After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1098: I didn't let you play on your own

   Chapter 1098 Didn't let you add drama without authorization

   At 9:30 in the night, temporary traffic control was implemented in the whole city of Guizhou, and Tang Li and Song Jingtian, who were kidnapped, also formally joined Jiang Yunxi in a van.

  The door of the van was pushed open, and a stench of salted fish came out.

  Song Jingtian, who was wearing slippers and a nightgown, instinctively stepped back, but was shoved into the car by a big golden chain.

   Immediately afterwards, the retching sound of the little guy came.

   Tang Li had foresight and covered his mouth and nose with his pajama sleeves.

   As soon as she got in the car, she saw Jiang Yunxi who was **** with five flowers.

  Jiang Yunxi's mouth was stuck with tape.

  The rear of the van has been remodeled, the seats removed, and only a few small horses are placed.

  Tang Li cooperated very well and chose the position by himself.

  Song Jingtian saw that she did not resist, and did not perform stand-up comedy again. He unfastened the tie of his nightgown from his waist, tied it under his nose, and then sat obediently beside Tang Li.

   In addition to the big gold chain and the land, there are two other kidnappers guarding Jiang Yunxi.

   Right now, the four of them are discussing something in front of the car.

  I don't know what to say, the big golden chain turned his head and cast a gloomy look into the car.

  Song Jingtian got closer to Tang Li: "Are they trying to tear up the ticket?"

   Tear up the votes is not enough.

   Otherwise, you should have started in the village just now.

  Tang Li glanced at Jiang Yunxi, who was leaning against the carriage: "It is estimated that they are discussing whether to silence the redundant insiders and clean up the traces of kidnapping."

   Jiang Yunxi has always been in the state of salted fish.

   Hearing Tang Li's words, he began to struggle desperately.

   She looked at Tang Li, and there was a distress signal in her eyes.

  Tang Li didn't help her to tear the tape over her mouth.

The moment    took out Jiang Yunxi's mobile phone from the land master, Tang Li already knew that the kidnappers would know exactly which house she lived in, and Jiang Yunxi had to provide information.

   "Woooo..." Jiang Yunxi tried to speak.

  Song Jingtian glanced at her and asked Tang Li in a soft voice, "What did she say?"

  Tang Li looked away from Jiang Yunxi: "It's probably because of the urgency of urination."

   Jiang Yunxi: "..."


   Jiang Yunxi tilted her head behind her.

  Song Jingtian suddenly realized: "She wants us to help untie the rope."

   Jiang Yunxi nodded hurriedly.

  Tang Li turned Song Jingtian's head back: "If you are a hostage, you will be a hostage, and you will not be allowed to play without permission."

   Jiang Yunxi: "..."

   Not long after, the kidnappers got into the car one after another.

  Song Jingtian stared at the big gold chain and clenched Tang Li's left pinky finger.

  The big golden chain threw the cigarette **** out of the car, and made a gesture at Tang Li with the gun in his left hand, motioning her to sit with Jiang Yunxi.

  Tang Li didn't say a word and dragged his pony over.

  Song Jingtian followed closely.

  The flower-armed man in the passenger seat, his eyes were going back and forth between Song Jingtian and Jiang Yunxi, showing a bit of gloom, and then he looked at the big gold chain: "Sao-anh-khong-giet-chung-di?"

   Tang Li understood.

   The flower-armed man didn't want to take Song Jingtian and Jiang Yunxi with him.

   But he didn't intend to let them go back.

   Realizing what he wanted to do, Tang Li took Song Jingtian to his side: "You can't hurt my brother."

   "He, your brother?" The big gold chain was dubious.

  Tang Li said yes.

  The big golden chain smiled sarcastically: "You think we haven't checked it? Your mother, only gave birth to you, and your grandfather gave birth to only your mother, you, where did you get your brother?!"

   The land man on the side interjected: "Take the child back and let him be a child soldier."

   Baby Soldier, Tang Li is no stranger to this name.

   She thought of Tang Yin's photo.

  Han Jifeng said that Tang Shen had swallowed Issa's goods.

   So, the photo is a teaser.

   She had no name in her previous life, and these people naturally found her hard to find. Now that she is an actress, they can follow the clues when they go to inquire.

   "This woman, get rid of it?" The land master pointed at Jiang Yunxi.


   Jiang Yunxi shook her head again and again.

   Her hands and feet were tied, and she was in a state of embarrassment at the moment.

   Tang Li could see that the big golden chain was the head of these people.

  The big golden chain stared at Jiang Yunxi as if hesitating. It was not their intention to kill people in country S. The laws of country S were strict.

   Even if you want to kill it, you have to take people through the border checkpoint.

   Just then, his cell phone rang.

  Tang Li was on the side and couldn't hear what the other party was saying.

  The big gold chain hung up the phone and asked the driver to stop in front.

  When the van pulled over, he pulled Jiang Yunxi and dragged the person directly out of the car.

   Even if Tang Li didn't like Jiang Yunxi, it was a life after all, and he was about to say something to stop him, but the big golden chain came back.

   As for Jiang Yunxi, he was thrown by the roadside.

   "Go!" Dajin Chain closed the door while explaining to the driver.

The    flower-armed man turned his head: "Neu-co-ay-goi-canh-sat-thi-sao (what if she calls the police)?"

  Because they communicated in Vietnamese, the big gold chain didn't care about Tang Li: "This is Ming's order."

   In order to appease his companions, he added: "It is clear that she will not call the police."

  No, not afraid.

Tang Li remembered that Jiang Yunxi had asked herself to go to the end of the village alone, a guess flashed in her mind, the moment the van started, she leaned over the window: "Sister Yunxi, run! You are Your Excellency's sister, Your Excellency knows you Missing, the police force of the Guizhou Municipal Bureau has been mobilized, if you run back now, you should soon encounter a police car."

Before the    voice fell, the person was pulled back.

   Landlord has put a gun to her chin: "You! What are you shouting!"

  Tang Li shivered.

  The flower-armed man grasped the main point of Tang Li's words: "You said, who is she?"

   This she, of course, is Jiang Yunxi.

   "Sister." Tang Li's face turned pale, and he dared not answer, "That's right, don't you know?"

  Jiang Yunxi was thrown on the side of the road with her hands and feet bound.

   The hands tied behind her made her unable to break free, let alone stand up.

   was about to save herself when two black shadows appeared above her head, and then she was lifted up.

   Then, she went back to the van.

   Jiang Yunxi: "..."

   When Jiang Yunxi was captured, Tang Li did not speak any more, and acted as a transparent person according to Song Jingtian.

   There are few vehicles on the road late at night.

  The kidnappers expected that they would be stopped by the police when they walked on the main road. At a fork in the road, with a twist of the steering wheel, the van drove into a small road and shuttled between the villages.

   The sky turned white, and the van finally stopped.

   Tang Liben has lived for many years and is no stranger to the border between the two countries.

  Get out of the car, look around, it is a separation wall.

   The kidnappers didn't plan to climb the wall and took them to a nearby village.

   In an abandoned public toilet in the village, the flower-armed man removed the two layers of red bricks under the washstand, and smashed the thick yellow sand with a shovel, and a wooden board appeared in front of everyone.

  The wooden board was lifted, and it was a smuggling passage.

Good night.



   (end of this chapter)

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