After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1094: Only responsible for picking, not responsible for wearing?

   Chapter 1094 Only responsible for picking, not responsible for wearing?

   It’s true that I want to shoot an advertisement.

  Feng Qi helped her talk about Del's luggage endorsement. The contract was officially signed a few days ago, and the announcement of the commercial shooting came after the variety show was recorded.

  I thought Song Boyan would say, "It's the same with living in Tan Palace." Tang Li began to think about how to shirk, but Song Boyan nodded: "Since it's convenient to live there, this arrangement is also possible."

  Tang Li never thought that he could go so smoothly.

   Seeing Song Boyan loosening his tie and entering the cloakroom, she couldn't help but follow.

  Song Boyan is here to change his shirt.

This one on   's body, because the secretary made coffee and didn't put the cup away, and the cuffs were stained.

  Song Boyan took off his tie, also noticed the little tail in the mirror, his expression was gentle: "Don't continue to organize?"

  Tang Li said: "It's almost cleaned up."

   said, he also walked to Song Boyan.

   Thinking that it will be difficult to have this kind of relationship in the future, Tang Li stretched out his hands and took the initiative to help Song Boyan get the cufflinks of his shirt, with a very serious expression.

  Song Boyan put down his right hand and looked at her slightly unfamiliar movements, in a condoning tone: "Why did you suddenly make a small padded jacket?"

   "It's not just being idle."

   Tang Li replied, and he didn't stop unbuttoning his cufflinks.

   put the pair of obsidian cufflinks in the drawer, and she helped with the shirt.

   Knowing that Song Boyan wanted a white shirt, Tang Li immediately chose one and took it with a hanger.

  Song Boyan put on his shirt, and also warned: "If the living in Washington One is not good, we should move back to live there."

  Tang Li nodded, not letting himself show too much emotion.

   was about to go outside, but his arm was pulled.

   A pair of cufflinks were placed in her right heart: "Only for picking, not for wearing?"

  Tang Li pinched the cufflinks and turned around again.

   The process of putting on cufflinks is obviously more troublesome than getting them.

  Tang Li took a lot of effort to fix the shirt sleeves with cufflinks. After the cufflinks were put on, Song Boyan also loosened her shoulders.

   Song Boyan's meeting was not over at noon, and Tang Li ate the meal alone.

   Leaving Tan Palace, why did he drive her.

   Tang Li wanted to call Yuan Qin, but He Wei appeared in the restaurant first and told her that it was Song Boyan's decision.

   "Your Excellency is still busy in the Cabinet Room, and ordered me to personally **** my wife back to Washington One."

  Tang Li was not pretentious and obeyed this arrangement.

   Go back to the apartment, open the door with fingerprints, and find a woven bag at the entrance.

   is the same style used by migrant workers to enter the city.

   looked up and looked at the person squatting on the chair eating instant noodles.

  Wu Xuehan got down from the chair, came to the door with the electric cooker, and noticed the trolley behind Tang Li: "Ali, did you and your Excellency quarrel?"

  Tang Li: "..."

   "I'm going to record a show tomorrow. It's quicker to start from here."

   After finishing speaking, Tang Li carried the box back to his room.

   Wu Xuehan followed behind: "I'll just say, Your Excellency is such a good person, why are you willing to quarrel with him, Li?"

  ——Is Song Boyan good?

   Tang Li opened the box for a while, and the answer was obvious.

  Song Boyan is of course good.

  's kindness to her is tolerant everywhere.

   She said she wanted to go back to Washington One, and Song Boyan asked his chief of guards to send her off.

  I didn't even ask her a word.

   It seemed that no matter what she was going to do, Song Boyan was always supportive, and she had prepared a way out for her.

   She is not used to living here, she can go back at any time.

   - Back to his side.

   Wu Xuehan ate the noodles and said, "Yu Sui just told me that the fourth issue of "Our Little Bear Boy" was recorded in a small mountain village in Guizhou."

  Guizhou borders southern Hunan and is not far from southern Yunnan.

After drinking a pot of soup, Wu Xuehan looked at Tang Li again: "Ali, Yu Sui went to the countryside yesterday to worship her ancestors. When she was sitting on a pole in the open air to go to the toilet, she was accidentally stung by a wasp, and her left eye was swollen. Great, she asked me to work as her assistant for two days."

  Tang Li asked her: "Your company training is over?"

   "Yeah!" Wu Xuehan nodded: "I'm going to prepare for the make-up exam next."

  Tang Li: "..."

   Thinking of how many times he still failed the exam, Wu Xuehan sighed: "I don't know what the principal thinks. It's obviously an art school, but the curriculum arrangement is on par with ordinary colleges and universities. It's really willful."

   For Tang Li, it doesn't matter whether he has an assistant or not.

   Originally wanted Wu Xuehan to read at home, but Yu Sui expressed firm opposition.

  【Yu Family's Only Miaomiao】: "If Wu Xuehan doesn't go, I won't come to work in the future!"

  Tang Li saw this group message and replied with a word.

  【Tang Li】: "Oh."

  【Yu Family's Unique Miao Miao】: "..."

   This is embarrassing.

  I want to withdraw, two minutes have passed.

  【Yu Family Du Miao Miao】: "[Crooked mouth burst into tears.jpg]"

  【Yu Sui Du Miao Miao】: "@wujiafacai, is Tang Li in a bad mood today?"

  Wu Xuehan turned his head with his phone in his hands, looked at Tang Li, who was wearing glasses and using a laptop on the sofa, and typed quietly, "No, I'm just a little busy."

  Tang Li didn't look at the phone, just stared at the laptop screen.

The    browser interface was found by her, about Tang Shen's news back then.

   After Li Wenyan killed Tang Shen, other accomplices involved in drug trafficking can be said to be brought to justice.

   Twenty years ago, it was the time when the S country hit hard.

   Therefore, most of those drug dealers were sentenced to life.

   As of now, no one has been released from prison.

  Tang Li typed in the keyword 'Tang Shen's daughter', but no photos of Tang Yin could be found. In addition, after many years, it is almost certain that Tang Yin has never been exposed to the public.

   Therefore, the person who sent her the photo had either seen Tang Yin or was familiar with the Tang family.

   It has been two days, and the other party has not contacted her yet.

   Now that she has moved out of Tan Palace, it doesn’t matter what time it is.

   does not directly expose, in this way, it shows that the other party must have a plan.

   As for the picture, Tang Li did not make useless guesses.

   She didn't want to carry this matter silently.

   When the other party contacts her, she will tell Song Boyan about everything.

   She doesn't want herself to be Song Boyan's weakness, it doesn't mean she is ready to be slaughtered, what if the other party just wants to use her to restrain Song Boyan?

  It is one thing for her to leave on her own, it is another to be blackmailed.

   The next day, Tang Li and Song Jingtian met at the airport.

   While waiting for the flight, the little guy's eyes kept darting around her, Tang Li turned to look at him: "What are you staring at me for?"

   "Are you having trouble with my big brother?"

   (end of this chapter)

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