Chapter 1095 Feeling homesick?

   Even if it is really awkward, Tang Li will not admit it in front of the children.

   She pushed the sunglasses on the bridge of Song Jingtian's nose, "I disappoint you, we are fine."

   The little guy pouted and didn't believe it: "Okay, then why did you move out?"

   "Can't you have a temporary work arrangement?"


   Of course.

  Song Jingtian withdrew his gaze and leaned on the public chair.

   He was the only one who knew how disappointed he was when he couldn't find Tang Li when he came home from school.

   Knowing that Tang Li likes to eat sesame seeds with dried plums, he specially queued for a quarter of an hour at the sesame cake shop near the school. He did not ask the driver to help, and even went to buy two cups of boba milk tea.

   When he got home, Aunt Min told him that Tang Li was gone.

   is a bolt from the blue!

   In the end, the sesame cake was given to the tiger whip, and he drank the milk tea himself.

   At the dinner table, he wanted his eldest brother to call Tang Li back, but the eldest brother said that Tang Li would have a lot of things he wanted to do at his age. It would be stupid to lock people in the house all day.

   He doesn't agree with the big brother's point of view.

   Is there anything more important than being with someone you like?

  If he was the eldest brother, he would let Tang Li stay in the Tan Palace every day, and Tang Li would buy her whatever she wanted.

If Tang Li wanted to play games, he would accompany her to play double row. It was really boring, so he asked Guo Li to arrange a visit abroad, and then took Tang Li with him. He would travel around the world at public expense, and the president's plane. Don't be too cool. .

   As for official business, it would be good to hire a few more secretaries.

   A secretary like Guo Li is very capable.

  When the time comes, he only needs to be in charge of playing.

   Song Jingtian thought so, and turned up his small sandals, who told Tang Li not to choose him.

   Big brother takes work too seriously, but he is not the only one who is full of eyes.

   Lined up to board the plane, Tang Li and the others met Jiang Yunxi unexpectedly.

After Jiang Yunxi's wedding, whether it is her face or dress, she is a bit more mature and virtuous, with her maroon textured perm over her ears, and a diamond-encrusted handbag sandwiched with the boarding pass. It is not difficult to see that marrying into the Meng family, at least materially. Jiang Yunxi did not suffer any grievances.

   Going to record the show, there is a nanny around to take care of Annie.

  Jiang Yunxi also saw Tang Li, but ignored him and went straight to the end of the line.

  Song Jingtian turned his head to watch, then pulled Tang Li's T-shirt: "Her dress is pretty good."

  Tang Li retracted his gaze from Jiang Yunxi's back, and then looked at Song Jingtian's puff-sleeved floral dress. After a summer vacation, the little guy gained a few pounds, "It looks good, but it's not suitable for a big butt."

  Song Jingtian: "...!"

  The last time Song Jingtian's IpadPro was confiscated, Tang Li discovered that on the little guy's certain treasure account, the browsing records were either girls' dresses or wigs.

   also bought more than 20 cartoon hairpins for 9.9.

   I put it on my head today.

   Since becoming Xiaohuamaru, Song Jingtian has completely liberated his nature.

  The plane arrived in Guizhou at night.

   The program team no longer asked to sleep on the live broadcast, and set a recording time for tomorrow morning.

  Song Jingtian drew the house and won the second room.

   As soon as he arrived at the residence, Song Jingtian took off his shorts. When he entered the bathroom, Tang Li also took out a change of clothes from the trolley case, and was about to change the four-piece suit on the bed.

  [Go to the village? ]

  Tang Li replied with an 'um'.

   Not long after, I received Song Boyan's instructions.

[Take good care of yourself. ]

  Tang Li controlled himself not to call back, however, when he turned his head and saw the moonlight hanging in the night sky through the window, he still replied: "Tonight's moon is a bit round."

   After a while, the phone vibrated lightly.

[homesick? ]

  Tang Li did not deny it.

   was thinking about how to answer when Song Boyan's text message came in again.

  [After recording the program, I will go back to Tan Palace with Sedum. The old lady is also talking about you. Aunt Min is learning how to cook Yunnan cuisine in the past two days. You grew up in southern Yunnan. After you come back, you can also give her some advice. ]

  Tang Li picked up the phone case and didn't reply immediately.

   Having said that, if you find a reason for yourself, I am afraid that you will be noticed.

   It is not impossible to go back and live for two more days.

  Separation is a major event, and it must not be rushed. It must be planned slowly.

   If you suddenly tear your face, it will be too emotional.

   A few minutes later, Tang Li hummed again and pressed the send button.

  Song Jingtian came out of the bathroom wearing a nightgown and found that Tang Li had already put on the thin quilt. He tossed his slippers and went straight to bed, asking, "Is this very close to your former home?"

   To say close, it is not very close.

  Almost 300 kilometers.

   Drive on the highway, about three hours.

   "How about we go to your hometown in southern Yunnan in the morning the day after tomorrow?"

   "You don't have class on Monday?" Tang Li asked him back.

  Because the recording of this episode started on Sunday morning, Song Jingtian asked the head teacher for leave on Friday, but he could not say that he was Xiao Hanamaru, he only told the head teacher that he wanted to accompany his elder brother to see foreign VIPs.

   It doesn't matter whether the head teacher believes it or not, he will immediately approve it for one day off.

   He has already thought about it.

   The day after tomorrow, they went to Tang Li's hometown to play around, and then returned to the capital from the airport in southern Yunnan.

  Tang Li did not agree.

   "I'm in a hurry, and I have no preparations, so come back next time."

  The first episode of the program is down, and my body is almost exhausted.

   Then travel across provinces.

   Especially with a small child.

   She didn't want to get tired when she returned to the capital.

   "Who said there was no preparation." The little guy was unhappy, and took out a small notebook from his small round bag, plus a ballpoint pen, "Last night, I did a strategy."

  Tang Li: "..."

  Whether to go to southern Yunnan, the two of them did not reach an agreement all night.

   The next morning, the little guy came to ask her how she was thinking?

   "Have you finished picking up your cow dung?" Tang Li hit the nail on the head.

  Song Jingtian: "..."

  This morning, the program team assigned tasks to the guests.

  The adults are responsible for reclamation, and the children are responsible for picking up cow dung in the village.

   As soon as Tang Li finished speaking, the program staff came to arrest Song Jingtian.

   The little guy picked up half of the cow dung, and while the photographer was not paying attention, he hung the dung fork and the basket on the scarecrow, and ran to Tang Li himself.

   When Song Jingtian left, Tang Li also returned to the ground.

   As soon as she picked up the sickle, Jiang Yunxi's voice sounded beside her: "It's all said to be close to nostalgia. I don't think Miss Tang has much nostalgia for this place."

  Tang Li straightened up and looked back, with a slight smile: "I am a southern Yunnan native who is afraid of Guizhou. Mrs. Meng wears the crown like this, and she is careful to be photographed by the photographer."

   "What are you talking about?" Du Wei came over, followed by the camera.

   "Oh, I didn't say anything." Tang Li said truthfully: "It was Mrs. Meng who said that southern Yunnan is under the jurisdiction of Guizhou, and I am correcting her misunderstanding."

   Jiang Yunxi: "…………"

   In the afternoon of the same day, Jiang Yunxi was on the hot search because of illiteracy.

   However, Jiang Yunxi responded very quickly and immediately posted a short video online, denying Tang Li's remarks.

  The client has clarified that it can only be Tang Li lying.

   For a while, the Internet was full of posts mocking Tang Li.

  Tang Li did not follow the trend and posted a video, but only reposted Jiang Yunxi's explanation and pinned it to the top.

   Seeing Jiang Yunxi reposted by Tang Li: "..."

   At this time, Meng Shu sent a message asking where she was.

   Learning that Jiang Yunxi was having dinner at the entrance of the village, Meng Shu quickly replied-

  [Find an excuse and call Tang Li to the stage at the end of the village. ]

   Afraid that Jiang Yunxi would not cooperate, he said again: "You don't want her to leave Song Boyan, tonight is an opportunity."

  Jiang Yunxi typed and asked——

[What are you going to do? ]

  【Meng Shu】: "Someone has been looking for her and will take her away from S country."

   Jiang Yunxi: "Who is it?"

   in a minute.

   Meng Shu replied to her: "A person who can make her never come back."

   The program group arranged for a big pot of rice in the evening.

   After dinner, Tang Li was about to take Song Jingtian back to Room 2 when his phone vibrated, which was a short message.

   [Song Jingtian is not Xiao Minglan's child, I am his biological mother. I am going to recognize this child. As for the child's father, it is time to tell you. ——Jiang Yunxi]

  Tang Li raised his head and happened to make eye contact with Jiang Yunxi who was not far away.

   Jiang Yunxi sent a second text message.

  【I am waiting for you at the end of the village, don't let the photographer follow. 】

   After Tang Li read the text message, Jiang Yunxi had already got up and left.

   "What's wrong?" Song Jingtian was curious.

Good night.



   (end of this chapter)

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