, okay?

   (end of this chapter)

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