Chapter 1096 Jiang Yunxi is missing

  Tang Li put away his phone: "Nothing, sell text messages."

   "Really?" The little guy questioned.

  Tang Li handed him the phone: "How about you read it yourself?"

  Song Jingtian wanted to see it, but he didn't know the unlock password of Tang Li's phone, and it was useless if he took it, so he could not help but hum: "I trust you for now."

  Tang Li stood up, and just as he was about to urge the little guy to go back to his residence together, a text message came in from his cell phone.

   is still sent by Jiang Yunxi.

   This time, Jiang Yunxi reminded her not to bring the staff.

  Tang Li did not reply to the text message.

  The phone was put into her jeans pocket by her, and she just called Song Jingtian to leave.

  Jiang Yunxi asked her to meet in private, and used Song Jingtian's life experience as a raft, just to capture her eagerness to know who the father of the child was. After all, Song Jingtian's appearance looked like the Song family.

   It's just that Han Jifeng mentioned this before.

   Hearing that Song Jingtian was not from Xiao Minglan did not shock her too much.

   She doesn't care who the child's father is, as long as it's not Song Boyan.

   And that Han Jifeng's attitude has long confirmed this.

  The secret that had been buried for eight years, Tang Li didn't believe Jiang Yunxi said that it would be made public.

  Since he didn't say it back then, Jiang Yunxi must have made an agreement with the Song family.

  Song Jingtian's father is most likely a taboo in the Song family.

   Now Jiang Yunxi dared to use this matter to deceive her, but because they were out of town, she wanted to ask Song Boyan for confirmation, but she couldn't fly to him at once.

   As for what Jiang Yunxi told her to do.

   Nine times out of ten, I want to find her to 'reminisce about the past'.

  Tang Li didn't intend to make himself uncomfortable, so he didn't bother to pay attention to this invitation.

   Back in Room 2, Tang Li was about to cover the camera with a towel, but Song Jingtian dug out a foldable beauty fill light from his trolley case.

   Then, he asked Tang Li to help remove the corner camera.

   "What are you going to do?" Tang Li had a bad premonition.

  Song Jingtian put the fill light on the table and gave Tang Li an angry look: "What else can I do, I'll be fine if I'm idle anyway, I'll start a personal live broadcast for everyone."

  Tang Li: "..."

   Seeing that Tang Li did not dismantle the camera, Song Jingtian immediately found a clothes drying fork.

  One device costs 30,000 to 40,000 yuan at least.

   Afraid that he would stab him, Tang Li stood on the stool and took down the camera.

   Waiting for Tang Li to adjust the camera's shooting angle, Song Jingtian has put his arms around the large and small bags to the camera, including donkey-hide gelatin cake, small walnut kernels, deer antler and rock candy bird's nest.

   In this scene, Tang Li seemed to be familiar.

  Tang Li also asked: "You don't want to live broadcast and bring goods, right?"

  Song Jingtian: "..."

  Tang Li felt that he had guessed correctly. Ignoring the little guy's rolling eyes, he picked up a small packet of walnut kernels, "This brand of walnut kernels is good. My assistant bought it last month."

Song Jingtian thought that he would not be able to bring the goods tonight, but he didn't expect Tang Li to praise the products he brought, so he immediately replied: "Of course, I bought them all on the official website of [Mrs. Niu], and there is an event tonight. Buy 2 get 1 free, and the price is only 59.9.”

   That's right, there is no trace of advertising.

  Tang Li opened a can of donkey-hide gelatin cake: "This looks good too."

   "Pear, flower, card, ah, glue."

   Then, Tang Li read the sign.

  Song Jingtian picked up the lid of the can and slammed in front of the camera: "It's also a flagship store of a cat. Order now, buy one get one free, nationwide free shipping."

   In the live broadcast room, a bullet screen with big red font appeared——

   [The surnamed Tang is no longer a human being, and tricked the child to accompany her to sell goods on live broadcast! 】

  【Everyone strongly condemn her tonight! 】

  Song Jingtian rested on the IpadPro beside the table, which is also the synchronized picture of the live broadcast room.

  Tang Li glanced at the barrage that denounced her.

After interrupting the live broadcast, Tang Li picked up the tablet: "In order to repay everyone's love for me and Xiaohuamaru in these episodes, we decided to draw a wave of prizes, and the winner will be presented with a box of small walnut kernels, [My Ningning Dumei No. 3] You don't have to participate."

  【My tui! 】

  【You think I'm rare. 】

Tang Li held the tablet and said again: "Everyone can start swiping the bullet screen, count down to five numbers, take a screenshot, and send a private message to [Tang Li's favorite assistant] in the comment area of ​​the winning audience. The prize will be available within five working days. issued within."

   After that, the live broadcast room was full of screen refreshes.

  Tang Li counted to '3', and the big red barrage rushed like a tide.

  Tang Li: "..."

  【Duck punch! 】

  【Duck punch! 】

  【Duck punch! 】

  【Why not count? ! 】

  【Why not count? ! 】

  【Why not count? ! 】

  Tang Li closed the screen and smiled at the camera: "In view of a certain audience who seriously disrupted the lottery order, today's event is temporarily cancelled."

   [The surnamed Tang, cheating black fans was struck by lightning! 】

  Song Jingtian came over: "Is there really no lottery?"

  Tang Li put down the tablet and said solemnly, "What should I do if I get caught by a black fan, and then she eats walnut kernels and pretends to be cerebral palsy and touches porcelain online?"

  My Ningning Dumei No. 3: …………

   "It makes sense." Song Jingtian sat beside her and picked up a bottle of rock candy bird's nest: "Then let's continue to bring the goods."

   However, before the bird's nest with rock sugar could be put on the shelves, the door outside was hurriedly knocked.

  Tang Li went to open the door, and it was the assistant director who came.

   The assistant director wiped the sweat from his forehead, just like the night on Jiming Island, Tang Li couldn't help but ask, "Is someone poisoned again?"

  Little Assistant Director: "..."

   Although it wasn't poisoning this time, it wasn't much better.

   "Annie's mother wasn't inside, right?"

   said, and tiptoed to glance behind Tang Li.

  Tang Li couldn't hide the anxious expression on his face. Thinking of Jiang Yunxi's appointment to go to the end of the village, he reminded: "I heard from her just now that she was going to the grandstand at the end of the village."

"It's not the end of the village!" The assistant director said, "Her nanny said that she hadn't seen anyone for a long time, and she couldn't get in touch. The director asked us to look for it. In the end, we found a shoe of Mother Anne's in the stands, but the person didn't disappeared."

  Tang Li: "Could it be that he was visiting a villager's house?"

   Although this may be minimal.

   The assistant director shook his head: "I've searched the whole village. The villagers said they didn't see anyone, so I called her, she was connected at first, but now it's turned off."

   Just then, the assistant's walkie-talkie rang.

   In the midst of all the noise, the assistant director listened to the other party and looked up at Tang Li with a sad expression: "The chief director said that Mother Annie might have been taken away by a beast in the mountains!"

  Tang Li: "???"

   In the room, Song Jingtian was still broadcasting live.

   The little guy was eating bird's nest with rock candy, when he found Tang Li back, he asked, "What's up?"

  The disappearance of Jiang Yunxi was unknown to the audience.

  The program team temporarily blocked the news.

  Although they called the police, their village was far from the city, and the police came for at least an hour and a half.

  Because it was already dark, the villagers did not dare to rashly bring staff into the mountains for search and rescue.

   As for Song Jingtian, Tang Li was not going to tell him.

  In the night, Tang Li and Song Jingtian just lay down, but the sound of bamboo poles smashing and falling on the ground came from the courtyard.

   If there is time, I will add another chapter in the early morning, to be determined.



   (end of this chapter)

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