Chapter 1099 I advise you to be kind

The    channel is about the size of the wellhead.

   is just enough to allow an adult man to enter and exit.

   After the flower-armed man finished his work, the big golden chain hit Tang Li's waist with a gun, signaling her to go down.

  Smuggling out of the country was something Tang Li did not expect.

   She thought that these kidnappers tied her to a corner and questioned her whereabouts of the billion.

   She is safe until the other party gets one billion dollars.

  If you leave S country, many things will be out of control.

At this moment, Yuan Qin must have discovered the disappearance of her and Song Jingtian. She believes in the road monitoring system of S country and the criminal investigation ability of the police. What's more, Song Jingtian has also been kidnapped, and Guizhou must do everything possible to rescue her. hostage.

   They are rescued sooner or later.

   If it's fast, it doesn't even take twenty-four hours.

   This is also the reason why Tang Li has not panicked since he was tied up.


   Once they leave the country, if the S country police try to save people, things will become troublesome.

   Two countries are involved.

  Song Jingtian saw the tunnel and hugged Tang Li's thigh.

  The hemp rope on Jiang Yunxi's feet has been untied by the land master, and her hands are tied in front of her. In order to prevent her from tearing off the tape by herself, the land master always stabbed her in the head with a gun.

   raised Jiang Yunxi from the ground, Duke Tu looked at his companions, and said a long list of Vietnamese.

   Tang Li understood most of it.

   Lord Tudi has not given up the idea of ​​killing Jiang Yunxi.

   He told the big gold chain that Jiang Yunxi could be thrown into the cesspool afterwards.

   Even if this public toilet has been abandoned long ago, the smell of the septic tank is still strong enough to cover up all kinds of odors, and there are not many people here all year round, so there is no need to worry about being discovered by the villagers.

   In this way, they can also cover up the fact that they bound the sister of His Excellency S country by mistake.

   The flower-armed man listened and moved.

   The moment he stretched his left hand to his lower back, Tang Li said, "Who is your employer? I can pay double the price."

   These words interrupted the temporary meeting of the criminal gang.

  The big golden chain glanced at Tang Li, and stopped discussing Jiang Yunxi's whereabouts and left, and only raised his chin at Duke Tudi.

   The Land Association agreed and pushed Jiang Yunxi rudely towards the tunnel entrance: "Go!"

  Jiang Yunxi didn't know that she almost fell asleep in the septic tank, so she pulled the tape and negotiated with the kidnappers: "Do you know who I am? And this child—"

Just as she pointed at Song Jingtian, Tang Li, who was full of righteous indignation, grabbed her words: "I advise you to be kind! Hurry up and let go of my sister Yunxi! She has worked as a translator for country F and is your sister, and she has been on TV and newspapers. Dare to kidnap her, the S country police will arrest you all over the world!"

   Jiang Yunxi: "..."

   Do you want to say that Tang Li is kind?

   Didn't you see that the kidnapper's eyes changed after hearing her words? !

  Jiang Yunxi wanted to say more, but opened her mouth to face the gun of the big gold chain: "If you talk nonsense again, I will kill you with one shot!"

  Jiang Yunxi's complexion suddenly turned white, and he was dumbfounded in an instant.

   However, she didn't want to go down the passage under the washstand.

   Meng Shu said that these people would take Tang Li out of S country, but he did not say that they would also take her with him.

   She wanted to call Meng Shu, but her cell phone had already been taken away.

   When that short winter melon stole her mobile phone, she was still not tied up. It's not that they didn't mention Mengshu, but they didn't respond to the name Mengshu, and because of her "noisy", they put two layers of tape on her.

   is also a hostage, Tang Li's treatment is obviously much better than her.

   Jiang Yunxi also saw that Tang Li wanted to drag her into the water because she was not feeling well!

  The matter has developed to this stage, seeing what Jiang Yunxi thinks in her heart, Tang Li no longer cares, as for leaving Jiang Yunxi, it is just an extra guarantee.

  --if she really had something to do with the kidnapping.

   was driven to the entrance, and Tang Li finally chose to lie down.

   At this moment, if you grind Jiji again, you will only get a beating from the kidnappers.

  Because she has children around her, she doesn't dare to provoke the kidnappers at will. What if they kill chickens and monkeys with children?

   Going down the passage, Tang Li raised his head to pick up Song Jingtian.

   When the little guy came down, she looked at the underground passage.

   Not only lighting, but also a light rail system.

  Tang Li's guess was confirmed at this moment.

  ——These kidnappers were indeed sent by Issa.

  Although she has never been in contact with the smuggling business, judging from the carts on the track, this tunnel is probably used to transport some 'commodities'.

  S country's anti-drug efforts are strong, but it still cannot completely eliminate those inflows.

  The four kidnappers left one person to do the aftermath.

  Tang Li walked behind the big golden chain with Song Jingtian. The little guy's palms were sweaty and he couldn't help but whisper to Tang Li, "Where are they taking us?"

   "If you guess correctly, you should go abroad."

   "Will Big Brother come to save us?" The little guy was a little disturbed.


  Tang Li clenched his little hand: "It won't be long before we come back."

   After seven or eight minutes, the group walked out of the tunnel.

  The tunnel exit is in a private house.

   After coming out of the house, Tang Li saw a block of buildings with Southeast Asian characteristics.

  The streets are a bit dirty, motorcycles and bicycles come and go from time to time, there are many shops on the street, and the facades are erected with bamboo tarpaulins. Under the shadow of the lush trees, there are countless crowds of people.

   And what is printed on the tarpaulin is Burmese.

   The dark complexion of the locals, as well as the Longji, whether male or female, all told Tang Li that they had indeed arrived in Myanmar.

   At this time, a lengthy car whistle came.

  Tang Li followed the sound and looked——

   As far as the eye can see, it is an ordinary pickup.

   However, Tang Li didn't take his eyes back immediately, because the man leaning on the driver's door with a cigarette in his mouth was also looking at them.

   That is a pure S countryman.

   At least his appearance is no different from that of S country.

   I don’t know if it was born like this, or overworked the day after tomorrow. People in their thirties have gray hair.

  Because of the shaved head, it looks a bit wild.

  The big gold chain hid the gun to his waist and was already walking towards the pickup truck. When he walked up to the man, the man also threw the cigarette on the ground and stomped it out with his military boots.

   The two exchanged a few words, and the big golden chain turned around and waved to them.

   Then, the three people from Tang Li were escorted over.

   When they got to the pickup, the white-headed man got in the car first.

   He put on his sunglasses, rested his left arm on the car window, held the steering wheel with his right hand, opened the rear door with a big gold chain, and sat in by himself. The land master began to urge Tang Li and several others to get into the car.

  Tang Li went up, Song Jingtian followed, and Jiang Yunxi did not leave.

   Finally, it was the land man's turn.

   He pinned the gun to his waist and was about to get into the car, when he was greeted by four pairs of eyes.

  ——The back row is full.

   Land Master: "..."

   As for the passenger seat, the flower arm has long been his own.

   After all, it is his home court. The land master took out his gun and pointed at Jiang Yunxi: "You, come down!"

   A minute later, the pickup truck left the market.

  Jiang Yunxi sat in the back, her unkempt hair fluttering in the wind.


   Cousin is here (ω)

  Song Jingtian: "Oh, my little button!"

   (end of this chapter)

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