After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1092: The first step is to sleep in separate rooms

   Chapter 1092 The first step, sleeping in separate rooms

   Tang Li lowered his head and sniffed himself.

   Nothing sour.

  In this case, there is no need to wash again.

  Thinking like this, I took off my slippers and got on the bed.

  Song Boyan stood by the bed with the towel, watching Tang Li squat into the bed without a word, and then lay down with his back to his clothes without a word. He didn't ask any more questions, and just put the towel back in the bathroom.

  Tang Li was lying on his side on the bed and heard the sound of water rushing from the shower.

  It is said that the first step in the breakdown of the relationship between husband and wife is the Cold War.

   To put it more simply, it means ignoring it.

   Her reaction just now illustrates this very well.

  Inexplicably, I remembered the phrase 'the head of the bed fights at the end of the bed'.

   What does this mean—

   Husbands and wives sharing the same bed will help eliminate internal conflicts.

   This goes against her original intention.

Tang Li sat up and got out of bed again. Before Song Boyan got out of the shower, she hugged a pillow from the bed, took out the charger data cable on the bedside table, and poured half a glass of boiled water before opening the main unit. The bedroom door backed out.

   She went to the guest room where she used to sleep.

  Take the pillow off the bed and replace it with the one you brought.

   Then, the charger plugged into the bed, kicked off the slippers, and lay on the bed.

  Because of the heat, do not forget to turn on the air conditioner.

   also made a decision in his heart: move back to Washington One tomorrow.

  A quarrel is too emotional, so it has to be handled coldly.

  Separated, separated and separated.

At room temperature of 10 degrees Celsius, Tang Li opened the mobile phone memo and prepared to draw up a [statement]. The content of the statement, of course, was to clarify her relationship with Song Boyan. In the future, once someone revealed her life experience, this statement would be sent to you. use.

  She has already thought about the beginning—

   "Yes, we did date."

The second paragraph of    begins with the accusation she wants to organize.

   - accusing Your Excellency of abandoning her ruthlessly after knowing her background.

   In the third paragraph, you can mention how Song Boyan neglected her for work.

   In the last paragraph, she must express her resentment towards the "ex" and her determination not to communicate with each other.

   And the relationship with Gao Wenlan…

   In addition, there is a risk of becoming a bad actor.

   If it is really boycotted by the whole people, the film and television works she participated in will be unlucky.

  There is no way—

   When the time comes, I can only make a PPT apology.

   As for the compensation, she has to start saving now.

  Fortunately, those endorsements are only signed for one year, and the contract will not be renewed next year.

Halfway through writing the    statement, Tang Li's typing speed slowed down.

   After separation, should she go abroad?

   After all, this is how it is played in TV dramas and novels.

  The problem is that her current situation is not enough for immigration.

Investment immigration, at least 30 to 40 million yuan; marriage immigration, you have to find a foreigner to marry; family immigration, except for Li Wenyan, her family is dead, and it is not suitable; as for skilled immigration, I heard that Canada lacks plumbers ', She is now going to learn to repair water pipes, and she doesn't know if it will be too late.

   One lay on his back, and Tang Li stared at the chandelier above his head.

   Running with the ball must not be done.

   At that time, she can't support herself, how can she take care of the children?

   With the current global housing price trend, as a single mother, you can’t afford to buy a house in the school district.

  Song Boyan's child cannot be raised as a waste by her.

   With a heavy heart in his arms, Tang Li couldn't remember how he fell asleep. When the door of the guest room was twisted open, the thin quilt on the bed fell on the carpet.

   As soon as Song Boyan came in, what he saw was someone sleeping on the bed.

   The pillow he used frequently was also found here.

   And the charger for his phone.

Thinking that she came out of the bathroom, not to mention that the bed was gone, and even the water in her cup had bottomed out. Now that she saw the culprit who was sleeping soundly, Song Boyan was also laughed at by her series of actions. Sit down and notice that Tang Li's phone is still on—

   On the screen, is the automatic reading mode of a novel.

   "One Child Nine Treasures: Where to Run A Hot Wife! 》

   is quite viable.

  Song Boyan put down his phone, and the person on the bed moved, kicking him, hitting his knee.

   This kick can be powerful or small.

   Before Song Boyan could react, Tang Li woke up first.

Tang Lizheng dreamed that she was riding an electric car while moving house. Suddenly, the electric car hit a big tree, and she flew out like an upside down, and she was about to fall into the sewer without a manhole cover. She was excited and hugged the pillow. sit up.

   Half-opened his eyes and found a dark shadow in front of the bed.

   Then, she heard a steady voice: "Why did you run here to sleep?"

   is familiar to him.

   Realizing this, Tang Li lay back again.

   Confused, he reached out and dragged the pillow into his arms.

  Song Boyan saw that she treated the pillow as a treasure, so he didn't stop him, just picked up the quilt and put it on her.

   The next second, the girl turned around, her cheeks touching his thighs.


   There was an accident yesterday. The day before yesterday, I signed a complaint for medical malpractice. Yesterday, I was told that there was a problem. The lawyer found new evidence and ran outside for two days, making everyone wait for a long time!

   (end of this chapter)

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